Since Shad Khan took over Jaguars, team value up more than $205 Million

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Actually - the Nuggets have been in the playoffs ten of the last 12 years he's owned the team and has been in the Western Division finals. But the real class act from Kroenke was in his dealings with George Karl through his illnesses. The Avalanche have won a Stanley cup and have been in the playoffs most years and have the longest streak of sell-outs of any team in the NHL. As far as Avenal goes, I don't keep up on soccer at all so... But didn't Arsenal win the FA Cup this year? I honestly can't see how the team has done over the past three years that Stan has been the majority owner. Soccer apparently doesn't just list win-loss or how a team finished each year. But in looking at what I CAN find, it doesn't appear that Arsenal has faired all that poorly since Stan actually took over.

All that aside, it really appears that Stan views the Rams as his crown jewel in his sports enterprise division. I'm not saying he is going to have us in the Superbowl every year but we will likely have a shot most years. How refreshing is that after the last 30 years (minus of course a few glory years)?

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
I'm in Vegas, so it really doesn't matter to me if the Rams stay or move, (other than honestly, it would "feel good" to me if they were once again called the LA Rams),
but I don't get the animosity directed towards Stan. Who's it coming from? And why, exactly? I think most of it is from petulant reporters with an agenda since they aren't getting their stories.
It's the ghost of Bill Bidwill. St Louis lost the team to Phoenix; losing the Rams, too, would be a terrible reminder of that loss.

But really, Silent Stan is a businessman. We've heard Kevin Demoff talk about the process of getting a stadium built. The process is a script, and Kroenke is the director with a precise vision. He's not going to improvise halfway through to reassure the audience that there will be a happy ending.


Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
I think your read of Kroenke is way off,Khan seem to be doing a good job with that franchise ,but hiring Fisher and the rest of these guys who've done a masterful job of stocking this team with talent ,giving Fisher the coaching budget he wanted ,these things shouldn't go ignored because Stan is attempting to get the rest of the formula it takes to sustain competitiveness in the league and doesn't like to run his mouth and subject every word to the parsing of thousands of scribes looking for a slant on them,not to mention fan interpretation,such as your own.

I don't think Khan will be able to keep that team there and I have long thought if Stan moves out Shad very well could move into StL

My brother in law and sister know Stan very well. I know Stan to the extent that when I was in a rock band growing up in Columbia we bought all our clothes for the act from Ladigos of London on the North side of the city.

Stan just happened to own that store and would always talk to us. I make no claims to knowing him well other than he would always say he was going to show up and watch us and never did.

What you have here is a very, very rich man who is extremely, almost chronically shy...calculating, very smart but shy to the extent that internet denizens can hardly understand.

I know it burned him deeply when some reporters made fun of him during the aborted, ridiculous St. Louis expansion drive that he joined so late....that has an awful lot to do with why he is so hesitant to talk to the press.

Something happened lately in the city and with Stan and the state that leads one to believe that the move to a stadium that will make him happy in Missouri is closer. I know this from Jim Thomas and Bernie Miklasz. Whatever it is I don't know....I know the site everyone likes is north of the current location closer to the Mississippi River.

Whether or not they stay here doesn't change my allegiance. I was a Rams fan when I was growing up in Columbia and I cannot imagine myself being anything else.

Jack Snow is my hero, my avatar and the reason I began loving the Rams......I owe to his legacy.


Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
I was very concerned about Khan taking ownership of the Rams. At the time, IIRR he would have barely been able to buy the 60%. I was flat out sick of Georgia and her siphoning of every last dime she could get out of the team. I knew Stan's history with the Nuggets in particular and knew from that he would not only put money into the team but work toward returning stability to the organization. And he has demonstrated with his pocket book that he will spend the money to build this team and it's ability to benefit the community.

