Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal life?

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I'm not saying where, but I see a lot of different people getting all indignant about Jenkins' off-the-field issues. Personally, I could give a shit what he did to get himself in trouble. And trouble is going to be the operative word here. He got in a bar fight and got tazed, and he got busted for weed twice. His kids with different mothers is a different *issue*. Here's where I fall on it.

1. I've done the same things and more. I've been arrested for drunk and disorderly, mayhem, assault, failure to appear, DWI, outstanding warrant (during a routine traffic stop), and of course possession of a controlled substance (weed). Thankfully I've never been tazed, because that shit looks like it hurts. All of this happened to me between the ages of 17 and 28. I don't have any explanation for any of it, and I certainly am not blaming anyone other than myself. That said, I grew up in an abusive household. I only say that because after being in and out of programs, I'm told that accounts for something. Still; it was all me, and in retrospect it's not surprising that people didn't think I was any good. Once I got into a caring environment, I turned things around and got myself under control. I think he's going into an environment similar to that, but at the same time, he's going into a lifestyle that almost promotes the things he's trying to escape (see Big Ben).

2. I don't care what a guy does with his sex life. If he sleeps with a bunch of women and uses no protection, then whatever. Irresponsible, but I'm SURE he's not unique in that regard. The only problem I see is that he *could have been* in a position to father a bunch of kids and have no means to provide for them. That's the only thing that would have bothered me, but not so much that I need to be all righteous about it. It's not my life; it's his. One could point to that kind of behavior being a contributor to the downfall of society, but this isn't the thread for that. You know where to start that discussion.

To wrap this up, I'm not bothered by it. I see it as just being a kid and not having the support structure many of the more "righteous people" were privileged enough to grow up with. That includes people from every economic rank in our society. There are under-privileged kids that have strong families, and sometimes the well-to-do have kids that are abject nightmares. It all depends on your support growing up. Anyway. If I see one more person say "a leopard can't change his spots", I'm going to puke. The only real thing that bothers me about Janoris Jenkins is having to listen to people who figure they're better people than he will ever be. That's nonsense.

And again, this isn't about how he'll affect the Rams if he doesn't change. This is just about his past.


Jun 25, 2010
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

Nope I could care less as long as he stays true to his word and is not a distraction for his teammates and FO. Quite frankly I do not think it matters much because from what I have read all his teammates thought he was a good guy and a team player.
Totally understand where you are coming from X and can 100% see where Janoris can step up and take care of his children knowing that he is in the "real world" now and not college anymore. He's know with professionals around him everyday. I can see where growing up no one gave a shit about anything besides his football ability, but now that has all changed to an extent.


Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif


He does things that can get him in trouble and lead to complications, distractions, scandals, and other issues that can directly have an effect on the team.

So for example if he gets suspended.

He does not do smart things.

Think back. Who didn't have sex in college or bogart a joint or 2.

How many caused multiple pregnancies and got arrested multiple times for drugs.

I mean. C'mon. No one's luck is THAT bad. You need to add stupid to the mix to get that kind of record. On top of it he shrugged off the question about the children by talking about what a good father he is :shock:

And...I do hope he straightens it out and becomes a top player and that he has matured some. He can play. And people can turn themselves around.

But, I mean, jeesh---his history is not the kind you just ignore.

What is he going to be like after a first big paycheck? If he matures it will be fine. If not...he will embarass the Rams for picking him.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

zn said:

He does things that can get him in trouble and lead to complications, distractions, scandals, and other issues that can directly have an effect on the team.

So for example if he gets suspended.

He does not do smart things.

Think back. Who didn't have sex in college or bogart a joint or 2.

How many caused multiple pregnancies and got arrested multiple times for drugs.

I mean. C'mon. No one's luck is THAT bad. You need to add stupid to the mix to get that kind of record. On top of it he shrugged off the question about the children by talking about what a good father he is :shock:

And...I do hope he straightens it out and becomes a top player and that he has matured some. He can play. And people can turn themselves around.

But, I mean, jeesh---his history is not the kind you just ignore.

What is he going to be like after a first big paycheck? If he matures it will be fine. If not...he will embarass the Rams for picking him.
You read this part?

And again, this isn't about how he'll affect the Rams if he doesn't change. This is just about his past.
So I'll ask you again. Do you personally care about his past? Are you prepared to judge him on it? That's what I'm asking.

As for who gets multiple women pregnant goes... there are plenty. In the NFL though...

