Roger Goodell's Press Conference

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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Since he's clearly not getting fired, at least the steps he's taking are the right steps.

And I do think they are the right steps. I think a Conduct Commission has been in order for some time and I think that he's clearly starting to listen to SERIOUS people who have expertise in these matters. He's not just kow-towing to the pressure from advocacy groups, he seems to really have listened.

If that's actually happened, then that's good.

I still think very little of Roger Goodell, because... CTE. The NFL had evidence that repetitive concussion led to CTE, ALS and other neurologic and neurocognitive disorders and diseases and did NOT disclose it for 3 years during pending litigation, thus allowing an entire "generation" of player to not engage in informed consent. Worse, rather than NOT say one way or the other, they continued to actually disseminate the wrong information "so as to not damage their case". It may have been a legal strategy, but it was unconscionable and grotesque and morally reprehensible and wrong. So, when Roger Goodell EVER says he cares about player health and safety, I just...spit.

But... he wants this job. So much so that he's clearly pulling out all the stops. And in this case, he's had to admit he doesn't know how to put out this fire, (hint: it requires having a moral compass, so he had to hire outside people...). He knows the NFL can't and won't solve the problem of domestic violence or child abuse alone, but it has enormous influence and with that enormous responsibility.

I have to be true to my principles and judge Goodell on his actions. Normally, it's pretty easy, as he's been completely amoral and consistently wrong on everything other than making money for the league. However, I think he may just be turning the corner on this.

I'm not ready to say that he's got it right because... well, we have to see what the Conduct Commission comes up with. It's expected to be VERY comprehensive. I expect that in conjunction with the NFLPA that there will be LOTS of information dissemination going on this off-season between the NFL, NFLPA, teams, staff, agents and players.

On a personal note, I will say this. When this story broke, the number of calls to the National DV hotline spiked 84% if I have that number correct. Goodell cited 80% in his presser, but I read an earlier in depth article quoting the spokesperson for the hotline at 84%. Anyway... they couldn't help HALF of those women (presumably). That means that women in dire circumstances finally got up the courage to call, finally broke through the fear, the grounded fear that abuse victims know all too well that leaving is the most dangerous part... and the phone went unanswered.

There are times when Sport leads society. Why? Because Sports is the crucible in which we distill human virtue. Race, gender, sexual orientation, and now ending domestic violence are areas where Sports can or has lead.

But lead where? Too often folks say, "lead" but lead where? Social, cultural and legal changes, that's where.

Stories came out this week of hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits going back as far as 30 years. Law enforcement just hasn't given a CRAP about prosecuting rape, let alone DV. Things like this major story hopefully will be the beginnings of a host of changes that lead to more than Ravens fans exchanging Ray Rice Jerseys.

The NFL was part of the problem by acquiescing to a broken legal system. Now, by acknowledging that the system doesn't work and holding themselves and their employees to a higher standard, they can lead and have the question be asked, "why isn't there a law against that?" "why aren't punishments more like this?" "if the NFL can support victims and it's a football league, why can't society?"

This is an opportunity and it looks like Goodell and the NFL is seizing it and for the right reasons, meaning beyond profit (although certainly with all the major sponsors chiming in this week, profit was certainly front and center).

I certainly hope they make the best of it. It's in everyone's best interest that they do so.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
Now hanging in NFL's main office.


Understood. I don't want to fire him for stuff I can't prove, even though I have some of the same suspicions as you do about some of the things that have happened. I want him to be fired for this offense because this has to do with saving lives.

BTW, Even though I'm 100% sure that the Cheatriots taped our final walk through, I'm not that unhappy about them destroying the evidence. What would airing it have accomplished? They weren't going to replay the SB. It took MLB awhile to recover from the Black Sox scandal. I'm pretty damn sure the other owners won't let that kind of thing happen again. I can see nothing good happening were the truth to come out except some kind of revenge against the Cheatriots. They have my hate and that's enough for me.
I see some what say ye?? Well how bout -put an asterisk next to their 01 title, give the a Rams their no.1 draft pick for the next 36 years, have Bill Bellicheat address the entire NFL and fans , in regards to, how he decided to cheat because his team was clearly at a disadvantage against the mighty Rams......and that's for starters...


Jul 28, 2014
Outside the lines has done an exposé. Fairly damning of the Ravens and NFL and actually paints Ray Rice as privately remorseful. I still don't buy why Janay Palmer Rice had to accept culpability for "her role" or why Ray Rice would allow that if he truly felt the way he felt... Were he and Janay following the lawyers advice? So many unanswered questions that I'm not sure I want answered...

Oh my..... this is so inept. Jobs will be (have been) lost in the NFL office and within the Ravens organization. Better start figuring out how ownership will/can be punished.

