LEGEND Dumbass of the Day

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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Doctors mistake Calif. woman’s tattoos on body scan for cancer, realize after surgery

A California woman with cervical cancer underwent surgery after doctors mistook her tattoos on a body image scan for other tumors, according to a report.

The unidentified 32-year-old woman lit up during a full-body image scan in November 2012, leading doctors to believe her cancer had spread, Live Science reported.

It wasn't until the mother of four had her uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and pelvic lymph nodes removed that doctors realized the bright spots in her tests were her tattoos.

Her case was published Monday in the journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

"Those lymph nodes that were lighting up brightly on the PET scan were doing so because of the tattoo pigment that was in the lymph nodes," said researcher Dr. Ramez Eskander, who treated the woman.

The woman, who had more than 14 tattoos on her legs, was injected with a radioactive tracer that makes tumors appear as bright spots on the scan, according to Live Science.

Doctors later learned the lymph nodes actually contained deposits of tattoo ink, not cancer.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Starting at age 17 through 22, I worked at a fast-food place in San Jose, CA called Jack-in-the-Box. It helped put me through college but also gave me insight on the depravity of my fellow human beings, both co-workers and those staring at us through the windows.

It didn't help that customers drove up to a clown head and talked into the speaker, of course associating the people inside with clowns and treating us accordingly.

Still, I could never understand how people could be so ignorant as to insult someone who was making their food, especially since they weren't able to watch them do it.

I witnessed co-workers wiping their butt with hamburgers buns, blowing snot and spitting onto burgers, peeing into the french fry fryer(which btw it turns out is not a good idea for the person doing that because it splatters and causes burns in sensitive areas), etc. I could go on and on but you get the idea. It's wise to treat those making and serving your food with at least a little bit of respect.

The dumbass candidates here are the waiter and the customer who just couldn't let it go by accepting a full refund and an apology from management. No, like every other lawsuit-hungry American he had to file a civil suit.

Cops Use DNA Analysis to Prove Chili's Waiter Spit in Customer's Drink
Jun 3, 2015

A New York man who suspected that a Chili's restaurant waiter had spit into his drink got the law involved and investigators were able to determine who spit into the drink using DNA analysis, according to court documents.

The incident took place last July, when Ken Yerdon and his wife, Julie Aluzzo Yerdon, went to dinner at a Chili's restaurant on Route 31 in Clay, New York, according to court documents from a lawsuit filed Tuesday. The couple complained to their server, Gregory Lamica, then 24, that their food was under-cooked and that they hadn't been served chips, Yerdon said.

"They were polite to the server, and even left a tip," Robert Lahm, a lawyer representing the Yerdons in the case, told ABC News today.


Courtesy Ken Yerdon
PHOTO: A photo taken by Ken Yerdon after he discovered spit in his Chili's drink.

"We weren't rude or anything," Ken Yerdon told ABC News. "It was a busy night but we didn't expect for our food to get spit in," he said.

Before leaving, the couple asked for to-go drinks and as they drove off, the styrofoam cup's lid popped off, revealing a nasty surprise, Yerdon said.

"The lid popped off and I looked in and there was some spit in the cup," Yerdon said, noting "it was really bad."

Yerdon dropped off his wife and 12-year-old son before driving back to the restaurant, where managers apologized and gave Yerdon a refund and some coupons but did not admit Lamica was responsible for the incident, Lahm said.

Yerdon said he then ran into a sobbing Lamica in the parking lot, where he asked him why he'd spit in his cup. According to Yerdon, Lamica denied that he had spit in the cup, prompting Yerdon to say "you wouldn't be crying if you hadn't spit in my cup."

Lamica told Yerdon he didn't want to lose his job, Yerdon recalled, to which Yerdon replied "you should have thought of that before you spit in my cup."

"It's a backstory that everybody thinks about, what the servers do and what's happening in the kitchen," Lahm said. "It’s disgusting to think about it."

Since Ken Yerdon took two sips of the drink before he saw the spit, he said he decided to get tested for HIV and hepatitis, and in both cases he subsequently tested negative. HIV cannot be contracted through saliva, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Several days after the Yerdons called the state police, investigators showed up at Lamica’s door where he denied spitting in Yerdon’s drink but agreed to have his mouth swabbed for DNA, according to state police. Meanwhile, Lamica had not been fired and he continued to work at the Chili's until last October when he left on his own volition, according to court papers.

Three months after the incident, DNA analysis concluded the spit in the Yerdon’s cup matched Lamica’s, who was brought into a police station where he confessed to the crime and was charged with disorderly conduct, according to state police. Lamica pleaded guilty in February and was sentenced to a one-year conditional discharge and a $125 surcharge, according to Clay Town Court.

The Yerdons filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Lamica, Chili's parent company and the owner of the Chili's for negligence and retention of an incompetent employee. The lawsuit did not specify the damages being sought.

Lamica could not be reached for comment by ABC News.

"Due to company policy and a pending lawsuit, we are waiting to review the case before commenting," a manager at the Chili's in Liverpool, New York, told ABC News today.

Brinker International, Chili's parent company in Dallas, Texas, named as a co-defendant in the lawsuit, did not immediately respond to a request for comment from ABC News.

"We won't be going back to Chili's," Yerdon said.

I have to say that I am on their side. If I had someone do that to me I'd want my pound of flesh! That's fucked up to do to another human being. I can't believe they didn't fire that asshole ASAP.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
She's just keeping it real. Dumbass!

