NFL Chat with Jim Thomas: 8/11/16

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
These are selected questions and answers only. To read the whole chat click the link below. The enmity from St. Louis fans continues. I left out most of the snarkier ones but there are a few posted here because otherwise this chat would be very short.

Plus there are more questions about other teams than there used to be for obvious reasons and I'm not interested in posting too many of those.



NFL Chat with Jim Thomas

What's with TJ McDonald being so far down the depth chart? Is he being punished for something or is there anything else to read into it?

I wouldn't pay much attention to the depth chart at this time of year. They are unofficial. When I was at Rams camp a couple of weeks ago, McDonald was running with the 1s.
StanK and Liar Demoff show their true colors by not showing up for Pace at the Hall of Fame ceremonies. A couple of despicable humans that deserve each other. On a side note, bet the farm on the Rams win total being under 7.5.


I was very surprised that neither took the time to be in Canton. And I feel very bad for Orlando Pace that the organization felt so little of his accomplishment that they couldn't be there. It's yet another telling example that once the relocation vote was in, they were done with St. Louis.

As if those 21 seasons and those two Super Bowls never existed. The Rams sole representative there was Kyle Eversgerd, who's pretty far down the depth chart in terms of team officials.
Who in bleep is "Kyle Eversgerd"? Has that name ever appeared in a Rams story?

He is the team's director of external football affairs. He oversees the Rams' youth and high school football programs and heads the Rams Legends Community program which serves team alumni..
What's your take on the cancellation of the hall of fame game?

Very embarrassing for the league. It's not like they didn't know the game was on the schedule and had no time to prepare, or get the proper paint. I think the fans who bought tickets, and paid for transportation to the game, and bought hotel rooms, and maybe took a couple of days off work, or took some vacation time, should be reimbursed for more than just the cost of the tickets.
I don't suppose the PD would be up for funding you a trip to the home of English Rugby for Rams international series game would they Jim?

Appreciate the thought Gavin, but don't think that's happening.
90,000 expected to be in LA saturday to see the Rams first game. Honestly, that would have never happened in STL. Let's show support for OUR team as we move forward.

Somehow, I don't think many in St. Louis share those thoughts.


Previous questioner mentioned the "liar Demoff"and you have been less-than-complimentary of him. What's Demoff's deal? Is he as rotten of a person as St.Louis sports fans perceive him to be? Or is he just Stan's flunky who says and does everything that he thinks Stan would want him to say and do, simply to preserve his high-paying job?

Trust me when I say this, I am easily the most balanced, fair media person in St. Louis when it comes to my relationship with Kevin and my comments regarding Kevin. The easiest way to put this is: He works for Stan Kroenke.
Did Fisher dig his own grave by saying on Hard Knocks that 7-9, 8-8, 9-7 and even 10-6 would be unacceptable with this level of talent? I mean, he had talent previously and barely hit the bottom of that scale.

Possibly. But 7-8-1, 7-9, 6-10, and 7-9 hasn't gotten him fired yet. So I don't know why another 7-9 would change that.


Just curious if you will be at the Sept. 18 game vs. Seattle? I'm flying in from North Carolina for this very special date.

We will be there.
Just seems a lil unfair to me as a loyal Ram fan. I'm a die hard CA resident, but I have been to STL the past few years and enjoyed my stay. I never badmouthed anyone after the first move. I supported my team and spent thousands of dollars in your community. This should be more than just about Stan, the players are the same kids we cheered for last year. GO RAMS


I sense that some fans in St. Louis feel the same way you do in terms of still liking the players and rooting for the players (regardless of how they feel about Kroenke). And I hear from them on a fairly regular basis. But you must understand, St. Louis was ready to give Kroenke and the NFL $400 million of public money plus a $158 million naming rights deal to build a new stadium and keep the team. In comparison, LA did next to nothing to keep the Rams in 1995.

And LA really did next to nothing in comparison to get the Rams back in 2016 except have 18 million people and have an owner in Kroenke who wanted to build a stadium there so he could enrich himself. Do you see the difference? Do you understand why this hurts St. Louis? Especially since the relocation guidelines were a sham. The other difference: LA never got another team.