Also some very interesting nuggets on Goodell's favoritism to:

Krat (NE Patriots)

"Two previous times in high-profile disciplinary matters Goodell had dealt, in varying ways, with potentially incendiary video evidence.

The first was the so-called Spygate investigation in 2007 after New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick and his assistants were caught using a secret videotaping system of opponents' coaches over the course of multiple seasons. Within five days, Goodell decided on the punishment, fining Belichick $500,000 and the team $250,000 and stripping New England of a first-round draft choice. But Goodell also ordered all the spying videotapes destroyed, leaving it a mystery how much the spying had helped the Patriots win games, including Super Bowls in the 2001, 2003 and 2004 seasons. Goodell is extremely close to Patriots owner Robert Kraft, and some owners and other executives felt their relationship had played a role in the punishment, which they felt could have been harsher.

Video was also critical evidence in the Bountygate investigation against the New Orleans Saints, whom Goodell concluded had run a pay-to-hit-and-injure bounty program. The Saints head coach, Asshole Face, was suspended for a season, and four other defensive players were given lengthy suspensions. A sideline videotape of the 2009 NFC Championship game against the Vikings was shown by league officials to reporters, who were told that Saints defensive end Anthony Hargrove "smiles and winks and states, 'Bobby give me my money'" on the bench after putting a crushing hit on Vikings QB Brett Favre. Thanks to the NFL's showing the video to reporters, Hargrove became the public villain of the scandal, but it turned out it wasn't Hargrove's voice on the tape. " (NOT RELATED TO A SPECIFIC OWNER BUT GETS TO GOODELL"S HALF ASSED INVESTIGATIONS)

Mara (Giants)

"Such is the assumption by some front offices that Goodell plays favorites among the owners that Woody Johnson, the Jets owner, was enraged after Goodell conducted a closed-door coin-flip to determine whether the Jets or Giants would host the first home game at the new Met Life Stadium in September 2010. The Giants won, Goodell announced, but no team representatives witnessed Goodell's coin flip. Johnson accused Goodell of rigging the coin toss for Giants owner John Mara, who Goodell counts as one of his closest confidants."
Rooney (Steelers).
Rooney (Steelers)

"In 2010, Goodell suspended Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger for six games under the league's personal conduct policy after he was accused -- though not arrested or charged -- with sexually assaulting a college student after a night of drinking in a bar in Milledgeville, Ga. Goodell, however, reduced Roethlisberger's suspension to four games, writing in a letter to the Super Bowl-winning quarterback he could see Roethlisberger was "committed to making better decisions." Steelers co-owner Art Rooney II accompanied Roethlisberger to his meeting with Goodell, and told ESPN he had been in contact with Goodell throughout the four-month process." Was this first time ownership/front office went to a hearing?

Can not wait to see how they split "due process" hairs vis a vis J Jones and his lawsuit for sexual assult/harresment. Is a lawsuit an accusation/charge or nothing when it is an owner. Wasn't a civil lawsuit the only legal proceeedinds against Rotthenberger? (i could be wrong here).


Oct 22, 2013
209RamsFan wanting revenge:
I see some what say ye?? Well how bout -put an asterisk next to their 01 title, give the a Rams their no.1 draft pick for the next 36 years, have Bill Bellicheat address the entire NFL and fans , in regards to, how he decided to cheat because his team was clearly at a disadvantage against the mighty Rams......and that's for starters...
That's one way to go and I understand and share the desire but I follow a different path. I saw this quote about 25 years ago and now its always in my mind.

Add that to the damage to the game and it's not worth it to me.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
For someone being paid 42 million dollars a year you should know how to go off script
" by the Super Bowl " you'll get shit done ?????
What ? You mean 2015
What exactly is taking up all your time Goodell that you can't act decisively ?
Where was the fucking Players Union?
Not represented at the presser ?
Why aren't they backing you up Goodell?
Aren't they the direct representative of the fucked up 3% "microcosm of society ?"


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
FYI a two game suspension is what has been handed out for a long, long time so Goodell did the same thing that has been done over and over to players. The difference is the two videos. Nobody SAW a player hit his girlfriend or wife before so it was never an issue. That's why I have been saying without the tapes NONE of this is happening.
that's why the spgate tapes were disappeared


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 1, 2013
I am old enough to know not to judge without substantial proof or evidence. I am also old enough to have seen many an acting job or know when someone is up against the wall and must respond in a forced manner to cover a mistake that jeopardizes there position and exploits there true motive of self preservation.

I am of the impression that the powers that be are acting in a manner detrimental to the sanctity of the sport while motivated by money greed and the advancement of the sport as a marketing machine, as opposed to representing the players and fans that have grown the sport to were it is today.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I am old enough to know n eone is up against the wall and must respond in a forced manner to cover a mistake that jeopardizes there position and exploits there true motive of self preservation.