Travis Henry - 11 kids with 10 different women
Marshall Faulk - Six children with at least four women
Ray Lewis - Six children with multiple women
Antonio Cromartie - Seven children with multiple women in five different states

I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I think we're all in agreement that if he doesn't reform, he'll be a wasted draft pick and a black spot on the Rams for a few years. Nobody wants that.


May 28, 2011
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

Well I've never really gotten in trouble ever, given my line of work I have to keep on the right path though.

That being said, I don't give a shit what he does off the field as long as he produces on the field. However obviously that implies that off the field he stays out of trouble, because if he doesn't and he gets suspended, then he can't produce. Simple as that.

The past is the past, if he is truly a changed man then there's nothing to worry about. If he isn't? Then we'll get a few good seasons on him and part ways. It's not the first time we've dumped a second rounder... And we got 2 more this year to cover down.

I don't see a point in trying to hold a man down for what he did. There's no point, we'll see what happens when it happens. I for one not only aren't bothered by it, I'm rooting for him. I want him to prove the doubters wrong. I want him to show 31 teams how stupid they were and make them regret their choice. I want him to succeed, no I want him to dominate.

Also pot doesn't bother me, kids don't bother me, as long as he can pay for em. And I have been tazed... But that was in the military because our medic thought it was awesome to get guys in the back of the neck (in our outpost of course) with the ones you press against guys and watch them drop... If you saw him and tried to duck out of the way he'd shoot you with the ones that shoot out those little hooks. I'll tell you though, that shit sucks!


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Once this kid gets in a caring and nurturing environment, he'll be fine - see B.F. Skinner's Theory on Operant Conditioning (i.e. Skinner Box). Spinoza's claim that some of us are born 'bad' is elitist bullcrap.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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interference said:
Once this kid gets in a caring and nurturing environment, he'll be fine - see B.F. Skinner's Theory on Operant Conditioning (i.e. Skinner Box). Spinoza's claim that some of us are born 'bad' is elitist bullcrap.
Yeah, I'm familiar with the theory. Don't know if I'm 100% sold on it, but that's only because I haven't interviewed 20,000 'bad' people. I'd like to think there's good in everyone though. The only part I'm struggling with right now is the 'lifestyle' he's going to get into. I agree that for several months he'll be with the team, and within that structure he could find some guidance, but it's when he's NOT within that structure that worries me (for him). I think the team is going to get him heavily involved in the community, as they do with most players, so that should help. I just don't see him being like Bradford and living the simple life. Dude obviously likes to party (who doesn't at that age), so I hope he develops a strong bond with someone who has his head on straight. Like others in this thread, I'd really like to see him succeed. Not only for himself, but for the team as well. Being labeled as potentially the top corner in the draft, and falling to us with our third pick is outstanding. And it could be outstanding for years and years.


Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

So I'll ask you again. Do you personally care about his past?'s an irrelevant question.

I wouldn't even know about his past, let alone care about it, if he weren't a high draft pick of the team I follow.

And as such, basically, I have the same attitude toward him I do toward any job applicant with a business I have some kind of link to--whether it's directly real (where I work) or through emotional connection (being a fan of a pro team).

And I want to know if the personal past of the "applicant" makes him a risk or not.

Trying to re-phrase that into a question about whether I "personally care" just sidesteps the real issue.

As with any job applicant, I CARE about what his past tells us about his character and fitness for the job.

Now his way out of that is to refuse to be an NFL player and therefore refuse to live in the spotlight.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

zn said:
So I'll ask you again. Do you personally care about his past?'s an irrelevant question.

I wouldn't even know about his past, let alone care about it, if he weren't a high draft pick of the team I follow.

And as such, basically, I have the same attitude toward him I do toward any job applicant with a business I have some kind of link to--whether it's directly real (where I work) or through emotional connection (being a fan of a pro team).

And I want to know if the personal past of the "applicant" makes him a risk or not.

Trying to re-phrase that into a question about whether I "personally care" just sidesteps the real issue.

As with any job applicant, I CARE about what his past tells us about his character and fitness for the job.

Now his way out of that is to refuse to be an NFL player and therefore refuse to live in the spotlight.
All due, but I'll decide what's relevant in a thread I start. You're of course free to ask everyone if they think his past is a potential detriment to his future on this team, but I think we're all aware of the answer to that question. I mean, I doubt you'll find anyone who would say, "Nah, his past history poses no substantial risk to the investment the Rams made in him."

