Over My Dead Body

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
All these players coming out to support the change is makes no sense to me. I don't ever see anyone claiming it is offensive to them personally (which it really shouldn't be... ). All these guys are fighting for a change on behalf of Native Americans who apparently can't speak for themselves? Anyone can take offense to anything they choose....Does that mean we do away with it? I could choose to be offended by Cracker Barrel, let's force them to change their name. There is a difference between being politically correct and forcing a false issue.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
All these players coming out to support the change is makes no sense to me. I don't ever see anyone claiming it is offensive to them personally (which it really shouldn't be... ). All these guys are fighting for a change on behalf of Native Americans who apparently can't speak for themselves? Anyone can take offense to anything they choose....Does that mean we do away with it? I could choose to be offended by Cracker Barrel, let's force them to change their name. There is a difference between being politically correct and forcing a false issue.
Well, there is this...

I have very mixed feelings on this, but if you were to put a gun to my head and ask me to take a side i'd have to go with: Leave the Washington Redskins alone and move on.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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  • #23
All these players coming out to support the change is makes no sense to me. I don't ever see anyone claiming it is offensive to them personally (which it really shouldn't be... ). All these guys are fighting for a change on behalf of Native Americans who apparently can't speak for themselves? Anyone can take offense to anything they choose....Does that mean we do away with it? I could choose to be offended by Cracker Barrel, let's force them to change their name. There is a difference between being politically correct and forcing a false issue.

No word is as offensive as the spirit behind banning it,PC is bullshit from day one Rastaman,a generation that fought like hell against censorship is now in power and imposing their own form

Snyder means to flatter his team with the use of the name,that should be self evident to anyone, his context is not offensive, the MINDS of those who object conjure the offense, which indicates a mindset which yielding to won't satisfy it will only encourage as if we don't HAVE ENOUGH evidence of that from Carlins list.
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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I look at the intent. Why is that so difficult to see for some people? When you decide on a name for your Pro Football team,,, you pick something that will show pride, respect, strength, recognition, and the list goes on way beyond these. All the reasons are positive. This "debate" over the Redskins is really a joke to me. And for the record, my Grandmother was 100% Native American... I take pride in that too.

* I should have pointed out that there is one exception to my theory on the thought behind what goes into picking a name for your Pro Football team... San Francisco clearly had it all wrong. I'm sickened every single time I hear their name.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Well, there is this...

I have very mixed feelings on this, but if you were to put a gun to my head and ask me to take a side i'd have to go with: Leave the Washington Redskins alone and move on.

I'm right there with you Mojo.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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  • #26
Here's my summation and then I hope I'm done,it would be a better world if no one ever said anything that offended others racially, sexually,intellectually, or damaged their self concept body image wise, but if a better world is your goal your methods need to make your goal possible.
Forceful control of the language of others doesn't create a better world,it divides and causes deep resentment,if YOU don't like a word , don't use it ,at least be that honest, if you don't like the person using it ,don't talk to him , but if you confront him especially forcefully you haven't achieved your goal and won't,you will have made an enemy where there is a great possibility no enmity existed anywhere besides your own mind and ,that's the shit you need to keep to yourself ,make yourself better , LET the rest of the world do so without your vane parameters.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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  • #27
I look at the intent. Why is that so difficult to see for some people? When you decide on a name for your Pro Football team,,, you pick something that will show pride, respect, strength, recognition, and the list goes on way beyond these. All the reasons are positive. This "debate" over the Redskins is really a joke to me. And for the record, my Grandmother was 100% Native American... I take pride in that too.

* I should have pointed out that there is one exception to my theory on the thought behind what goes into picking a name for your Pro Football team... San Francisco clearly had it all wrong. I'm sickened every single time I hear their name.
Yeah really a 49 is a sixty niner that was 20 short


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I look at the intent. Why is that so difficult to see for some people? When you decide on a name for your Pro Football team,,, you pick something that will show pride, respect, strength, recognition, and the list goes on way beyond these. All the reasons are positive. This "debate" over the Redskins is really a joke to me. And for the record, my Grandmother was 100% Native American... I take pride in that too.

^ This.


Aug 24, 2013
Next ? well maybe how many children you are allowed, it's serious business when 50 Senators sworn to uphold the constitution band together to deny a basic constitutional right like freedom of speech. Or hell maybe burning books.
America will never burn books!

We will just edit them. Read a new copy of Huckleberry Finn:cry:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
No word is as offensive as the spirit behind banning it,PC is bullcrap from day one Rastaman,a generation that fought like hell against censorship is now in power and imposing their own form

Snyder means to flatter his team with the use of the name,that should be self evident to anyone, his context is not offensive, the MINDS of those who object conjure the offense, which indicates a mindset which yielding to won't satisfy it will only encourage as if we don't HAVE ENOUGH evidence of that from Carlins list.