If a team came into the LA market like the Rams did to St. Louis, and very early in its existence there went to two Super Bowls, had one of the most explosive offenses in NFL history, was called the Greatest Show on Turf, do you really think those fans in LA would have still stuck with the Rams? C'mon now. Almost every one of them would've embraced the new team. So this consistent theme I get from Rams fans in southern California about sticking with the team all these years rings a little hollow.


Is it pretty much a given the Rams will switch back to the "LA colors" once the current licencing agreement is up with Nike?

Probably. There will certainly be new uniforms, and my guess is it'll be tied into the move to the new stadium in Inglewood.
Jim, when a player enters the hall of fame -what is the typical approach from an organization? Pace only played for the St. Louis Rams, correct- no other team?

Pace played 12 seasons in St. Louis, and played his final season in Chicago (with Lovie Smith as his head coach.) Not sure what you mean about "typical" approach, but Irsay was there for Marvin Harrison and Tony Dungy, the Rooney family was there for Kevin Greene, the York family was there for DeBartolo, etc.
I know nobody's talking about this, so it probably isn't on the table, but if San Diego can't put a stadium deal together, and Spanos doesn't want to go to LA, is there a chance he could entertain going to St Louis? Isn't the Peacock site still approved?

My sense is that Spanos has no interest in relocating to the Midwest.
Did you watch Goff practice and what did you think of his play? Fisher's comments were reminiscent of last year about Foles until he went on the field.....

The first day I was there, I spent more time talking to fans, former players, etc., and didn't pay much attention to practice. But the second day I was there I watched it more like a beat writer would. I am really hesitant to make broad judgments based on a couple of hours at one practice.

Goff threw a lot of underneath passes, but according to Jeff Fisher, that's the part of the offense the Rams were installing. So I really didn't see any "wow" throws or magic from Goff that day. From what I've read since my stop in Irvine, Goff has looked better in camp since then.
Is it safe to say that SaTAN Kroenke is busily throwing his hat in the ring for the title of "Most Hated Man in America?" Especially in lieu of his latest shenanigans kicking off long-time tenants from land that he now controls?

Wouldn't the decent thing have been to offer them a buy-out? After all, this is one of the richest men on the planet -- how much could it have cost him, really?? I mean, he DID give St. Louis PSL holders fair value for their seats AND he helped settle the stadium debt, right? Oh, wait. . . (LOL!)


Yeah, I read the Ben Frederickson story on that topic this morning. Kroenke is one cold businessman. Wonder if he ever thinks about his legacy? How he'll be remembered? Life is fleeting, and you don't get any awards that I know of for being the richest guy in the cemetery.
With all of the new communication technology, I feel that location is arbitrary in the 21st century. I followed along as the team was rebuilt, much of it explained by you on this site.

I just can't seem to get interested in another team yet. I'm still pulling for the Rams. My thinking is that we're one deep threat receiver away from going to the playoffs.

The NFL doesn't know how to paint a field? Disney really took a bath on that mess. Did anyone get fired?

You've got that right. It's easier than ever to follow a team. And as I mentioned, there are many in St. Louis who feel the same way about the Rams. As for your thoughts on the team, you're assuming then that the quarterback situation is solved. And solved this year.
Sounds like sour grapes to me. You cannot compare the two markets, not even close. The potential to what LA offers in comparison is an easy decision.

If LA is such a great market, why did not one but two teams leave after the 1994 season? And why did it take such a mighty market so long to get a team back?
Stan and Fisher get knocked hard by the press yourself included but Fisher has done a good job with the rams. He took over a mess of a team from the idiot spags and they are very competitive. If Bradford doesn't get hurt Rams would have been in playoffs and Stan must see that and that is why he doesn't fire him. Also if you replacement him it could lead to another spags.

Fisher is to be commended for taking the mess he inherited and getting the team back to respectability. But that was 2012 and 2013. It's 2016. He's been there for four-plus seasons now, and the team has been stuck in neutral despite having plenty of draft picks and plenty of resources to change that.
Do the Rams will still honor the STL Rams players in their Ring of Honor? Ike is the only one that was actually an LA Ram; I have a feeling Faulk will get a "bye" because of HOF. What about guys like Holt and Warner, especially if they do not get inthe HOF?