I didn't rephrase the question either. I just re-posted the last sentence of my original post to remind you of what I was asking. See, there actually ARE people out there who are casting aspersions on Jenkins as a human being, and are commenting ONLY on his behavior. It's become a discussion in some places. People are talking about how he's just not a very good person. Stupid, in some cases. Which, I'll freely admit, he has been. But who are we (who is anyone, actually) to judge another human being based on his actions before he's had a chance to redeem himself? Get what I'm saying here? This isn't entrapment on my part or anything. I'm genuinely interested to know if there are people who are judgmental. I certainly won't judge THEM for that either. I'd only like to ask "why?" I'm just curious about the subject I posed. It intrigues me. I have a past that gives me insight, and I've redeemed myself. Therefore, I'm interested in this.

Ya feel me?


Nov 18, 2010
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

Good post X. I agree with what you said. We all did dumb stuff when we were younger, and most of us learned from it, and grew up, or learned how to do certain things more intelligently. Hopefully he has had or this is the turning point and his shit is together. If he wants to have a bunch of kids with a bunch of different women, I couldn't care less, as long as he performs on Sunday and doesn't do stupid stuff to get suspended. Seems like all his "issues" have been blown way out of proportion, and nobody is giving the kid a chance.


Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

But who are we (who is anyone, actually) to judge another human being based on his actions before he's had a chance to redeem himself? ...I'm genuinely interested to know if there are people who are judgmental.

Okay leaving the Rams aside. I think almost all people are redeemable, and he hasn't done anything that crosses the line into being among the "not almost" who are not redeemable. Heck what Roethlisberger did was worse by FAR and he is redeemable, in theory anyway. In a very different vein, what Vick did was worse but he too is redeemable.

But just being clinical, he really does have some striking maturity and judgement issues. Plus of course insecurity issues (there are women with security issues of their own who bolster themselves by having children of a star or potential star, and he has fallen for that). Being clinical isn't "judging"--it's just calling them as you see them.

If I knew the guy--like was a neighbor, or worked with him in some capacity--as long as he wasn't a jerk personally, I would question his actions privately but also assume I could relate to his better side and certainly would not be all distant or high n mighty or any of the kind of things I see holier than thou types do.

But like I said, the things he did contain a fairly dark load of stupid, and I don't see how people can avoid reacting to that. For example, with me, I don't think you can say you're a good father when you have several simultaneous sets of kids you basically don't live with and help raise. I don't get why he doesn't get that.

So the thing that now stands is this. 100s of thousands of dollars is a big incentive to say the right things and to talk the talk. But as we know if it doesn't come from some place real inside him then he isn't really redeeming himself.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

zn said:
Okay leaving the Rams aside. I think almost all people are redeemable, and he hasn't done anything that crosses the line into being among the "not almost" who are not redeemable. Heck what Roethlisberger did was worse by FAR and he is redeemable, in theory anyway. In a very different vein, what Vick did was worse but he too is redeemable.

But just being clinical, he really does have some striking maturity and judgement issues. Plus of course insecurity issues (there are women with security issues of their own who bolster themselves by having children of a star or potential star, and he has fallen for that). Being clinical isn't "judging"--it's just calling them as you see them.

If I knew the guy--like was a neighbor, or worked with him in some capacity--as long as he wasn't a jerk personally, I would question his actions privately but also assume I could relate to his better side and certainly would not be all distant or high n mighty or any of the kind of things I see holier than thou types do.

But like I said, the things he did contain a fairly dark load of stupid, and I don't see how people can avoid reacting to that. For example, with me, I don't think you can say you're a good father when you have several simultaneous sets of kids you basically don't live with and help raise. I don't get why he doesn't get that.

So the thing that now stands is this. 100s of thousands of dollars is a big incentive to say the right things and to talk the talk. But as we know if it doesn't come from some place real inside him then he isn't really redeeming himself.
There we go. Thanks.

The "I'm a good father" comment is interesting. I've tried feverishly to see if he had regular visitation, or if he was trying to support them (as unlikely as that is with his being a college athlete), but I can't. It is highly unlikely though. Especially if he got shipped off to another college. I do know he had some kids with him during his interview with ESPN (video posted here), but I don't know how many. Sounded like a couple, anyway. And unless he moves to Utah, he won't be able to spend much quality time with them all at the same time, and under the same roof. That doesn't preclude him from feeling genuine love for them all either.