I fully understand why fans in St Louis aren't yet ready to call him "best owner ever" because of the stadium issue but can you really blame him for not coming out and telling you the Rams are definitely not moving? Not only does that take away his main leverage, but the reality is that if the city/county/state doesn't step up, then the necessary partnership just isn't there and not even Stan's billions can change that. The CVC lost a very important case that essentially said that the dome doesn't even come close to satisfying the conditions of the agreement in order to extend the contract. The solution suggested by the CVC was not only insufficient but honestly laughable. If they would have presented something even remotely workable, I suspect we would have a deal in place already.

The idea that Khan would have been better for the Rams because he went to school at nearby Illinois is kind of a joke to me - especially in light of his buying the Jags. IMO, he was looking to buy a team - any team that he could afford. Meanwhile, he has openly leveraged a possible move to get $43 million from the city in stadium improvements while giving no written assurances he will actually keep the team in Jax. This is to a stadium that has hosted the Superbowl and was called the best football facility in the NFL just a few years ago.

So thinking that Khan would give the city of St Louis more assurances or stability than Stan is just not backed up by anything either one of them have actually done. What specifically has Khan done that makes anyone think he would have been better for our Rams? Anything?

I am in the local minority but having grown up with Dan Reeves owning the team I am more happy with Stan than I would be with many times already have the Jags had to buy back something he said. I prefer my owners silent and allowing people like Coach Fisher and Kevin Demoff to be the front people


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
My brother in law and sister know Stan very well. I know Stan to the extent that when I was in a rock band growing up in Columbia we bought all our clothes for the act from Ladigos of London on the North side of the city.

Stan just happened to own that store and would always talk to us. I make no claims to knowing him well other than he would always say he was going to show up and watch us and never did.

What you have here is a very, very rich man who is extremely, almost chronically shy...calculating, very smart but shy to the extent that internet denizens can hardly understand.

I know it burned him deeply when some reporters made fun of him during the aborted, ridiculous St. Louis expansion drive that he joined so late....that has an awful lot to do with why he is so hesitant to talk to the press.

Something happened lately in the city and with Stan and the state that leads one to believe that the move to a stadium that will make him happy in Missouri is closer. I know this from Jim Thomas and Bernie Miklasz. Whatever it is I don't know....I know the site everyone likes is north of the current location closer to the Mississippi River.

Whether or not they stay here doesn't change my allegiance. I was a Rams fan when I was growing up in Columbia and I cannot imagine myself being anything else.

Jack Snow is my hero, my avatar and the reason I began loving the Rams......I owe to his legacy.
Well it certainly seems Bernie has backed off Stan lately ,so maybe he's got something.


Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
Something happened about a month ago, don't know exactly what because everyone is so tight lipped but something definitely happened.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
It's the ghost of Bill Bidwill. St Louis lost the team to Phoenix; losing the Rams, too, would be a terrible reminder of that loss.

But really, Silent Stan is a businessman. We've heard Kevin Demoff talk about the process of getting a stadium built. The process is a script, and Kroenke is the director with a precise vision. He's not going to improvise halfway through to reassure the audience that there will be a happy ending.
Good analogy.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Whether or not they stay here doesn't change my allegiance. I was a Rams fan when I was growing up in Columbia and I cannot imagine myself being anything else.

Jack Snow is my hero, my avatar and the reason I began loving the Rams......I owe to his legacy.

Wow. That in itself should be envied by any Rams fan. I've been a fan since '67 but I was born in LA and my dad and grampa were fans so in a way, that was just the way it was going to be. You - on the other hand have no excuse but being a masochist. :D Seriously though - that is a very cool thing to know about you. And Jack Snow was a hero of mine growing up as well. I actually got an autograph from him and a bunch of the other Rams on a team photo when I was about 10 years old. I brilliantly put it between the pages of a large book to keep it flat and no one knows what ever happened to that book. A real bummer. I think about that all the time.


Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
I got to meet him....he signed my LA Rams pennant that I have kept and now resides in my living room. He was devoted to his departed wife but flirted with every girl in the bar that we were amazing guy. I told him that when I was but a young Rams fan my big brother told me that if I wanted to be a wide receiver I should watch Jack Snow....Jack seemed to be touched by that story and I flatter myself that he was.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I got to meet him....he signed my LA Rams pennant that I have kept and now resides in my living room. He was devoted to his departed wife but flirted with every girl in the bar that we were amazing guy. I told him that when I was but a young Rams fan my big brother told me that if I wanted to be a wide receiver I should watch Jack Snow....Jack seemed to be touched by that story and I flatter myself that he was.
Awesome man. Just awesome. And yeah - Jack's wandering eye was always a topic. Funny that even in this day and age of all information 24/7, you still felt you knew these guys better back in the day.


Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
I have been a nattering fan boy twice in my life....I parenthetically add that I am 59 going on 60 now and I don't care anymore. The time with Jack I just chattered away at everything I knew about him, mentioned the time he caught a ball vs Baltimore by the back end..talked about trying to act like him in my parent's living room.

The second time was when I got to meet Bob Gibson and made an absolute fool out of myself.....Gibson looked down at his feet like won't this fool shut up and I realized what I was doing and how I was acting and accepted my autograph and went away quietly...

Oh well


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I have been a nattering fan boy twice in my life....I parenthetically add that I am 59 going on 60 now and I don't care anymore. The time with Jack I just chattered away at everything I knew about him, mentioned the time he caught a ball vs Baltimore by the back end..talked about trying to act like him in my parent's living room.

The second time was when I got to meet Bob Gibson and made an absolute fool out of myself.....Gibson looked down at his feet like won't this fool shut up and I realized what I was doing and how I was acting and accepted my autograph and went away quietly...

Oh well
Funny. Oh well indeed. I've never met Gibson but just from what I remember of Snow, he was probably tickled. Anyhow, fun stuff.


Oct 29, 2012
There is a huge emotional component to this "poker game" that, if one uses their head, realizes is incredible prevalent in any situation where a sports franchise is part of the local civic consciousness. I get that Kroenke is holding his cards close to the vest, I get that he isn't revealing everything to the public, I get that this is all a negotiating tactic, but they huge aspect that your argument fails to take into consideration is that for 20 years (I was 7 when this team came to St Louis; it is in my blood) we as Professionsl football fans have been expected to shell out money for PSLs and tickets to watch quite possibly the worst team in the entire sport. Granted, we got a Super Bowl one year, but almost every other year we have been treated to a comedy of errors. My parents watched the Bidwells take decades of tradition and pride, pack them in mayflower vans, and steal away over night to a desert, so we know the pain of loss.

Look, I get that LA fans are jaded towards St. Louis fans; we took something from you. But it was not our decision. Our team was stolen from us, and to top it all off, our chance at getting a team we deserved was stolen from us by a two bit city like Jacksonville. We didn't want to take someone else's team; it was thrust upon us as a cheap negotiating tactic by a bitter Georgia Frontierre. I love the Rams so much, they are the only team I really ever knew. But the vast majority of people in this town have been dicked around by one too many billionaires with one too many false promises to where we deserve a little encouragement, or at the very least to be told what we can expect. Stan's silence is an affront to our guarded sensibilities. Billionaires don't care about us, they will chase opportunity, whether it leads them to Phoenix, Jacksonville, or Los Angeles, but we sure as heck won't be taken advantage of again. You want us to fawn over your team, buy your merchandise, heap praise and give you the benefit of the doubt that you have our best interests in mind? Throw us a bone: tell us you are trying.

These are great points and the lines I highlighted in red font are the ones that are the most salient. People in this country are tired of being taken advantage of by the 1%.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
These are great points and the lines I highlighted in red font are the ones that are the most salient. People in this country are tired of being taken advantage of by the 1%.
Well they could always become a 1% er and alleviate that problem,Stan didn't start out a 1%er and his father in law didn't either


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
I'd rather have Chaka Khan than Shad Khan.


I'm old and can't wait another 20 years for a SB W
Jun 28, 2011
Can you all say London Jags? I have a feeling that they are the prime target for that move.