Teacher suspended after saying she hates ‘white people,’ outing lesbian student
June 15, 2015

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. –Some teachers will just say the darndest things.

A Florida teacher who asked students about their sexuality, allegedly cursed at them, and told students she hates white people doesn’t understand why she’s serving a 15-day unpaid suspension.

“They’ve never even met with me and told me what I’ve done wrong,” Southside Middle School teacher Kelly Hendrix told Fox 30.

“I teach 165 kids this year. They pulled me out of the class because of one complaint. One complaint,” she said. “I love it. I love it. And now it’s over for me.”

School officials may not have met with Hendrix before imposing the suspension, but a report obtained by the news site reveals exactly why she’s on teacher time-out.

Students questioned as part of the district’s investigation told officials the teacher cursed at them, said she hates white people, and would use racially insensitive terms in class. Hendrix also reportedly asked students about their sexuality, used homophobic insults, and threatened to issue a failing grade if they reported her antics, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Hendrix allegedly asked a female student if she was gay, then fondly recalled a lesbian experience she encountered with another female teacher at the school. A male student also said Hendrix questioned him about his sexuality, and Hendrix told Fox 30 she did it for his own good.

“I called the boy outside and I said to the boy, I said, ‘What’s going on?’ and he said, ‘Kids are calling me gay,’ and I looked at him and said, ‘Well, are you gay?’” Hendrix said. “He said, ‘No,’ and I said, ‘Well, why does that bother you? – simply like that.”

“Another student interviewed as part of the investigation said that Hendrix called her father and told him she was a lesbian,” according to the Sentinel. “Hendrix said in an interview with WJAX that she believes the allegations against her are part of a payback scheme orchestrated by that student.”

The school investigation was also reviewed by police, who found Hendrix committed no crimes, Raw Story reports.

At least one student took to the Fox 30 site to defend Hendrix, whom she credits for “saving her life.”

The girl recalled how she was in a very emotionally troubled place when she was forced to attend Southside for a second round of 8th grade, and Hendrix took the time to understand what she was going through and encourage her to attend a local specialty arts high school.

“ … (A)bout half way through the year I had to go to Wolfson’s Children Mental Health Unit for being suicidal. When I came back she sat me down and talked to me, I cried and told her everything, after that we became very close. I would come to her classroom every day after school and just talk to her and Mr. David, they both became very important people in my life,” Katie Blanchard posted.

“Around February, I wanted to try out for Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, a high school I had been interested in since sixth grade. I was scared and insecure about auditioning for it, she gave me the courage to try, and I am now a freshman at D.A. in visual arts, next year I will be starting photography and can’t be more excited and happy in my life. …

“Mrs. Henxrix was there for me, she was real with me,” Blanchard wrote.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Kim Jong-un claims to have cured Aids, Ebola, Sars and Mers with single 'miracle drug'


Simples: North Korea scientists, led by Kim Jong-un, claim to have cured Aids

Kim Jong-un claims to have succeeded where the greatest minds in science have failed... by producing a single drug which can prevent and cure Aids, Ebola, Sars and Mers.

North Korea is currently suffering from one of the worst droughts in its history while still pursuing a nuclear programme.

The official Korean Central News Agency said the portly despot's scientists developed miracle drug Kumdang-2 from ginseng and other ingredients - without saying which.

North Korea claimed the same drug cured deadly bird flu outbreaks in 2006 and 2013.

The North’s claim comes as rival South Korea fights an outbreak of Mers - a respiratory disease similar to SARS - that has killed two dozen people.

There is no known vaccine for the disease.

North Korea’s announcement via their central news agency today contained no detailed information. Korea is one of the world’s largest producers of ginseng.


Mystery: Scientists refused to reveal all of the ingredients

A case of Mers was also confirmed in Thailand yesterday after a 75-year-old businessman from Oman was admitted to hospital in Bangkok. Fifty eight medical staff at the hospital have been quarantined.

The Thai case has sparked fears in Asia of a repeat of a 2002-2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which began in China and killed about 800 people globally.

MERS was first identified in humans in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and the majority of cases have been in the Middle East.

North Korea is currently suffering from it’s worst drought in over a century, leading some commentators to believe the science announcement was meant to divert attention from the problem in a country highly dependent on agriculture.

Thirty percent of its rice paddies have dried up, and the UN has warned that the food supply could be seriously affected.


Deja-flu: The portly despot claimed the same drug also cured deadly bird-flu outbreaks

Ruled by 32-year-old Kin Jong Un Korea has astounded the world with claims over the years often linked to their leader - most recently that they had “miniaturized” a nuclear weapon.

According to claims in school text books Kim Jong-un learned to drive when he was just three years old and won a yacht race at the age of nine and that he is a superb artist and musical composer.

The country’s records also say that his father Kim Jong-Il scored 11 holes in one the first time he played golf.

Kim Jong-un was also said to have claimed his country’s highest mountain - although was pictured at the summit in his usual black overcoat.

There were also totally unconfirmed reports that unicorns still existed in the country.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Daniel Tosh wears Aaron Hernandez jersey at Boston show
Posted by Mike Florio on June 21, 2015

Getty Images

Comedian Daniel Tosh, Dolphins fans and host of Comedy Central’s Tosh.0, performed on Friday night in Boston. And unlike most out-of-town acts that pander to the locals by talking about how the city they’re presently in is the greatest city in the history of cities, Tosh trolled the paying customers.