I am of the impression that the powers that be are acting in a manner detrimental to the sanctity of the sport while motivated by money greed and the advancement of the sport as a marketing machine, as opposed to representing the players and fans that have grown the sport to were it is today.
Welcome to America.



Pro Bowler
Jun 10, 2014
He is as clumsey as he is stupid. He has screwed up over and over and over. That's too many overs. It is time for him to resign, but his love of power will not ever let him resign. This league will continue to suffer because of his stupid decisions.

What I would have liked to hear is "Media get off our back! Our players break far less laws then the general population. Yes we have a very few players who have problems and we will work with them to get them the help they and their families." "and by the way, we are not changing the Redskins name...EVER. Now go and be real journalists and report on things happening in this country and around the world that are a lot more important. as&#%s."


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Yeah... um... this is just me talking, but I'm glad he didn't say what you wanted him to say.

Several things. Toxicity can pollute something in dilutions that are rather small. Certain things are so toxic that they can be poisonous in dilutions in the PPT or parts per trillion or even PPQ or parts per quadrillion. Exceedingly small amounts. The point is that pollution of something good or pure doesn't take a LOT to create a toxic environment. So the fact that "only a few players" have this problem doesn't in any way diminish that it has created a toxic atmosphere. It has. With respect to Domestic Violence, even as it's been reduced substantially over the last 20 years, it's disgustingly common. If you have not been affected by it, then that makes you blessed. It doesn't mitigate the seriousness of the problem world-wide, let alone all across our country. And that problem exists in the NFL, an entertainment venue which exists on an unfair plane of judgment as does all entertainment. So, I don't want the media to get off the NFL's back. If anything, I want the suck up, boot-licking, ass-kissing sports reporters to not be afraid to actually engage in journalism when the time comes even if that means *gasp* speaking truth to power.

Secondly, and this is just me... This is my hat.

I wear it every day. I wore it to the ROD tailgate in Tampa. My dad gave it to me. Both he and I served in the Navy and have Seneca and Lenape heritage. I've been to the pow-wows, and my first time I danced in the circle to the drums with my young son in my arms (he's 22 now) was one of the most spiritual moments in my life. I get my Native heritage from my grandfather who's probably the best man I've ever known. I carry his driver's license in my wallet as it's the only picture of him I could find after he passed. I say this because... I've really thought about it and the Washington name I've never, ever tried to speak for anyone else on this and I've talked to dozens of native peoples from many nations who either have strong feelings on one side or the other or really don't care.

But, for me. I wear this hat every day. I care. It says I served my country. I have Native ancestry. And I'm proud of both. That Washington name... has a hurtful history.

You're certainly welcome to your opinion. Just understand that for some of us, this is more than fodder for a forum rant.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
Basically " We screwed up but I don't want to lose my cushy gig so shoot we'll fix that." Unfortunately it looks like this guy has dodged a bullet.
Couldn't have put it better myself!!We're stuck with this S--T A--!


Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
I agree that the NFL needs a new commishener! A lawyer who never played a down in the league is not in touch with some of the issues being faced! He's in CYA mode and has been for years! The owners are too! Doubt anything changes as long as the owners like his style!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
That's one way to go and I understand and share the desire but I follow a different path. I saw this quote about 25 years ago and now its always in my mind.
View attachment 3298
Add that to the damage to the game and it's not worth it to me.
This is all well, and good^! But, I prefer Revenge, and it's Best served COLD! I wait for the wright moment in Time, then I pounce, I Always prefer to get Waaaaaaay better than even! JMO!


Oct 22, 2013
DaveFan'51 loving the low road:
This is all well, and good^! But, I prefer Revenge, and it's Best served COLD! I wait for the wright moment in Time, then I pounce, I Always prefer to get Waaaaaaay better than even! JMO!
It's always easy for someone like me to take the high road when I know that there will be many like you who, by taking the low road, are doing what I subconsciously wouldn't mind happening anyway. :whistle: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: Validation that the Rams were screwed would make me feel good too but the price is too high for me. Of course I'm not going to set up any road blocks to you paying it. ;)

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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Man Interrupts Roger Goodell Press Conference on NFL's Shortcomings
By Dan Carson, Trending Lead Writer Sep 19, 2014


We finally have a full, non-grainy version of Benjy Bronk's shenanigans at Roger Goodell's press conference, courtesy of YouTube uploader Dr. Buzz.


It's unclear if Bronk's antics earned him a trip to jail, but we'll keep you updated as details emerge.

Roger Goodell's Friday press conference on the NFL's recent bungling of player discipline cases turned into a sideshow when a man loudly interrupted the proceedings.

Screaming "Don't take me to an elevator!" the man waved his arms and otherwise derailed the conference until security personnel could escort him out of the room.

Early reports from reporters at the press conference and watching on television identify the intruder as Benjy Bronk of The Howard Stern Show.