Ahhh Carlin.

I rarely use the word genius, but he earned that designation from me long, long ago. That motherfucker should have been President his entire adult life.

Some of the most insightful things imaginable came out of his mouth, not just when he was on stage either.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
The meanings of words are a funny thing...they can change over time. For example, the word "boner" used to mean doing something stupid. Now it has a much different meaning.



Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Patent Office has ruled the Washington Redskins nickname is "disparaging of Native Americans'' and that the team's federal trademarks for the name must be canceled.

The 2-1 ruling comes after a campaign to change the name has gained momentum over the past year. The team doesn't immediately lose trademark protection and is allowed to retain it during an appeal.

Redskins owner Daniel Snyder has refused to change the team's name, citing tradition, but there has been growing pressure including statements in recent months from President Barack Obama, lawmakers of both parties and civil rights groups.

The decision means that the team can continue to use the Redskins name, but it would lose a significant portion of its ability to protect its financial interests. If others printed the name on sweatshirts, apparel, or other team material, it becomes more difficult to go after people who use it without permission.

The NFL splits revenue from team merchandise sales and licensing 31 ways (the Cowboys have their own deal). In the end, if the Redskins lose money from losing their trademarks, the entire league will lose money -- and then it no longer just is about the Redskins and their name, but it's about all of the other teams in the NFL (except the Cowboys) losing money. That issue could bring a lot more pressure on Snyder about the name of the team.

The decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board is similar to one it issued in 1999. That ruling was overturned in 2003 in large part on a technicality after the courts decided that the plaintiffs were too old and should have filed their complaint soon after the Redskins registered their nickname in 1967.

The new case was launched in 2006 by a younger group of Native Americans, and was heard by the board in March of last year.

The group argued that the Redskins should lose their federal trademark protection based on a law that prohibits registered names that are disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable.

Suzan Shown Harjo, one of the plaintiffs who testified at last year's hearing, said she was "thrilled and delighted'' with the decision.

Redskins owner Snyder, asked by reporters Wednesday for his reaction to the trademark decision, simply waved to reporters and did not comment.

In Washington, lawmakers who have pushed for a name change applauded the decision. In May, half of the Senate wrote letters to the NFL urging the team to change its name.

"Daniel Snyder may be the last person in the world to realize this, but it's just a matter of time until he is forced to do the right thing and change the name,'' said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has said previously he will not attend home games until the team changes its name.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Just my opinion..........

Somebody should be brought up on charges for this, because there is NO WAY the government should be able to do this type of thing. This makes me sick.


May 19, 2014
Just my opinion..........

Somebody should be brought up on charges for this, because there is NO WAY the government should be able to do this type of thing. This makes me sick.

Free speech and all yes, but I wonder the reaction if a team's name involved other disparaging names from the past used to name a sports team.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Free speech and all yes, but I wonder the reaction if a team's name involved other disparaging names from the past used to name a sports team.
Free speech and all yes, but I wonder the reaction if a team's name involved other disparaging names from the past used to name a sports team.

The NFL can handle it then, our govornment should sdtay out of it, this is nothing but posturing for the voters back in different districts. I will wager every single one of my ROD bucks that every one of the 10 members of Congress that signed a letter sent to Snyder will be pointing to this as a victory to the voters back home.

This is really ugly politics.

I'm no fan of Snyder, in fact he is IMO a turd. But that doesn't mean these guys can do this.......it's wrong.


Jun 1, 2013
The name will be changed. Right now there is nothing worse you can do than offend somebody. An owner said something offensive, he lost his team, yet they let guys like Ray Rice who beats women to stay in the league. The name will be changed, plain and simple.


Jan 14, 2013
Just my opinion..........

Somebody should be brought up on charges for this, because there is NO WAY the government should be able to do this type of thing. This makes me sick.

I agree 100% I consider this direct in your face robbery! Property Rights just taken! UNreal!

Hey guys & gals this is just plain wrong.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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  • #39
Fuck the patent office, they just assured a spike in Redskins attire sales ,PC assholes skirting the constitution will usurp every freedom we have in the name of their monster.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Just my opinion..........

Somebody should be brought up on charges for this, because there is NO WAY the government should be able to do this type of thing. This makes me sick.
Totally agree...It's a society where we all speak alike, and use language that becomes meaningless. George Carlin had a lot to say about this...This is govt coercion to make a private business knuckle under to it's POV. I propsed this elswhere. We could change the Redskins name to the White European Anglo Saxon SKINS, and the the logo could be Napoleon Dynamite..... The name just doesn't sing, however

With the govt ganging up on the Skins, i don't know how the name won't change now.