Via Boston.com, Tosh wore an Aaron Hernandez jersey.

The gesture came only one day after the two-year anniversary of the murder of Odin Lloyd, for which Hernandez has been convicted.

The Patriots provided refunds for Hernandez jerseys following his arrest in 2013. Obviously, not all of them were returned to the team.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
To save you time and a headache from reading scientific/medical jargon here's the short version. Don't squat while wearing 'skinny jeans' especially if you're fat.

Fashion victim: rhabdomyolysis and bilateral peroneal and tibial neuropathies as a result of squatting in ‘skinny jeans’
  1. Karmen Wai1,
  2. Philip Douglas Thompson,
  3. Thomas Edmund Kimber
A 35-year-old woman presented with severe weakness of both ankles.

On the day prior to presentation, she had been helping a family member move house. This involved many hours of squatting while emptying cupboards. She had been wearing ‘skinny jeans’, and recalled that her jeans had felt increasingly tight and uncomfortable during the day. Later that evening, while walking home, she noticed bilateral foot drop and foot numbness, which caused her to trip and fall. She spent several hours lying on the ground before she was found.

On examination, her lower legs were markedly oedematous bilaterally, worse on the right side, and her jeans could only be removed by cutting them off. There was bilateral, severe global weakness of ankle and toe movements, somewhat more marked on the right. Muscle power at the hips and knees was normal, knee jerks were normal and ankle jerks were absent. Sensation was impaired over the lateral aspects of both lower legs, and the dorsum and sole of both feet. Peripheral pulses were normal. The feet were warm and well-perfused.

Investigations showed markedly elevated creatine kinase of 73 215 IU/L. Renal function was normal. CT scan of the lower legs showed marked oedema and hypoattenuation of the posterior calf muscles, worse on the right, consistent with myonecrosis (figure 1). Nerve conduction studies showed conduction block in both common peroneal nerves between the popliteal fossa and fibular head. Compound muscle action potential amplitudes of the tibial nerves were also diminished with stimulation in the popliteal fossa, compared with the ankle. Sural and superficial peroneal sensory action potentials (SAPs) were of normal amplitude bilaterally, but the right medial plantar SAP was absent and the left medial plantar SAP was markedly reduced in amplitude (0.8 µV).

Sagittal CT scan of the right leg (A) and axial CT scans of both lower legs (B) showing hypoattenuation and oedema of muscles of the posterior compartment of the calves, consistent with myonecrosis.

The patient was treated with intravenous hydration. The oedema and neurological function of her lower limbs improved significantly, such that at the time of discharge 4 days later she was able to walk unaided.

Common peroneal neuropathies can be caused by a range of factors, of which external compression at or near the fibular head is the most common.1 Recognised causes include prolonged squatting.2–4 Combined common peroneal and tibial neuropathies have not previously been described in association with squatting.

We postulate that, in the present case, the peroneal neuropathies were the result of compression between the biceps femoris tendon and fibular head as a result of squatting. The tibial neuropathies were likely caused by compression of the nerves in the posterior compartment of the calf by oedematous muscles that had undergone ischaemic myonecrosis as a result of squatting. The wearing of ‘skinny’ jeans had likely potentiated the tibial neuropathies by causing a compartment syndrome as the lower legs swelled.

Previous reports of neuropathy from wearing tight jeans have been limited to lesions of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, likely caused by compression of the nerve at the inguinal ligament.5 The present case represents a new neurological complication of wearing tight jeans.

  • Contributors KW, TEK made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the work, as well as the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data. PDT made substantial contributions to the analysis and interpretation of data; revised the draft critically for important intellectual content. KW drafted the work. TEK, PDT: revised the draft critically for important intellectual content; approved the version published. KW, TEK, PDT approved the version published; agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014

Daniel Tosh wears Aaron Hernandez jersey at Boston show
Posted by Mike Florio on June 21, 2015

Getty Images

Comedian Daniel Tosh, Dolphins fans and host of Comedy Central’s Tosh.0, performed on Friday night in Boston. And unlike most out-of-town acts that pander to the locals by talking about how the city they’re presently in is the greatest city in the history of cities, Tosh trolled the paying customers.

Via Boston.com, Tosh wore an Aaron Hernandez jersey.

The gesture came only one day after the two-year anniversary of the murder of Odin Lloyd, for which Hernandez has been convicted.

The Patriots provided refunds for Hernandez jerseys following his arrest in 2013. Obviously, not all of them were returned to the team.

Wrong thread. This belongs in the "Things that are awesome" thread.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Click link to listen to the conversation by these dumbasses.

Anesthesiologist trashes sedated patient — and it ends up costing her
By Tom Jackman

Sitting in his surgical gown inside a large medical suite in Reston, Va., a Vienna man prepared for his colonoscopy by pressing record on his smartphone, to capture the instructions his doctor would give him after the procedure.

But as soon as he pressed play on his way home, he was shocked out of his anesthesia-induced stupor: He found that he had recorded the entire examination and that the surgical team had mocked and insulted him as soon as he drifted off to sleep.

In addition to their vicious commentary, the doctors discussed avoiding the man after the colonoscopy, instructing an assistant to lie to him, and then placed a false diagnosis on his chart.