That's a good question. I would think once the Rams are in their new stadium that some accommodation will be made to include those St. Louis Rams.
I'm 52 years old and for the first time, since I was 8, I didn't follow a minute of the NFL draft or off-season moves. Also havent looked at any upcoming schedules or watched 10 seconds of NFL Network. The only reason I'm reading this chat is because I hate the NFL for what they did to us and I enjoy the funny comments from other fans ripping the Rams and the league.

I plan to get my football fix from college games. What has surprised me most is how little I miss the NFL since January's announcement. Do you hear this much from other fans?

From some. But will you still feel the same way by the end of the season? In other words, will you be able to stay away from the NFL?
Does Spanos have any options, if he chooses not to humiliate himself and become Stan's water boy? I don't think it's realistic to expect that San diego will ever be able to do something for him.

He can stay in San Diego in the existing stadium, at least for the short term.
We are about to be inundated with stories about how great it is for the Rams to be home, so pardon me if I take extreme joy by talking about a cancelled Legends Game, a very small crowd at Family Day and the lack of class the Rams showed towards Mr Pace. Now he's booting poor people out of their houses. You just can't script this.


Don't forget sending the "hat email" to former Rams season-ticket holders in St. Louis.


It seems like the 7-9 label is starting to get to fisher. You are what you are coach.

Could be. I would think he's not oblivious to the tweets and posts about July 9 and August 8 being Jeff Fisher Day.
Of the teams that are now competing for StL fans, what do you see as there records, Bears, Chiefs, Colts, Titans?

For the Bears, I see them as 8-8, I dont expect Cutler to have as good of a season with no A. Gase.

Chiefs 11-5, Colts 10-6, Bears 8-8, Titans 6-10. It will be interesting to see how Cutler does without Gase around, but I think some o the lingering injuries at WR and O-line could hurt even more
STL rams fans here, and one thing has really changed all these years, GAMBLING. The fantasy football/DraftKings/etc has really grown the game. For us to say that the LA people won't attend Rams games in the near future is crazy. The NFL is a gambling league, as the average fan is glued due to their "fantasy team" LA will support that crappy product as we did the last 12 years of bad football


Yeah, but you don't have to attend a game in person to gamble.
right, and i'd argue the gambling/fantasy football experience is better NOT being at an actual game....

I think you're right.
How about that HBO hard knocks tribute to St Louis? Best 5 seconds of television ever

Hey, this year's edition of Hard Knocks is all about the league hyping the return of football to Los Angeles Nothing more.


Jim, why would you think the new stadium ring would include space for StL Rams, when Rams execs couldn't be bothered to attend Pace's HOF induction?

Because they'll want to claim what happened in St. Louis.
Jim, what would Spanos do? 1.) Peacock deal is in place, Dome could house an team while new stadium is being built. 2.) Davis goes to Las Vegas. 3.) He becomes Kroenkes tenant. 4.) He just stays and plays in that crappy San Diego stadium.

I mean seriously, if the San Diego people vote down the new stadium in November....would Spanos really choose to be Kroenkes tenant? I would have to think that if Peacocks plan is still good till Dec. 31....he'd have to look at St Louis?

that Peacock deal is going to be a soccer stadium deal in the near future
So Fisher won't stand for 7-9, 8-8, 9-7 or 10-6 for that matter eh? Seems like winning is a priority again. Strange coincidence

Well, Jeff is in a contract year


I, too, have not followed the NFL at all except to check in, from time to time, to see if Goff is failing miserably, which I, in my petty, small-minded way, hope that he does. That is, until he LEAVES the Rams and then, suddenly, becomes the next Peyton Manning. I don't think it will be difficult to keep the NFL out of my life -- except for your chats, which I will continue to read and enjoy -- even though I won't know what you are talking about (probably).

We are only here on earth for a short time and, in my opinion, we should make every second of that time here count. If he were to die tomorrow, Kroenke's legacy is one that none of us would want, despite unlimited wealth and power. He could have been revered in Missouri for helping to bring the Rams to St. Louis and then for keeping them here. If ever a region needed a boost, a 'savior, as it were, it is St. Louis. That stadium could have anchored a tremendous area of redevelopment and, possibly, kick-started the region.