I pay a good penny for child support of son (my daughter is now 21, so it was reduced a few years back). I can only imagine what his payments are going to be NOW. They use a formula wherein they take into consideration your salary and the mother's salary, and then tear that up and bleed the dads for as much coin as they can. There's no hard feelings on my part here -- much. Particularly when those funds go wasted on things other than those for which they were intended. But I digress. Like I said earlier, that's the only thing about him that makes me uneasy. Bringing kids into the world is a huge responsibility that shouldn't ever be taken lightly. Raising them is even more important, as I'm sure he's fully aware. Supporting them, as he'll soon find out, is quite costly. That's one lesson I'm sure he's going to continue to learn. For at least another decade.

The rest of it? The fighting and the smoking? Kids stuff. Kids stuff I firmly believe he'll outgrow with the proper support and encouragement. If he doesn't, then we'll have more to discuss. Then he'll have moved onto being a dumbass who threw away everything and did some level of harm to the Organization. It'll be a sad story, but I won't have as much compassion then.

Thanks again for addressing my intended subject matter.


Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

The only thing that really troubles me concerning Jenkins is the fact that he was a gator.

I'm thrilled about his talent, and because of that, I'll give him a pass on his U of F history. When he played in the swamp / sewer he was the Best player on the field, and that's really saying something. He's the kind of football player all teams hope get.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

X, that's quite a story about yourself and I GET why you don't view LL as judgementally as some. People grow up, ,I'll say this if he takes as long as you did, he won't last.

To answer the question as to whether I care,sure , do I dismissively judge him?, not so much, but I can't ignore it.

I applaud Fisher being willing to take a chance on the kid when others wouldn't .According to reports he was thuroughly researched,when he began using weed is to me a critical aspect. I wouldn't catagorize Jenkins as being "bad" I'd catagorize him as having impulse control problems.
Have you "EVER" been talking to someone and wanted to spit in their face? I have, but I don't do it ,it's impulse control and when kids start on drugs too young they sometimes never develop the ability , sometimes it retards the development of an identifiable portion OF the brain .
What NOW is most important for JJ is that he suspend ALL substance abuse and LET that part of his brain develop.
If he starts or keeps doing stupid shyte I'd bet it's because he's still smoking.
Again though stupid isn't IMO criminal and that's all smoking pot really is ,stupid .
I had a discussion with my 17 year old yesterday about pot because he is at the age where he has friends who are startingand he's being exposed to it. I told him that IMO it should be leagal and that I think it will in the next 10 years and that old folks homes will have pot parties,but that NOW is the time in his life when he needs to refrain from smoking and develop the ability to earn enough money to put himself in the position that he can afford to smoke the shyte and that THEN and ONLY THEN should he consider using it.

Funny how we get that upside down in our lives.My ex wifes brother(he and I are still tight) was a medical pot cultivator in CO for a while,he's smoked all his life and he's a pretty responsible guy, but without it, IMO he;d have gone much further in life.
The most accurate anti drug message I've ever seen is the "with pot nothing happens" commercials.

In the end though with me ,you are who you are today,if you were a prick yesterday and you OK today then you're OK,but I won't forget.
I would insist on clauses in the kids contract that doled his signing bonus out in an anuity that would be forfeit in the event he fell off the wagon,but in return I'd pay him like a low first rounder.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

Thordaddy said:
X, that's quite a story about yourself and I GET why you don't view LL as judgementally as some. People grow up, ,I'll say this if he takes as long as you did, he won't last.

To answer the question as to whether I care,sure , do I dismissively judge him?, not so much, but I can't ignore it.

I applaud Fisher being willing to take a chance on the kid when others wouldn't .According to reports he was thuroughly researched,when he began using weed is to me a critical aspect. I wouldn't catagorize Jenkins as being "bad" I'd catagorize him as having impulse control problems.
Have you "EVER" been talking to someone and wanted to spit in their face? I have, but I don't do it ,it's impulse control and when kids start on drugs too young they sometimes never develop the ability , sometimes it retards the development of an identifiable portion OF the brain .
What NOW is most important for JJ is that he suspend ALL substance abuse and LET that part of his brain develop.
If he starts or keeps doing stupid shyte I'd bet it's because he's still smoking.
Again though stupid isn't IMO criminal and that's all smoking pot really is ,stupid .
I had a discussion with my 17 year old yesterday about pot because he is at the age where he has friends who are starting and he's being exposed to it. I told him that IMO it should be leagal and that I think it will in the next 10 years and that old folks homes will have pot parties,but that NOW is the time in his life when he needs to refrain from smoking and develop the ability to earn enough money to put himself in the position that he can afford to smoke the shyte and that THEN and ONLY THEN should he consider using it.