“After five minutes of talking to you in pre-op,” the anesthesiologist told the sedated patient, “I wanted to punch you in the face and man you up a little bit,” she was recorded saying.

When a medical assistant noted the man had a rash, the anesthesiologist warned her not to touch it, saying she might get “some syphilis on your arm or something,” then added, “It’s probably tuberculosis in the penis, so you’ll be all right.”

When the assistant noted that the man reported getting queasy when watching a needle placed in his arm, the anesthesiologist remarked on the recording, “Well, why are you looking then, retard?”

There was much more. So the man sued the two doctors and their practices for defamation and medical malpractice and, last week, after a three-day trial, a Fairfax County jury ordered the anesthesiologist and her practice to pay him $500,000.

The plaintiff, identified in court papers only as “D.B.,” wanted to maintain his anonymity and did not want to comment about the case, said his attorneys, Mikhael Charnoff and Scott Perry.

The anesthesiologist, Tiffany M. Ingham, 42, could not be reached for comment, and her attorney, D. Lee Rutland, did not return messages seeking comment. Ingham worked out of the Aisthesis anesthesia practice in Bethesda, Md., which the jury ruled should pay $50,000 of the $200,000 in punitive damages it awarded. Officials there did not return a call seeking comment. Ingham no longer works there, an Aisthesis employee said, and state licensing records indicate that she has moved to Florida. An anesthesiology practice in Tavares, Fla., said she no longer worked there. Calls to a number believed to be Ingham’s were not returned, and there was not an answering machine or voicemail at that number.

On the opening day of the trial last week, the gastroenterologist who performed the colonoscopy, Soloman Shah, 48, was dismissed from the case. Court documents state Shah also made some insulting remarks — “As long as it’s not Ebola, you’re okay,” Shah was recorded saying during the rash discussion — and did not discourage Ingham from her comments or actions, which included writing on the man’s chart that he had hemorrhoids, when he did not.

Neither Shah, who did not return a message left at his office, nor the lawyers on either side would comment.

The lawyers also would not discuss whether Ingham or Shah faced disciplinary action from the Virginia Board of Medicine. No actions are listed against either on the board’s Web site.

The jury awarded the man $100,000 for defamation — $50,000 each for the comments about the man having syphilis and tuberculosis — and $200,000 for medical malpractice, as well as the $200,000 in punitive damages. Though the remarks by Ingham and Shah perhaps did not leave the operating room in Reston, experts in libel and slander said defamation does not have to be widely published, merely said by one party to another and understood by the second party to be fact, when it is not.

“I’ve never heard of a case like this,” said Lee Berlik, a Reston lawyer who specializes in defamation law. He said comments between doctors typically would be privileged, but the Vienna man claimed his recording showed that there was at least one and as many as three other people in the room during the procedure and that they were discussing matters beyond the scope of the colonoscopy.

“Usually, all [legal] publication requires is publication to someone other than the plaintiff,” Berlik said. “If one of the doctors said to someone else in the room that this guy had syphilis and tuberculosis and that person believed it, that could be a claim. Then it’s up to the jury to decide: Were the statements literal assertions of fact? The jury apparently was just so offended at this unprofessional behavior that they’re going to give the plaintiff a win. That’s what happens in the real world.”

One of the jurors, Farid Khairzada, said that “there was not much defense, because everything was on tape.” He said that the man’s attorneys asked for $1.75 million and that the $500,000 award was a compromise between one juror who thought the man deserved nothing and at least one who thought he deserved more.

“We finally came to a conclusion,” Khairzada said, “that we have to give him something, just to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.”

The colonoscopy took place in Shah’s surgical suite on April 18, 2013, according to the man’s lawsuit. While being prepped for the procedure, the man apparently told Ingham that he had passed out previously while having blood drawn and that he was taking medication for a mild rash on his genitals.

Because he was going to be fully anesthetized, the man decided to turn on his cellphone’s audio recorder before the procedure so it would capture the doctor’s post-operation instructions, the suit states. But the man’s phone, in his pants, was placed beneath him under the operating table and inadvertently recorded the audio of the entire procedure, court records show. The doctors’ attorneys argued that the recording was illegal, but the man’s attorneys noted that Virginia is a “one-party consent” state, meaning that only one person involved in a conversation need agree to the recording.

The recording captured Ingham mocking the amount of anesthetic needed to sedate the man, the lawsuit states, and Shah then commented that another doctor they both knew “would eat him for lunch.”

The discussion soon turned to the rash on the man’s penis, followed by the comments implying that the man had syphilis or tuberculosis. The doctors then discussed “misleading and avoiding” the man after he awoke, and Shah reportedly told an assistant to convince the man that he had spoken with Shah and “you just don’t remember it.” Ingham suggested Shah receive an urgent “fake page” and said, “I’ve done the fake page before,” the complaint states. “Round and round we go. Wheel of annoying patients we go. Where it’ll land, nobody knows,” Ingham reportedly said.

Ingham then mocked the man for attending Mary Washington College, once an all-women’s school, and wondered aloud whether her patient was gay, the suit states. Then the anesthesiologist said, “I’m going to mark ‘hemorrhoids’ even though we don’t see them and probably won’t,” and did write a diagnosis of hemorrhoids on the man’s chart, which the lawsuit said was a falsification of medical records.

After declaring the patient a “big wimp,” Ingham reportedly said: “People are into their medical problems. They need to have medical problems.”