Maybe we don't have the Fortune 500s we once did but had the stadium been built, perhaps, we would have got more. Now we will never know. I guess what I'm trying to say is that SaTAN Kroenke could have been THE big fish in our smaller Midwestern sea -- and had people here loving him -- and he opted instead to be just a SMALL fish in the HUGE entertainment sea that is the Greater LA Area.

He may get his time in the sun but he will always be persona non grata here in is so-called home state of Missouri. I wonder if he'll ever think of the Faustian bargain he made in years to come? And I wonder how many Missourians will dishonor his gravesite like they still do to Art Modell's??


Appreciate the thoughts. Enos Stanley Kroenke has indeed become Malibu Stan
I am surprised their is not more conversation about STL fans following The Browns. As used to bad football we are, they should fit like a glove!

My eye doctor is a Browns fan!


By the way, is the younger demographic embracing the NFL as heartily as did their parents and grandparents? I'm thinking not, judging by the number of middle-aged folks and downright graybeards in the stadia these days. What is your take on the topic?

I see more young people at soccer games. Many more.
May have been answered already but do you know if the Rams games will still be shown locally?

Obviously, the preseason opener this Saturday will be shown here because it is a national game (ESPN). So is the regular season opener (ESPN) The local FOX affiliate, KTVI, Channel 2, is showing Game 2 of the regular season _ the home opener against Seattle. But after that it's Channel 2's call, and I think it will depend largely on the ratings.
Is Bailey ever going to play again? Or is his career over? Bummer how that played out.

It is sad I would think if he had a future with the Rams, and a future playing, he'd still be around the team this season instead of at West Virginia.
It looks like attendance at training camp the last few days has been pretty low. Have you seen any attendance numbers?

I haven't noticed or seen any numbers. I was surprised that attendance dropped off 4,000 from Day 1 to Day 2 on opening weekend. After all, it has been 21 seasons between training camp practices in Irvine. That's a long wait.
They don't really have to be good for a few years, as they will get a bump when the new stadium opens. I figure they probably have 5 years before winning is a priority. Think Fisher will still be the coach at that time?

They certainly will get a second bump when the new stadium opens. Fisher says he plans on coaching the Rams for a long time.
Proof that Georgia was nothing like Stan...didn't she waive her right to hold StL over the barrel in 2005? I think we did some dome upgrades in return. But, that's how an honorable, business person who cares about their community acts. But, we all know what Malibu Stan cares about the most.

Yes, the first milepost if you will in terms of meeting "first tier" requirements was 2005. Georgia did waive that right in return for about $30 million worth of upgrades _ a drop in the bucket compared to what it would've taken to meet first tier guidelines even then.
Here is my take on Goff: stereotypical meat head with a double digit IQ. From what I've seen so far no personality, no brains, dry. For Pete's sake the guy wasn't sure where the sun rises and where it sets


Goff actually is very intelligent. Had a high Wonderlic score. But I agree with you on the personality part. At least from what I've seen so far _ both in person and on TV _ hasn't shown much charisma. But I'm willing to give him a break on that. Maybe he's holding back because he's a rookie. And even if he isn't, it won't matter if he can play.
I would imagine fisher isn't dumb enough not to realize he was brought in solely for the move. He is being richly rewarded and Stan will hire another coach with more potential. After all, Stan discovered Warner, so finding a coach who has a clue (and doesn't make fishers 7M a year) should be easy for him.

Well, I do get the feeling that Stan is the kind of owner who doesn't like paying off fired coaches for years remaining on their contract.
I fully appreciate the emotional bond that develops between a team and it's fans. The owners have never cared about any of that. The NFL is a highly profitable commercial enterprise. At every turn, the owners have been guided by what is going to make the most money land in their pockets.

Stank is a businessman just doing everything he can to get richer. It's all he knows. Billionairess don't become that by being nice guys.

Good points. At least the NFL should drop the Football is Family ads.
I always thought Stedman had the potential to be the team's top WR (maybe not a #1 in the true sense). But, they seemed to elevate Austin above him with his scripted running plays and 4 yard screen passes. Too bad, b/c IMO Bailey was the better overall football player by far. I'll never forget his Punt return on that trick play.


