Improvements to our 2013 season

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Improvements for 2013

  • 1. Increased number of TD's through the air

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • 2. More sacks from our D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. Less penalties

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • 4. Brian Quick to show up and perform week-in week-out

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • 5. More interceptions from our Secondary

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • 6. Other (let me know!)

    Votes: 9 33.3%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame
Sep 20, 2012
The draft has been a topic and a half this off-season (again), but we really can't predict who we'll be selecting - there are just too many variables. So, forget about the draft and the "wouldn't it be nice if we drafted..." and look at areas of improvement from last season.

Please make your selection and explain your choice if you can.

I've gone for less penalties all round, I think we lost some games last year because of our shocking penalty count. I know we're a young and enthusiastic team, but we're also well paid professional sportsmen...


Nov 22, 2012
I like this idea lets get away from the guessing game which the draft is and put some focus on actual football stuff lol,lemme give this a shot.

I'd like to see the offense and defense be a little more aggressive and not always take what's there.Strike the first blow and dont just try to score a quick TD or 2 and then sit on the ball or play prevent with 3 quarters to go.I think we need to dictate what defenses will do to stop our offense and not just react to what they are throwing at us.And on defense I would like to see more press corner play,jam the WR's throw off the timing so it's not just pitch and catch.Basically I wanna see Fisher open the game up a little more and attempt to win the game rather than survive it which I think was the philosophy last year.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

I don't care which way the tds come, as long as there are many more of them.



Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Went with more interceptions, although I'd like to see more turnovers from our defense in general. We went through a few games without forcing any turnovers. Getting a ball-hawking free safety ought to help with that a lot.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Went with Brian Quick. Which, by default, could equate to more TDs through the air. So, yeah - I get a twofer with that choice. If he shows up next year in a big way (and that's what Fisher said -- guys typically show up in their 2nd year), then we could be alright. Quick, Givens, Pettis, Cook, Kendricks. That's not a shabby crew if they all take a step forward.

But if Quick does, then that's half the battle right there. Been dying for a #1 receiver since Holt left.


Hall of Fame
Sep 20, 2012
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When you look at it in black and white (or blue and gold ;) ), we have a lot of the ingredients for a very good team, there are just some corners in need of polishing up - and a few of the players to believe in themselves and step up - I'm more excited about the coming season than for a very long time...


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I picked Other.

I want to see much better performance in the red zone. That's partially TDs through the air and I want that too but the Rams have sucked in the red zone for awhile. To me I feel like its a bonus when they score a TD and I want that feeling back from 99-01 where once they got down there you knew the deal was gonna get closed.

They have left a lot of points out there by not getting the ball in the end zone. Hopefully they get that fixed with an upgraded OL, WRs improving and Bradford stepping it up too.


Mar 9, 2013
TD's through the air. More TD's mixed with our stout defense = wins. Bradford and our WR's are the key to our success. Our defense is about ready to win a Super Bowl. Our offense... ready for a top 5 draft pick.


May 28, 2011
Less penalties. Specifically less drive killing penalties. I'm sick of getting into range and penalties knocking us out, making it third and long instead of third and short, etc. Penalties directly lost us games. If not for penalties we would have probably hit the playoffs with 2 more wins (First SF game for example)..

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
Less penalties please. Those are momentum and drive killers.
Shit happens with an aggressive D,but i'm primarily speaking of the offensive penalties....
False starts,illegal formations(seriously?) etc...

Cleaning those up will go a long way towards a more fluid offense in 2013.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I picked Brian Quick.

That was a big investment. We need returns on it.

If Quick is the real deal this offense looks a whole lot different.


Pro Bowler
Jan 12, 2013
1. Increased number of TD's through the air
2. More sacks from our D
3. Less penalties
4. Brian Quick to show up and perform week-in week-out
5. More interceptions from our Secondary
6. Other (let me know!)

I chose other. Although valid arguments can be made for the first 5 options (except for sacks), I think the root of our losing last season, and the past 10 seasons or so, has been red zone TDs. It used to be we couldn't even reach the red zone, but last year we had many trips. It's punching those drives in for 7 instead of 3, that would have been the difference in many of our games in 2012. Here's my list:

1. Improve Red Zone TDs
2. Force more turnovers on defense. Interceptions weren't the problem, it was the fumbles we didn't get.
3. Several offensive players breaking out. With the losses of SJ & Danny it is critical that more than just one guy steps up in 2013. Cook has shown flashes & so have Givens & Kendricks, but we need Quick/Pead/Richardson to make big contributions too. To increase our chances of having more breakout players I'd suggest drafting 2 WR & a RB too.
4. Less penalties. This was a head-scratcher from a Jeff Fisher coached team. Hopefully it was just a rare occurance & we cut back big time in 2013.
5. TDs through the air wasn't an issue with me in 2012. Sam had 21; while I expect that to go up, 25-30 TDs, it wasn't the root of us losing games in 2012. Upgrading the o-line will allow for more TDs on the ground which was more of an issue (4).
6. Sacks? I'm cool with 52 again. But I do think this group has the potential to reach 60. Quinn & Brockers haven't even truly broken out which is the scary thing... Teams are already doubling Long & they begun to double Brock last year. You can't double team 4 lineman! That'll open the flood gates for Quinn, Langford, & Co.