Ever had to go to a wedding you REALLY didn't want to?

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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
That's me tomorrow. The guy who is getting married is a friend of mine I've known my whole life and graduated HS a year ahead of me. Now, we're not close friends, but he's a really good guy and works hard at his job and deserves it. So why am I not wanting to go? It's the people he hangs out with. They are for the most part, very VERY snobby and uptight. This goes back to when we were all in HS. They all come from rich parents and had all the luxuries in life. When I was a freshman, his younger brother (I'm like 4 years older than him) and all his friends (around my age) had cell phones, remember those Motorola Razr flip phones? Those. Me? Well I had a watch. Their first cars? Infiniti G35X. A Benz. Jaguar. Me? 92 Mercury Sable w/ shotty transmission and oil leaks every month. Oh and the AC wouldn't work. Plus all sorts of other goodies like the first iPhone, PSPs, etc. Me? Well, I didn't even get a phone until I was 18.

They are/were obsessed with looking nice and would even go to the mall in the summer dressed business casual. At one point, his brother actually told me "do you ever wear anything nice?" b/c I wore shorts and a tshirt to some 5 year old kid's bday party. Now think of that...multiply that by 10 and you get the whole posse.

But me, being the jealous middle and high school kid tried so hard to fit in. I wore the nicest stuff I had, tried to hang out with them, never worked. I went on youth group trips with them. I tried talking. I played football...I drop one damn pass and they get all over me saying I suck. Of course, I did find comfort on defense where I scared the shit out of them. But I digress. I just never, ever fit in. Some time...I just stopped caring and went with the people I was comfy with. We didn't care about clothes or looking like we were at a 5 star hotel at Wal-Mart. If one of us got a new electronic we didn't rub it in each others' faces. You know...non-douches.

So tomorrow after about 6 years I'm gonna have to deal with them. I'm only going for my friend but I'm really dreading it. While they've all grown up and matured..they still are mostly up tight snobs. There's a grand total of TWO other people that are chill people. The rest: douches.

Oh and I just found out the one guy I was banking on to be there (who felt the same way I do) won't be able to make it b/c of college.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
An open bar can cure all your woes.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Angry Ram said:
That's me tomorrow. The guy who is getting married is a friend of mine I've known my whole life and graduated HS a year ahead of me. Now, we're not close friends, but he's a really good guy and works hard at his job and deserves it. So why am I not wanting to go? It's the people he hangs out with. They are for the most part, very VERY snobby and uptight. This goes back to when we were all in HS. They all come from rich parents and had all the luxuries in life. When I was a freshman, his younger brother (I'm like 4 years older than him) and all his friends (around my age) had cell phones, remember those Motorola Razr flip phones? Those. Me? Well I had a watch. Their first cars? Infiniti G35X. A Benz. Jaguar. Me? 92 Mercury Sable w/ shotty transmission and oil leaks every month. Oh and the AC wouldn't work. Plus all sorts of other goodies like the first iPhone, PSPs, etc. Me? Well, I didn't even get a phone until I was 18.

They are/were obsessed with looking nice and would even go to the mall in the summer dressed business casual. At one point, his brother actually told me "do you ever wear anything nice?" b/c I wore shorts and a tshirt to some 5 year old kid's bday party. Now think of that...multiply that by 10 and you get the whole posse.

But me, being the jealous middle and high school kid tried so hard to fit in. I wore the nicest stuff I had, tried to hang out with them, never worked. I went on youth group trips with them. I tried talking. I played football...I drop one damn pass and they get all over me saying I suck. Of course, I did find comfort on defense where I scared the shit out of them. But I digress. I just never, ever fit in. Some time...I just stopped caring and went with the people I was comfy with. We didn't care about clothes or looking like we were at a 5 star hotel at Wal-Mart. If one of us got a new electronic we didn't rub it in each others' faces. You know...non-douches.

So tomorrow after about 6 years I'm gonna have to deal with them. I'm only going for my friend but I'm really dreading it. While they've all grown up and matured..they still are mostly up tight snobs. There's a grand total of TWO other people that are chill people. The rest: douches.