I too thought Bailey should have played more. Not as explosive as Austin but a better route runner, with better hands That trick punt, The Mountaineer, was one for the ages. And one of my favorite TD celebrations ever was Bailey's end zone nap - I forget off the top of my head who it was against - when he reminded everyone "not to sleep on me"
Brandon Fisher is back with the team? I thought he was fired after the Vikings game over that blitz fiasco?

You're thinking of Blake Williams, the son of defensive coordinator Gregg Williams. Brandon Fisher is a defensive backs coach, and a good one. He has a good reputation.
Regarding Demoff, isn't it also true that he has a wry, sometimes odd, sense of humor, and that it's sometimes that which gets him into trouble?

Yep, you are exactly right.
Hoping you are willing/able to share your honest opinion on this: in covering the StL Rams for 21 years, what 3 players come to mind looked like All-Pros in practice but couldn't make it happen on game day? Conversely, which players didn't look great on the practice field but greatly elevated their play during real games?

OK, this is a tough one off the top of my head. But I'll give you one of each. Austin Pettis would be on the all-Earth City team. I.e., had some great moments in OTAs, training camp, etc. Not so much in games. The opposite would be Grant Wistrom, who routinely struggled against Pace in practice _ OK, who wouldn't? _ but was very good on game day.
It seems like many more top players are making the decision to retire while their brains are (seemingly) still intact. Do you see this trend increasing or declining in the future?

Also, with fewer parents willing to subject their youngsters to repeated head-bashings in little league football, junior high and high school sports how much of an impact, if any, will be evident in the NFL and how soon do you reckon any falling-off of the talent level will occur?

Very interesting points you bring up. I'm very interested to see if what looks like a trend is starting develop in terms of younger NFL players retiring.
Chance the AZ Cardinals could take the 1.1 Billion dollar bait to relocate?

No. They are very well entrenched in the Valley of the Sun. With a beautiful stadium.
I'm still a fan of the Big Red. What is the status of Bill Bidwell these days? Does he have any part in running the team, or is it all Michael's show now? I wonder what Mr. Bidwell's thoughts are about STL losing a second NFL franchise.

I don't want to speak out of turn but I don't think Bill Bidwill's health is that great. His son has been running the team for several years now and as you can tell by the standings, doing a great job. And as you may know, Michael B. was a St.. Louis advocate during the relocation process.
I think the Rams will have a top 10 Defense, but I believe they should have brought in a experienced Offensive coordinator. What do you think of the set up?

I'm starting to wonder about your original premise. I keep waiting for the Rams to be a top 10 defense, they have flirted with that status over the past couple of seasons. The pass rush should continue to impress, but they always seems to finish more towards the middle of the pack.
What about the STL connection with the JAGS and Mark Lamping?

As long as London is potentially in play, I don't see the Jaguars looking this way.
Anyone that has been a diehard Rams fan will find it very very hard to root for another team

This, to a degree, will be true even in St. Louis. At least in the short term, while there are still "St. Louis" Rams on the roster.
What did you make of Jeff Fisher as a person during his time here?

With one big exception _ the lie about the Bradford trade _ we had a pretty good relationship. He could be very engaging when he wanted to.


I feel like you bring up the "lie" about a Bradford trade often and seem bitter about it.....just wondering, how should they have handled that? What benefit would it be to tell you what they were going to do? Or, would you have rather just received a "no comment" from the team?

I bring it up only when asked about my relationship with Fisher. It's ancient history. Live and learn, and move on. A beat writer and a head coach spend a lot of time together. You build up a trust, and that trust is very important. All he had to say _ as he had in several other instances, and as his predecessors had done on dozens of occasions _ is yeah we're working on something but you can't print that. That's all. But my friend, life is too short to be bitter.
I think the Rams should look for a good RB to come in behind Gurley. I think if he gets hurt they will be in trouble. They should of grabbed Alfred Morris when he was available. Do you agree?