Shah replied, “I call it the Northern Virginia syndrome,” according to the suit.

The doctors argued that the Vienna man did not suffer any physical injury or miss any days of work. The man’s complaint said that he was “verbally brutalized” and suffered anxiety, embarrassment and loss of sleep for several months.

“These types of conversations,” testified Kathryn E. McGoldrick, former president of the Academy of Anesthesiology, “are not only offensive but frankly stupid, because we can never be certain that our patients are asleep and wouldn’t have recall.”


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014

I Love Everything About This Criminally Drunk Pennsylvania Wedding
Written by Gabrielle Bluestone


What did you do this weekend? Did it require multiple units of police back-up? Did it involve a wedding, a stun gun, a drunk 14-year-old, and someone grabbing a cop’s dick? Did it go down in the self-proclaimed Pretzel Capital of the World? If you answered “What is the Pretzel Capital of the World?” to one or more of these questions, shut up and hear me now: You are not one quarter cool as this couple, whose love may one day die, but whose recent insane nuptials will thankfully live forever—in the form of an incredible police report.
The unnamed bride and her groom, 31-year-old Nicholas Papoutsis were celebrating their love for one another, and also alcohol and fighting, in Pennsylvania’s Ontelaunee Township Saturday when everyone apparently went nuts.
Pretty much the best party recap I’ve ever read, via the New York Daily News:

The wedding night fight at the Blue Falls Grove venue started when a guest noticed that the 14-year-old was drunk. The woman scolded the boy’s mom for letting the teen guzzle beer at the reception.
“The mother responded with a punch to that woman’s face,” [Northern Berks Regional Police Chief Scott] Eaken said.
As the two women started to brawl, a third wedding guest tried to break up the fight — but the dueling women punched him and broke his glasses, police said.
By the time cops arrived, there were drunken “fights everywhere,” Eaken said.
“We went there with the intent of telling everyone to leave and go home, but that unfortunately didn’t happen,” Eaken said.
Instead, the groom challenged the cops to a duel.
Crazy! So does the story get any better, I’m sure you’re wondering? Hell yeah it gets better!
According to local paper the Reading Eagle, after “being berated and threatened” by a crowd of party-hearty drunks, the responding officers called for backup. Lots of backup.

Seven arrested at wedding reception melee in Ontelaunee | Reading Eagle - NEWS Seven arrested at wedding reception melee in Ontelaunee | Reading Eagle - NEWS Seven arrested at wedding reception melee in Ontel
A brawl erupted during a wedding reception in Ontelaunee Township, leading to the arrest of the…Read more readingeagle.com
Units from the Fleetwood, Hamburg, Penn State Berks and Wyomissing departments responded, along with Bern, Spring, Tilden and Muhlenberg police and two Reading police K-9 units. The Berks County sheriff’s office sent a prisoner transport vehicle.
Before their backup arrived, however, the cops tasered a guest who was allegedly forcibly blocking their entry to the banquet hall. The stun gun “had no effect” on the man, who shortly thereafter grabbed the dick of one of the officers. From the Reading Eagle:
The man, Brian R. Pelker, 46, of the 400 block of Hill Road, South Heidelberg Township, refused to get out of the way, yelled at officers and took on a fighting stance. After warning him to get out of the way. Barrow used a stun gun on him to no effect. He tried to use the stun gun again but Pelker only got more aggressive, so Barrow took him down with a baton.
Once on the ground, Pelker struggled with officers and grabbed one of them in the crotch before he was subdued.
Around the same time, officers noticed the bride collapsed on the floor. She was later hospitalized with alcohol poisoning, as was the 14-year-old, who reportedly had a BAC of .16. Six people, including the groom, were arrested and four officers were hospitalized.
And they all lived happily ever after.​

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Taxi gets flat tire, cab driver blames it on overweight passenger
By Jelisa Castrodale

An Italian cab driver who was obviously having a bad day decided to make sure that his passenger’s afternoon sucked too. A customer identified only as M.O. was picked up at Rome’s Termini train station and was supposed to have a completely uneventful drive to a medical clinic on the outskirts of the city. But on the outbound trip, one of the cab’s back tires blew and the driver was less-than-thrilled about having to change it, so he blamed it on all the admittedly overweight man who was riding in the back seat.

That’s right, the driver charged a flat €30 ($33) fare for the trip and then added a €50 ($56) fee for the blown tire, which he said was caused by the 336-pound passenger. The man told Rome’s Il Messaggero newspaper:

I felt humiliated. It wasn’t fair. This is also a kind of discrimination. It was obvious that he was mocking me because I am obese.

Regardless of how unfair the charges were, the man handed over all €80 when he reached his destination. When he returned to his hometown in Northern Italy, he visited a support organization for obese individuals and filed a complaint against the driver. He should complain, because apparently some cabs in Rome have tires made out of Mylar balloons. If two average-sized 175-pound men had asked for a ride, all four wheels could’ve blown out like cheap party favors.