Oh and I just found out the one guy I was banking on to be there (who felt the same way I do) won't be able to make it b/c of college.

I read this twice. Before I say anything else how old are you and the other people involved?

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #4
I'm 24, everyone is around the same age.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Angry Ram said:
I'm 24, everyone is around the same age.

Well you won't want to hear this but you shouldn't care at all, just let it go. You aren't there for the dbags, you're there for your friend. So go and be yourself and stop worrying about them liking you, it won't make you any more money in life, or happiness and it won't get you any sex. So why do you still care?

This reminds me of the bazillion conversations that happen before class reunions hahaha.

Anyway.......enjoy yourself and remember to channel you're inner Vince Vaughn. You're going to be at a wedding so stop thinking about "poor woe is me" and your "feelings" and focus on the drunken bridesmaid sex you could have once you pull yourself out of that big pool of tears and self pity. Focus man, FOCUS.

Be Jeremy Grey. :hehe:

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #6
I haven't worried about that since high school. Think it was sophmore year since I haven't even so much as said hi.

Guy Mansworth

Aug 5, 2013
Storytime OP, so listen up.

One of my best friends is Mormon. I am not very religious at all. Unlike most Mormons he minds his own business, doesn't bring up religion to anyone, respects everyone's opinions and beliefs. Him and I have been friends for a long time and have been through quite a bit together. So not a big surprise when he asks me to be one of his groomsmen. You guys ever been to a Mormon wedding? First off, if you're not a Mormon, you're not allowed in the church. Even if you're the Grooms/Brides parent. I kinda felt like a pointless best man. My only purpose was to be around him during the reception. Second, from my experience, many Mormons tend to look down on people of other religions, especially those who aren't religious at all. I felt absolutely horrible when I told him I'd have to think about it. It's an honor, and he's the nicest person I know. I was just worried his family wouldn't like the fact he chose me to be a groomsman. Once I told him I'd do it, I was dreading the wedding and reception. Mormons don't drink. Ever. Not even wine, so I couldn't just go get blasted, black out and wake up in the alley outside with only 1 shoe on. Once the big day arrived me and my friends carpooled to the church. Got my pictures taken with the Groom behind the church. They had a building where non church members could go. I went #2 in there and made a joke about going #2 on holy grounds. Nobody found it funny. Then we rode over to the reception, and all I'm thinking of is his family saying "who is this hooligan?" "he's going to hell, look at him and his filthy ways, heathen." Me and my friends, sat down at table with him and his church friends, and we talked all night, and reminisced about high school, and everything else. It was one of the best nights of my life. So, just have a positive attitude about it dude. You'll probably have more fun than you think.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Guy Mansworth said:
Storytime OP, so listen up.

One of my best friends is Mormon. I am not very religious at all. Unlike most Mormons he minds his own business, doesn't bring up religion to anyone, respects everyone's opinions and beliefs. Him and I have been friends for a long time and have been through quite a bit together. So not a big surprise when he asks me to be one of his groomsmen. You guys ever been to a Mormon wedding? First off, if you're not a Mormon, you're not allowed in the church. Even if you're the Grooms/Brides parent. I kinda felt like a pointless best man. My only purpose was to be around him during the reception. Second, from my experience, many Mormons tend to look down on people of other religions, especially those who aren't religious at all. I felt absolutely horrible when I told him I'd have to think about it. It's an honor, and he's the nicest person I know. I was just worried his family wouldn't like the fact he chose me to be a groomsman. Once I told him I'd do it, I was dreading the wedding and reception. Mormons don't drink. Ever. Not even wine, so I couldn't just go get blasted, black out and wake up in the alley outside with only 1 shoe on. Once the big day arrived me and my friends carpooled to the church. Got my pictures taken with the Groom behind the church. They had a building where non church members could go. I went #2 in there and made a joke about going #2 on holy grounds. Nobody found it funny. Then we rode over to the reception, and all I'm thinking of is his family saying "who is this hooligan?" "he's going to hell, look at him and his filthy ways, heathen." Me and my friends, sat down at table with him and his church friends, and we talked all night, and reminisced about high school, and everything else. It was one of the best nights of my life. So, just have a positive attitude about it dude. You'll probably have more fun than you think.