Yeah, because of the Tre Mason situation, they could be a little light at RB. And given Fisher's penchant for stacking RBs on the roster, I'd think they'd be checking the waiver wire when the cutdown days arrive. But Benny Cunningham is a good No. 2 back, and undrafted rookie Aaron Green kind of caught my eye during my weekend visit to Rams camp in Irvine.
What did you make of Faulk commenting how he never saw crowds in St. Louis like that (referring to the LA training camp)? I know Balzer took issue with it.

I didn't hear the comments. But if true, apparently Faulk wasn't at the Titans scrimmage in Macomb in 2000 or any of the Ttians/Rams practices that year. And he failed to mention apparently that the Rams' practice facility in Earth City can only hold about 1,500 people. It's a very small footprint in terms of room for spectators.
I believe the NFL will use STL as a "possible relocation site" so the current team markets will build new stadiums or use the "Or Else we could move to STL"

The NFL does like having non-NFL cities as leverage sites when it comes to trying to get stadiums build in other markets.
Best news for St. Louis that I've heard in a long time was your "No Comment" response to that MLS question. It will be nice to have a true football team in St. Louis to support instead of the NFL cartel.

If/when that happens, I think the Post-Dispatch headline should be; Finally, Futbol!
I think that Marshall and Kurt..both tied to NFL Network have been "advised" to be "PRO LA RAMS"


Don't know about that, but they are both former Rams. That's their team. Their organization in a sense. And you don't want to bite the hand that fed you for all those years.
There are reports that the Rams will open up more seats for the regular season home opener vs. Seattle making the capacity 91,000. Will you be in the press box during that game?

I'll be there and looking forward to it. I've never covered a game in the Coliseum, and I love old stadiums with lots of tradition.
Last week I submitted a question about the Rams defense failing to live up to the hype in the media. You did not get to the question but asked that I re-submit it. I will do my best. During the last few years, the Rams defense was receiving considerable press locally and nationally about being potentially one of the best defenses assembled, at least as to the front 4, and even the front seven.

Especially, in light of the draft capital spent on the front 7. The possible weak link to the defense was thought to be the secondary. However, at least last year, individually the team received great performances from the secondary.

Do you think the failure of the defense as a whole to live up to the hype is a result of coaching or scheme or execution and performance of the players? I guess the obvious answer is a little of all three, but what is the biggest factor?

I remember that. So I'll make this my last answer of the day. It is puzzling that the defense hasn't lived up to its billing despite all the draft picks and money spent on that side of the ball _ and yes, I'm as guilty as anyone _ all the hype. At first I thought part of the reason might be youth, or getting used to a new scheme. But that can't be used as an excuse any more.

Now, they're also losing starters either by their own choosing (Long/Laurinaitis) or free agency (McLeod/Jenkins/Fairley). I have a lot of respect for Gregg Williams as a coach. Sure he's got a big ego, but he remains a bright mind. I just wonder if maybe the players aren't simply as good as we thought they were.

Of course it would help to have a better offense as well, to take some of the pressure off the defense. One last thing: Fisher's teams in St. Louis always seemed to play sloppy and commit foolish penalties, so I think that part of it would have to fall on coaching.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
Great read, thanks for posting!


Pro Bowler
Sep 13, 2015
ok so I keep seeing things about the Bradford trade lie, but clearly missed that. So anyone wanna fill me in quick on what happened?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
ok so I keep seeing things about the Bradford trade lie, but clearly missed that. So anyone wanna fill me in quick on what happened?
Story goes JT asked Fisher if they were going to trade Bradford in a presser. Fisher said no. Next news report to come out about the Rams is Bradford has been traded to Philly. JT is too narrow minded to understand that no coach/gm is going to tell a media guy on the record that a trade is in the works when it's that close to being finished. JT is still salty over it.
Last edited:


Pro Bowler
Sep 13, 2015
Story goes JT asked Fisher if they were going to trade Bradford in a presser. Fisher said no. Next news report to come out about the Rams is Bradford has been traded to Philly. JT is to narrow minded to understand that no coach/gm is going to tell a media guy on the record that a trade is in the works when it's that close to being finished. JT is still salty over it.

i was hoping there was more to it than that. seems quite petty

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
JT gets bitter and bitter

I feel for JT who made a living from reporting on the team and for the fans who supported them through thick and mostly thin. And I don't have any idea what it feels like when the team you love moves out of town. I lived in the SF Bay Area when the Rams moved to St. Louis, and now live in Maryland.