Mar 17, 2014

I Love Everything About This Criminally Drunk Pennsylvania Wedding
Written by Gabrielle Bluestone


What did you do this weekend? Did it require multiple units of police back-up? Did it involve a wedding, a stun gun, a drunk 14-year-old, and someone grabbing a cop’s dick? Did it go down in the self-proclaimed Pretzel Capital of the World? If you answered “What is the Pretzel Capital of the World?” to one or more of these questions, shut up and hear me now: You are not one quarter cool as this couple, whose love may one day die, but whose recent insane nuptials will thankfully live forever—in the form of an incredible police report.
The unnamed bride and her groom, 31-year-old Nicholas Papoutsis were celebrating their love for one another, and also alcohol and fighting, in Pennsylvania’s Ontelaunee Township Saturday when everyone apparently went nuts.
Pretty much the best party recap I’ve ever read, via the New York Daily News:

The wedding night fight at the Blue Falls Grove venue started when a guest noticed that the 14-year-old was drunk. The woman scolded the boy’s mom for letting the teen guzzle beer at the reception.
“The mother responded with a punch to that woman’s face,” [Northern Berks Regional Police Chief Scott] Eaken said.
As the two women started to brawl, a third wedding guest tried to break up the fight — but the dueling women punched him and broke his glasses, police said.
By the time cops arrived, there were drunken “fights everywhere,” Eaken said.
“We went there with the intent of telling everyone to leave and go home, but that unfortunately didn’t happen,” Eaken said.
Instead, the groom challenged the cops to a duel.
Crazy! So does the story get any better, I’m sure you’re wondering? Hell yeah it gets better!
According to local paper the Reading Eagle, after “being berated and threatened” by a crowd of party-hearty drunks, the responding officers called for backup. Lots of backup.

Seven arrested at wedding reception melee in Ontelaunee | Reading Eagle - NEWS Seven arrested at wedding reception melee in Ontelaunee | Reading Eagle - NEWS Seven arrested at wedding reception melee in Ontel
A brawl erupted during a wedding reception in Ontelaunee Township, leading to the arrest of the…Read more readingeagle.com
Units from the Fleetwood, Hamburg, Penn State Berks and Wyomissing departments responded, along with Bern, Spring, Tilden and Muhlenberg police and two Reading police K-9 units. The Berks County sheriff’s office sent a prisoner transport vehicle.
Before their backup arrived, however, the cops tasered a guest who was allegedly forcibly blocking their entry to the banquet hall. The stun gun “had no effect” on the man, who shortly thereafter grabbed the dick of one of the officers. From the Reading Eagle:
The man, Brian R. Pelker, 46, of the 400 block of Hill Road, South Heidelberg Township, refused to get out of the way, yelled at officers and took on a fighting stance. After warning him to get out of the way. Barrow used a stun gun on him to no effect. He tried to use the stun gun again but Pelker only got more aggressive, so Barrow took him down with a baton.
Once on the ground, Pelker struggled with officers and grabbed one of them in the crotch before he was subdued.
Around the same time, officers noticed the bride collapsed on the floor. She was later hospitalized with alcohol poisoning, as was the 14-year-old, who reportedly had a BAC of .16. Six people, including the groom, were arrested and four officers were hospitalized.
And they all lived happily ever after.​
Gabriel Bluestone doesn't mince words in his article. Fun and interesting read.


Mar 17, 2014

Taxi gets flat tire, cab driver blames it on overweight passenger
By Jelisa Castrodale

An Italian cab driver who was obviously having a bad day decided to make sure that his passenger’s afternoon sucked too. A customer identified only as M.O. was picked up at Rome’s Termini train station and was supposed to have a completely uneventful drive to a medical clinic on the outskirts of the city. But on the outbound trip, one of the cab’s back tires blew and the driver was less-than-thrilled about having to change it, so he blamed it on all the admittedly overweight man who was riding in the back seat.

That’s right, the driver charged a flat €30 ($33) fare for the trip and then added a €50 ($56) fee for the blown tire, which he said was caused by the 336-pound passenger. The man told Rome’s Il Messaggero newspaper:

I felt humiliated. It wasn’t fair. This is also a kind of discrimination. It was obvious that he was mocking me because I am obese.

Regardless of how unfair the charges were, the man handed over all €80 when he reached his destination. When he returned to his hometown in Northern Italy, he visited a support organization for obese individuals and filed a complaint against the driver. He should complain, because apparently some cabs in Rome have tires made out of Mylar balloons. If two average-sized 175-pound men had asked for a ride, all four wheels could’ve blown out like cheap party favors.
I can't believe the passenger paid the cab driver. I would have given him something else

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

The 'handsome gorilla' driving Japanese girls mad: Australian-raised ape finds fame as women flock to the zoo to see him because he is 'so good-looking'
  • He has attracted a large following of admirers who visit him because he is so 'handsome' and 'good-looking'
A gorilla who grew up in an Australian zoo has become a heartthrob among women in Japan.

Shabani the gorilla, who now lives in Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Nagoya, has attracted a large following of admirers who visit him because he is so 'handsome'.

The western lowland gorilla was raised at Sydney's Taronga Zoo but moved to Japan in 2007.


What the hell is wrong with you people?

Zoo officials said there had been a notable increase in young female visitors thanks to Shabani, Chunichi reported.

Shabani's rise to fame has been fuelled largely by Twitter, where fans post pictures of him claiming he is 'too handsome'.

His adoring Twitter following often refers to him as an 'ikemen', which means a 'good-looking man'.

Taronga Zoo senior zookeeper Allan Schmidt said Shabani was moved to Australia from The Netherlands as a two-month-old in December 1996 with his family.

When asked if he was surprised by Shabani's popularity he said: 'No because the Japanese are crazy... The Japanese love their fads.'

He added: 'I would say most people would consider him fairly dashing.'

Pictures of the gorilla posted online capture him in moments where he appears to be flexing his muscles, staring broodingly into the distance or playing with the younger gorillas.

Comments posted online describe him as 'hot' and 'too handsome'.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Man Raises Two Bears He Thought Were Dogs
By Gina Vaynshteyn

A man named Wang Kaiyu living in Yunnan, China, discovered the two puppies he’s been raising for the past two years are actually, uh, Asian black bears. And they’re considered a class II protected species.

Exactly how Kaiyu ended up with bears for puppies? According to Shanghaiist, Kaiyu came across a man crossing the Vietnamese border with two “good looking” puppies. So he bought them, not thinking twice —and treated them like the prince and princess that they are. Kaiyu raised them like he would raise dogs — he bathed them, fed them, and brushed their fur.

He told China Daily that both bears were, “very lively, not picky about food and were friendly with human beings.” However, after awhile, the cubs started, “behaving strangely much unlike dogs while they grew up,” occasionally hunting and eating a chicken on Kaiyu’s farm.

Currently, the bears are doing great at the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre of Yunnan.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
(CNN)A man who apparently mocked alligators, then jumped in the water -- despite warning signs -- is dead after being attacked in Texas.

Orange County Police were called to Burkart's Marina near the Louisiana state line early Friday morning after reports that Tommie Woodward, 28, and an unidentified woman were swimming in a bayou and had been attacked by a large alligator.

Woodward's body was found several hours later. The woman was not injured.


Orange County Justice of the Peace Rodney Price toldCNN affiliate KFDM that Woodward ignored verbal warnings and a posted "No Swimming Alligators" sign and seemed to mock the deadly creatures before going in the water.

"He removed his shirt, removed his billfold ... someone shouted a warning and he said 'blank the alligators' and jumped in to the water and almost immediately yelled for help," Price said.

The "No Swimming Alligators" sign was posted this week after a 10-foot alligator was spotted in the bayou waters.

Witness heard 'An alligator's got him'

"Please do not go swimming, there's a bigger alligator out here. Just please stay out of the water," witness and marina employee Michelle Wright said she told Woodward.

She said the next thing she heard was the woman screaming, "An alligator's got him." Wright said she used a flashlight in the darkness to scan the water.

In an emotional interview with KFDM, Wright said, "I saw his body floating face down. And then he's out there for a couple of seconds and then he's dragged back down. And then he comes back up still face down and then he gets pulled down again. And then he just disappears."

Wright, who said she knew the victim and his family, said it was a moment she would never forget. She described the events that started out as a late night swim as "heartbreaking."

Woodward had recently moved to the area from St. Louis with his twin brother and was working at a nearby shipyard.

'If the sun is down, stay out of the water'

Alligators are predatory and territorial. According to Texas Parks and Wildlife, the creature "will eat anything it can catch," and should be treated with caution.

"If the sun is down, stay out the water. That's when they're eating. That's when they're hunting," alligator expert Arlie Hammonds told the affiliate.

Although there have been numerous fatal alligator attacks in Florida, the Orange County attack may be the first of its kind in Texas.

CNN's Dave Alsup, Jeremy Grisham and Carma Hassan contributed to this report

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJp6XuM-f2o


100 helium balloons, a lawn chair and a scary flight lead to mischief charge

It was the most relaxing yet frightening moment of Daniel Boria’s life.

For more than 20 minutes early Sunday evening, the entrepreneur floated high above downtown Calgary in a $20 green lawn chair kept aloft by 120 massive helium balloons he ordered online.

From his colourful flying balloon perch in the clouds, Boria could see planes land below him.

“It was incredibly peaceful up there,” said the 26-year-old, who had a parachute strapped to his back, and a GPS and oxygen tank on the floating chair.

The stunt was months in the making and involved everything from skydiving lessons to researching wind direction and purchasing $12,000 in helium.

While it didn’t end exactly as planned, Boria said it was the “most fun thing” he’s ever done.

With the help of 20 of his employees, who filled the six-foot round balloons with the $12,000 of helium, Boria’s flying chair device took off from a Calgary park on Sunday evening.

There were cheers when the contraption quickly left the ground and began to float up higher and higher.

“He got so high that he was at cloud level,” said Acting Insp. Kyle Grant.

But wind conditions meant the landing didn’t go exactly as planned, and Boria instead jumped from the chair, opened a parachute attached to his back, and landed in a green space near Highfield Boulevard S.E., about a kilometre southeast of the Stampede grounds.

EMS spokesman Stuart Brideaux said Boria was assessed by paramedics around 8 p.m. “for some minor injuries sustained allegedly when he parachuted from his lawn chair” but declined further assistance.

Boria suffered an injured ankle and said he was going for X-rays on Monday evening.

After landing, Boria was met by police and placed in custody, where he spent the night.

“I basically went from the most free feeling you could ever imagine in your life to being locked up in a box,” Boria said.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
(1982, California)

Larry Walters of Los Angeles is one of the few to contend for the Darwin Awards and live to tell the tale. "I have fulfilled my 20-year dream," said Walters, a former truck driver for a company that makes TV commercials. "I'm staying on the ground. I've proved the thing works."

Larry's boyhood dream was to fly. But fates conspired to keep him from his dream. He joined the Air Force, but his poor eyesight disqualified him from the job of pilot. After he was discharged from the military, he sat in his backyard watching jets fly overhead.

He hatched his weather balloon scheme while sitting outside in his "extremely comfortable" Sears lawnchair. He purchased 45 weather balloons from an Army-Navy surplus store, tied them to his tethered lawnchair (dubbed the Inspiration I) and filled the four-foot diameter balloons with helium. Then, armed with some sandwiches, Miller Lite, and a pellet gun, he strapped himself into his lawnchair. He figured he would shoot to pop a few of the many balloons when it was time to descend.

Larry planned to sever the anchor and lazily float to a height of about 30 feet above the backyard, where he would enjoy a few hours of flight before coming back down. But things didn't work out quite as Larry planned.

When his friends cut the cord anchoring the lawnchair to his Jeep, he did not float lazily up to 30 feet. Instead he streaked into the LA sky as if shot from a cannon, pulled by the lift of 45 helium balloons, holding 33 cubic feet of helium each.

He didn't level off at 100 feet, nor did he level off at 1000 feet. After climbing and climbing, he leveled off at 16,000 feet.

At that height he felt he couldn't risk shooting any of the balloons, lest he unbalance the load and really find himself in trouble. So he stayed there, drifting cold and frightened with his beer and sandwiches, for more than 14 hours. He crossed the primary approach corridor of LAX, where startled Trans World Airlines and Delta Airlines pilots radioed in reports of the strange sight.

Eventually he gathered the nerve to shoot a few balloons, and slowly descended. The hanging tethers tangled and caught in a power line, blacking out a Long Beach neighborhood for 20 minutes. Larry climbed to safety, where he was arrested by waiting members of the LAPD. As he was led away in handcuffs, a reporter dispatched to cover the daring rescue asked him why he had done it. Larry replied nonchalantly, "A man can't just sit around."

The Federal Aviation Administration was not amused. Safety Inspector Neal Savoy said, "We know he broke some part of the Federal Aviation Act, and as soon as we decide which part it is, a charge will be filed."

Larry's efforts won him a $1,500 FAA fine, a prize from the Bonehead Club of Dallas, the altitude record for gas-filled clustered balloons, and a Darwin Awards At-Risk Survivor. He gave his aluminum lawnchair to admiring neighborhood children, abandoned his truck-driving job, and went on the lecture circuit. He enjoyed intermittent demand as a motivational speaker, but said he never made much money from his innovative flight. He never married and had no children. Larry hiked into the forest and shot himself on October 6, 1993. He died at the age of 44.

You can find the NBC news report on YouTube ("Larry Walters' Fly")
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
She's just keeping it real. Dumbass!

Teacher suspended after saying she hates ‘white people,’ outing lesbian student
June 15, 2015

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. –Some teachers will just say the darndest things.

A Florida teacher who asked students about their sexuality, allegedly cursed at them, and told students she hates white people doesn’t understand why she’s serving a 15-day unpaid suspension.

“They’ve never even met with me and told me what I’ve done wrong,” Southside Middle School teacher Kelly Hendrix told Fox 30.

“I teach 165 kids this year. They pulled me out of the class because of one complaint. One complaint,” she said. “I love it. I love it. And now it’s over for me.”

School officials may not have met with Hendrix before imposing the suspension, but a report obtained by the news site reveals exactly why she’s on teacher time-out.

Students questioned as part of the district’s investigation told officials the teacher cursed at them, said she hates white people, and would use racially insensitive terms in class. Hendrix also reportedly asked students about their sexuality, used homophobic insults, and threatened to issue a failing grade if they reported her antics, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Hendrix allegedly asked a female student if she was gay, then fondly recalled a lesbian experience she encountered with another female teacher at the school. A male student also said Hendrix questioned him about his sexuality, and Hendrix told Fox 30 she did it for his own good.

“I called the boy outside and I said to the boy, I said, ‘What’s going on?’ and he said, ‘Kids are calling me gay,’ and I looked at him and said, ‘Well, are you gay?’” Hendrix said. “He said, ‘No,’ and I said, ‘Well, why does that bother you? – simply like that.”

“Another student interviewed as part of the investigation said that Hendrix called her father and told him she was a lesbian,” according to the Sentinel. “Hendrix said in an interview with WJAX that she believes the allegations against her are part of a payback scheme orchestrated by that student.”

The school investigation was also reviewed by police, who found Hendrix committed no crimes, Raw Story reports.

At least one student took to the Fox 30 site to defend Hendrix, whom she credits for “saving her life.”

The girl recalled how she was in a very emotionally troubled place when she was forced to attend Southside for a second round of 8th grade, and Hendrix took the time to understand what she was going through and encourage her to attend a local specialty arts high school.

“ … (A)bout half way through the year I had to go to Wolfson’s Children Mental Health Unit for being suicidal. When I came back she sat me down and talked to me, I cried and told her everything, after that we became very close. I would come to her classroom every day after school and just talk to her and Mr. David, they both became very important people in my life,” Katie Blanchard posted.

“Around February, I wanted to try out for Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, a high school I had been interested in since sixth grade. I was scared and insecure about auditioning for it, she gave me the courage to try, and I am now a freshman at D.A. in visual arts, next year I will be starting photography and can’t be more excited and happy in my life. …

“Mrs. Henxrix was there for me, she was real with me,” Blanchard wrote.

Surely, they are going to fire this idiot? She doesn't need to be anywhere near children.