I've had similar experiences with Mormons. They give off a vibe that you are beneath them. Not all but out of the ones I have met, and it's a small sample to be sure-maybe a dozen, about half were a little holier than thou.

I befriended a woman that "escaped" (her word not mine) a Mormon wedding and lifestyle. She was raised Mormon. I heard a lot of odd stories and man does that religion get it's nose into the lives of the people that go to their church.

Guy Mansworth

Aug 5, 2013
LesBaker said:
I've had similar experiences with Mormons. They give off a vibe that you are beneath them. Not all but out of the ones I have met, and it's a small sample to be sure-maybe a dozen, about half were a little holier than thou.

I befriended a woman that "escaped" (her word not mine) a Mormon wedding and lifestyle. She was raised Mormon. I heard a lot of odd stories and man does that religion get it's nose into the lives of the people that go to their church.

I can go on and on (and on) about them, and weird things about them. I've done my research over the years considering my friend is one of them. Once you dig deep it gets very interesting.


May 28, 2011
When I was deployed we had some SOR Marines with us, and 3 of them were Mormons. We were all pretty excited about it. Why? Because on November 10th it's the Marine Corps Birthday, and every Marine gets two free beers on that day. Army doesn't get this, and since there is no alcohol there, we just have to suffer. So when they were given their free beers they passed them on to us, and everyone got to have one.

As for weddings... I've never been to one... I'd just sit back and ignore anything they say, be there for your buddy, enjoy some good food and drinks (it's bound to be quality food with them having money) and try to get some Brides Maids.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #11
Guy Mansworth said:
Storytime OP, so listen up.

One of my best friends is Mormon. I am not very religious at all. Unlike most Mormons he minds his own business, doesn't bring up religion to anyone, respects everyone's opinions and beliefs. Him and I have been friends for a long time and have been through quite a bit together. So not a big surprise when he asks me to be one of his groomsmen. You guys ever been to a Mormon wedding? First off, if you're not a Mormon, you're not allowed in the church. Even if you're the Grooms/Brides parent. I kinda felt like a pointless best man. My only purpose was to be around him during the reception. Second, from my experience, many Mormons tend to look down on people of other religions, especially those who aren't religious at all. I felt absolutely horrible when I told him I'd have to think about it. It's an honor, and he's the nicest person I know. I was just worried his family wouldn't like the fact he chose me to be a groomsman. Once I told him I'd do it, I was dreading the wedding and reception. Mormons don't drink. Ever. Not even wine, so I couldn't just go get blasted, black out and wake up in the alley outside with only 1 shoe on. Once the big day arrived me and my friends carpooled to the church. Got my pictures taken with the Groom behind the church. They had a building where non church members could go. I went #2 in there and made a joke about going #2 on holy grounds. Nobody found it funny. Then we rode over to the reception, and all I'm thinking of is his family saying "who is this hooligan?" "he's going to hell, look at him and his filthy ways, heathen." Me and my friends, sat down at table with him and his church friends, and we talked all night, and reminisced about high school, and everything else. It was one of the best nights of my life. So, just have a positive attitude about it dude. You'll probably have more fun than you think.

Hope so man, b/c usually that's what happens b/c there's always someone that's in the same boat I'm in. This time, I'm not so sure.

bluecoconuts said:
When I was deployed we had some SOR Marines with us, and 3 of them were Mormons. We were all pretty excited about it. Why? Because on November 10th it's the Marine Corps Birthday, and every Marine gets two free beers on that day. Army doesn't get this, and since there is no alcohol there, we just have to suffer. So when they were given their free beers they passed them on to us, and everyone got to have one.

As for weddings... I've never been to one... I'd just sit back and ignore anything they say, be there for your buddy, enjoy some good food and drinks (it's bound to be quality food with them having money) and try to get some Brides Maids.

Actually, it's the same standard food...not that it's bad or anything just nothing special.

Also, the bridesmaids are snobby as well. Except for one..but we've been friends since diapers so that would be kinda weird.

But yeah I'm just gonna be hanging out...hopefully it ends up being better like you guys say.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Support your friend's wedding. He obviously wants his friend (YOU) to be there for him.

I'm pretty sure that you're single... Weddings provide an extreme target rich environment young grasshopper. Just think of the opportunity that is being afforded you and take full advantage.



Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Angry Ram said:
Guy Mansworth said:
Also, the bridesmaids are snobby as well.

I think you should know that snobby girls like to fuck too.

Mebbe the one you've known for a long time can be your wingman eh.....give you an intro to the group and you can call for shots with the bridesmaids to thank them for being there for your friends wedding.

Just don't raise the shot glass and holler "to anal sex" and you'll be fine.

I've heard that line doesn't work.......


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
snobiness = insecurity. Be glad you're not one of them. Their deprecation hides their inferiority. Feel sorry for them, if you want.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
My wedding formula:
Walk up to the black bartender ( hopefully there is one) order a "Caucasian" he's gonna look at you funny and say "what" then explain it's a White Russian . Then tip him $20 your gonna get a $150 worth of meals and drinks so it's worth it. Now you have a friend with real power at a wedding ,you'll only spend time waiting at the bar IF you want to ,you can scope the room while your drink is being made like Warren Beaty.
If you have any game , you should be fine

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #16
Yeah I'm single...chicks were snobbier than usual.

But good lord man...what fuckin douche bags they were. Not even so much as "sup" even when passing by. A grand total of 2 guys and 1 girl (who has been a lifelong friend of mine) actually made convo with me. The rest? Give me a fuckin break. At lunch *complete strangers* asked me to join them, which I did of course. Then the snobs sat at another table (which I was glad they did). Two spots left...guess who comes and sits with us? 1 snob and the groom himself (I should mention this is an Indian wedding, so the bride has her own ceremony/ritual to deal with while the groom can go eat). The snob? Not even a "hi." The groom...made convo. What a down to earth sweet guy he is. It was like the greatest, laid back lunch ever.

Reception is tonight...just going for my friend. Just going for my friend...

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #17
So the reception was even worse. The level of douchy-ness was at an all time high. The saddest part is their parents are more social w/ me and relaxed people than them.

I'm so glad it's over...


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Angry... you'll feel much better after you read the following article:

Why are some people snobby and arrogant?

By Teppie_Christina : A how to tutorial about psychology, arrogance, insecurity
<a class="postlink" href="http://articles.pubarticles.com/why-are-some-people-snobby-and-arrogant-1309100838,227055.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://articles.pubarticles.com/why-are ... 27055.html</a>

Here's a relevant excerpt:

The external traits of a stuck up person

Stuck up individuals give people the impression that they are better than others. They deliberately behave in an unfriendly way towards others on purpose as it is their pleasure to make other people feel inferior around them. This gives the stuck up person exactly want they want - a superiority fix. Stuck up people crave and strive for the attention of others because it makes them feel that they’re worth it.

The truth stuck up people don’t want you to know

Contrary to what arrogant people show others on the outside, internally it is another story. Interestingly, beyond the haughtiness and the stuck up disposition, what stuck up people don’t want others to know is that they are actually very insecure people on the inside. Stuck up people have a sense of low self worth and they try to compensate for this by acting superior on the outside.

To put it plainly, arrogant people suffer from superiority versus an inferiority complex. Deep down in their core beliefs stuck up people feel that they are disregarded by others and overlooked. They rely on possessions to prove their worth and create a fake feeling of worthiness by acting snobbish and rude to others. All this acts as a compensation for their internal feelings of inferiority.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #19
Well, it's all over now for sure. I don't think I'll ever have to deal with them again...


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Angry Ram said:
Well, it's all over now for sure. I don't think I'll ever have to deal with them again...

Well that's good because it's pretty clear they don't like you and you don't like them. Eff-em.