However, I reserve the right to move on and be annoyed when others attack Rams ownership, Kevin Demoff(who has been gracious enough to be a member here and interact with us), and those fans who still love the team. So I handle it with as much humor in this type of thread as I can. It's not everyone's cup of tea but I hope it is of value to some here.

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
I feel for JT who made a living from reporting on the team and for the fans who supported them through thick and mostly thin. And I don't have any idea what it feels like when the team you love moves out of town. I lived in the SF Bay Area when the Rams moved to St. Louis, and now live in Maryland.

However, I reserve the right to move on and be annoyed when others attack Rams ownership, Kevin Demoff(who has been gracious enough to be a member here and interact with us), and those fans who still love the team. So I handle it with as much humor in this type of thread as I can. It's not everyone's cup of tea but I hope it is of value to some here.
Where did you live in the Bay? I grew up in Belmont, later lived in San Bruno and Benicia.


Jan 23, 2013
The thing about these chats is that IT has total control. So he can exclude any good arguments made.

He keeps bringing up how two teams left LA and LA never had the GSOT. Then he assumes that it will all remain the same and presents it as fact. Truth is that the NFL is a different beast in 2016 compared to 1990's. It is wildly more popular across the country and is growing worldwide. Things have changed since the Rams left L.A. So, for him to pretend to know how things will be is ridiculous, because he ignores that the game is not the same.


Jul 28, 2014
Story goes JT asked Fisher if they were going to trade Bradford in a presser. Fisher said no. Next news report to come out about the Rams is Bradford has been traded to Philly. JT is too narrow minded to understand that no coach/gm is going to tell a media guy on the record that a trade is in the works when it's that close to being finished. JT is still salty over it.

Actually, I believe the presser was the second time that day Thomas asked the question. The first time was in private conversation. The second was @ the press conference.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
JT refuses to see the obvious differences in1994 SoCal, and reasons why the Rams left, and 2015 St Louis relocation drama....I am not going to list the differences in these respective situations, because you all know them and JT refuses to acknowledge them, except the obvious fact that no team had before relocated to LA...He gives no context as to why, because he likes being butthurt.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Thanks @Prime Time for these posts

But I gotta say that bitter St.Louis fan is understandable and absolutely no where near as annoying as the bitter LA Ram fan who abandoned them when they left only to embrace them again upon return - to see those freaks wearing Rams gear again just makes me feel cheap :LOL:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Camp Reporter
Oct 28, 2012
Thanks @Prime Time for these posts

But I gotta say that bitter St.Louis fan is understandable and absolutely no where near as annoying as the bitter LA Ram fan who abandoned them when they left only to embrace them again upon return - to see those freaks wearing Rams gear again just makes me feel cheap :LOL:

You know, for two dollars more I can make you feel even cheaper.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #14
Where did you live in the Bay? I grew up in Belmont, later lived in San Bruno and Benicia.

Oh boy, I was all over the place in the Bay Area which would include, Campbell, San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, and Milpitas. I was a route driver for three years and worked in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, and Fremont. All those years before the internet there was nothing except talk radio and the San Francisco Chronicle and San Jose Mercury. And it was all of course sucking up to the hated 49ers. Maddening!

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Gotta agree with the guy posting about the HoF. You mean the men in charge of our franchise couldn't fly their personel jet out to Canton to see one of the greatest RAMS of all time? Oh, but they congratulated him on twitter. How fickle. I get wanting to galvanize an old/new fanbase. Don't know why they have to do it with a complete disregard for another base that supported them for 2 decades.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Thanks @Prime Time for these posts

But I gotta say that bitter St.Louis fan is understandable and absolutely no where near as annoying as the bitter LA Ram fan who abandoned them when they left only to embrace them again upon return - to see those freaks wearing Rams gear again just makes me feel cheap :LOL:

...and I bet these "fans" were also Raiders fans when it suited them...


Jan 12, 2013
i was a Ram fan in 1958, Georgia and St Louis did nothing to change that, but i am ok with them back in LA, just win baby, win