Funny how we get that upside down in our lives.My ex wifes brother(he and I are still tight) was a medical pot cultivator in CO for a while,he's smoked all his life and he's a pretty responsible guy, but without it, IMO he;d have gone much further in life.
The most accurate anti drug message I've ever seen is the "with pot nothing happens" commercials.

In the end though with me ,you are who you are today,if you were a prick yesterday and you OK today then you're OK,but I won't forget.
I would insist on clauses in the kids contract that doled his signing bonus out in an anuity that would be forfeit in the event he fell off the wagon,but in return I'd pay him like a low first rounder.
Hopefully Double J turns it all around quicker than I did, because he's going to get intervention sooner than I did. That's what I'm counting on anyway. And hoping for (for him). Good take on everything there, T-Daddy. I agree with just about all of it, and I don't think he's a bad kid either. Made some very poor decisions for sure, but I don't think he's beyond help. Hopefully he can parlay this new-found success and money into a new identity. Really do like the way the Organization gets so involved with charities and community service. I think that'll do him wonders. I don't know if all NFL teams are doing that; but if they're not, they should be.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

X said:
Thordaddy said:
X, that's quite a story about yourself and I GET why you don't view LL as judgementally as some. People grow up, ,I'll say this if he takes as long as you did, he won't last.

To answer the question as to whether I care,sure , do I dismissively judge him?, not so much, but I can't ignore it.

I applaud Fisher being willing to take a chance on the kid when others wouldn't .According to reports he was thuroughly researched,when he began using weed is to me a critical aspect. I wouldn't catagorize Jenkins as being "bad" I'd catagorize him as having impulse control problems.
Have you "EVER" been talking to someone and wanted to spit in their face? I have, but I don't do it ,it's impulse control and when kids start on drugs too young they sometimes never develop the ability , sometimes it retards the development of an identifiable portion OF the brain .
What NOW is most important for JJ is that he suspend ALL substance abuse and LET that part of his brain develop.
If he starts or keeps doing stupid shyte I'd bet it's because he's still smoking.
Again though stupid isn't IMO criminal and that's all smoking pot really is ,stupid .
I had a discussion with my 17 year old yesterday about pot because he is at the age where he has friends who are starting and he's being exposed to it. I told him that IMO it should be leagal and that I think it will in the next 10 years and that old folks homes will have pot parties,but that NOW is the time in his life when he needs to refrain from smoking and develop the ability to earn enough money to put himself in the position that he can afford to smoke the shyte and that THEN and ONLY THEN should he consider using it.

Funny how we get that upside down in our lives.My ex wifes brother(he and I are still tight) was a medical pot cultivator in CO for a while,he's smoked all his life and he's a pretty responsible guy, but without it, IMO he;d have gone much further in life.
The most accurate anti drug message I've ever seen is the "with pot nothing happens" commercials.

In the end though with me ,you are who you are today,if you were a prick yesterday and you OK today then you're OK,but I won't forget.
I would insist on clauses in the kids contract that doled his signing bonus out in an anuity that would be forfeit in the event he fell off the wagon,but in return I'd pay him like a low first rounder.
Hopefully Double J turns it all around quicker than I did, because he's going to get intervention sooner than I did. That's what I'm counting on anyway. And hoping for (for him). Good take on everything there, T-Daddy. I agree with just about all of it, and I don't think he's a bad kid either. Made some very poor decisions for sure, but I don't think he's beyond help. Hopefully he can parlay this new-found success and money into a new identity. Really do like the way the Organization gets so involved with charities and community service. I think that'll do him wonders. I don't know if all NFL teams are doing that; but if they're not, they should be.

YUP. I'll be rooting for him to succeed like no other and if he does here's the next guy I'd look at.

Michael Dyer From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search For other people named Mike Dyer, see Mike Dyer (disambiguation).
Michael Dyer Arkansas State Red Wolves — No. 5
Running back Sophomore
Major: Undeclared
Date of birth: (1990-10-13) October 13, 1990 (age 21)
Place of birth: Little Rock, Arkansas
Height: 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) Weight: 230 lb (104 kg)
Career history
Auburn University (2010–2011)
Arkansas State University (2012-present)

Bowl games
2011 BCS National Championship Game
2011 Chick-fil-A Bowl

Career highlights and awards
First-team All-SEC (2011)
2011 BCS National Championship Game MVP
Freshman All-American (2010)
Freshman All-SEC (2010)

Stats at

Michael Dyer (born October 13, 1990) is an American football running back for Arkansas State University. He was considered one of the best running backs in his class at Auburn along with fellow running back Onterio McCalebb.[1]

[edit] College careerAs a true freshman in 2010 Dyer rushed for 1,093 yards on 182 carries and five touchdowns, breaking the Auburn record for most rushing yards by a freshman, previously held by Bo Jackson.[2] During the 2011 BCS National Championship Game against the Oregon Ducks he rushed for 143 yards on 22 carries and was named the Offensive Player of the Game.[3]

Dyer finished the 2011 regular season, his sophomore year, with 1,242 yards rushing on 242 attempts, an average of 5.1 yards-per-carry. He rushed for 10 touchdowns and averaged 103.5 yards-per-game. He was named to the Associated Press' All-SEC First Team and the Coaches' All-SEC First Team.[4][5] He now ranks 10th on Auburn's all-time rushing list with 2,335 yards.[6]

Prior to Auburn's appearance in the 2011 Chick-fil-A Bowl, Dyer was suspended indefinitely for an undisclosed violation of team rules.[7] On January 6, 2012, Auburn released Dyer from his football scholarship.[8]

Dyer has transferred to and is currently practicing with Arkansas State where Gus Malzahn was recently hired as the head coach, and will have to sit out next season due to NCAA transfer rules unless granted a waiver at some point during the 2012 summer.

He was implicated in an armed robbery and testified for the prosecution,was using "spice" when he and some friends engaged insome "high talk" and some of them went through with it.

HE could be the hammer to go along with Pead and SJ could retire and become our strength coach after he plays out his contract.


Van Jefferson’s #1 fan
Jul 27, 2010
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

I've smoked that whacky tobaccy.

I've beaten someone up for less. (He claimed they were trying to come up on his chain)

I've had unprotected sex.

That's college life.

He's not a rapist, he's not a dog killer, he never killed anyone in a limo, he doesn't sell drugs, he has no DUI's, he never shot himself in the leg...hell, who even knows if he owns a gun...

He's not a bad person. If you get caught with a little weed here in California the cop makes you stomp it out on the ground. No big deal.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
For my perspective, I dont think the kid has done anything wrong. And I simply dont see why he can't be a success both on the field, off the field, and in his personal life.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

Well our past is all we have to present for people to judge. So in that vein, I do care about what he has done, who he has been hanging out with, and how he has demonstrated his character. But I'm sure Fisher and Snead care at least as much as I and have done some very extensive research. I'm not too worried about him embarrassing the franchise. He is either going to straighten up enough for football or he isn't. Everyone knows we took a flyer on him and the reason it was a flyer was BECAUSE of his history and the potential for him to repeat it.

With all that in mind, though I wouldn't like the idea or a member of the Rams to do it, if he goes out and knocks up 10 more chicks, I'm not sure that would be my business. It would no doubt keep me from buying his jersey though. I'm also not sure how smoking pot is related to performance enhancing but it is a banned drug so in that end - I only care if he pisses hot from this day forward. He got in a bar fight? Oooooohhh :jerkoff: Guess I can't play in the NFL either now. Damn! And I had such a shot otherwise.

The problem is and here is where I may agree with ZN - It is his body of illegal acts and indiscretions that really concerns me. It is going to be a battle for him to completely extricate himself from how he has lived his life. It is not just one or two instances. With the right help though, he can do it.

I have been known to hire people with a felony record as long as they can give me a legit contact who will discuss with me what they have done. I don't believe in throwing people away. I have found that in about half the cases I have been rewarded with a very appreciative employee. The other half had to go. I'm not sure the odds are that much better with those without a rap sheet.

I know - waaaaaaaay too wordy. But the bottom line is that while his past certainly concerns me, if he is a good team mate and stays out of real trouble, I'll like to watch him shut down his side come Sundays.


Hall of Fame
Jun 23, 2010
Re: Does anyone here really care about Jenkins' personal lif

Personally, I think it's a joke. I think we've probably heard as much about Jenkins' past indiscretions as we've heard about the men who lead our country. Jenkins smoked some weed. Bush and Obama used cocaine. They're fit to run the country, yet this kid isn't fit to play pro football. :roll: