Do you want the Rams to part ways with Williams?

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude

Why not?

To you, is this just an overblown, sensationalistic approach to something that's been going on forever? Or is this Tanya Harding stuff? Meaning, this is just trying to gain an unfair advantage by playing dirty and taking out your opponents as opposed to relying on your skills. Something in between?


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
X said:

Why not?

To you, is this just an overblown, sensationalistic approach to something that's been going on forever? Or is this Tanya Harding stuff? Meaning, this is just trying to gain an unfair advantage by playing dirty and taking out your opponents as opposed to relying on your skills. Something in between?

I'd say that in light of the recent audio, it just makes sense to move on. Who needs the baggage? Is Williams the only one? I think it would be naive to believe that. But he was truly arrogant in the way he went about it and the NFL rightly saw him as the poster child. Now let him fall on the sword and let's play some football.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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RamFan503 said:
I'd say that in light of the recent audio, it just makes sense to move on. Who needs the baggage? Is Williams the only one? I think it would be naive to believe that. But he was truly arrogant in the way he went about it and the NFL rightly saw him as the poster child. Now let him fall on the sword and let's play some football.
But what if he serves his time and then gets reinstated? Is it possible that he can be a proponent for player safety after the fact? Sure, why not. Vick is now a proponent of fair treatment to dogs. If we let GW fall on the sword, then how do we excuse Loomis for not putting an end to this when GW was with New Orleans? I can't imagine Loomis and Payton not having ANY idea that this was still going on after they were told to stop. I think the arrogance went higher than Williams in that regard.

For me, this boils down to how valuable Williams was going to be to the Rams in the first place. He's had some really good defenses, and then he's had some pretty poor defenses too. If this was like Dick LeBeau or something, then I dunno - maybe I'd be trying to rally around him more. But I'm just not convinced that he was going to be the savior of our defense here. It's too "boom or bust" for me, but that's just the way I perceived the hire in the first place.


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
I like a hard hitting/physical defense as much as anyone. If I had to build a team, I would build it around a hard nose defense that nobody wants to come across the middle on. But it's time to move on.

I liked what Mike Silver said in that audio clip you posted X. About how Williams could come back and be a voice for the new era of NFL football.

However I think as of right now he just has to much baggage. I think guys, that dont want any part of being involved in a Williams system, will never full trust him and buy in. The NFL will also place the Rams under a microscope to ensure we are playing clean. That's extra scrutiny we dont need.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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libertadrocks said:
The NFL will also place the Rams under a microscope to ensure we are playing clean. That's extra scrutiny we dont need.
That's certainly possible, and a good point (worth considering).


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
Yes. Part ways, we don't need that kind of PR or scrutiny when or if he returns.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I'm torn.

My thinking has been that we need the pendulum to swing as far away from the "nice guy" side of the spectrum as possible.

I wish I knew whether or not GW was aware that he was being recorded during this clip. That would be a valuable piece of the puzzle for me.

There are 53+ guys on these teams... lots of different personalities ,,, and Wonderlic scores. Different ways to motivate and communicate, different levels of those too.

I didn't like the talk about testing that fake prima donna WR's ACL. I wasn't as bothered by most of the other stuff I heard today.

We've never really had him to know what he's capable of. Fisher wanted him, and I think they've planed to work together again for a long time now,,, long before the end of this season. I hate that Fisher's plan is now having to make a big adjustment.

Will the suspension last more than 1 season?

I just can't decide either way at this point.


Ram It, Do You Know How To Ram It, Ram It
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I think he's a big distraction now. Shocking audio.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Selassie I said:
I wish I knew whether or not GW was aware that he was being recorded during this clip. That would be a valuable piece of the puzzle for me.
He knew. The author/director of that clip taped/filmed every pre-game speech except for two and Williams was fully aware of it.


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
Selassie I said:
I wish I knew whether or not GW was aware that he was being recorded during this clip. That would be a valuable piece of the puzzle for me.
He knew. The author/director of that clip taped/filmed every pre-game speech except for two and Williams was fully aware of it.

Wow. I didnt know that. That is incredibly arrogant. It one thing to do it behind closed doors but....


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
RamFan503 said:
I'd say that in light of the recent audio, it just makes sense to move on. Who needs the baggage? Is Williams the only one? I think it would be naive to believe that. But he was truly arrogant in the way he went about it and the NFL rightly saw him as the poster child. Now let him fall on the sword and let's play some football.
But what if he serves his time and then gets reinstated? Is it possible that he can be a proponent for player safety after the fact? Sure, why not. Vick is now a proponent of fair treatment to dogs. If we let GW fall on the sword, then how do we excuse Loomis for not putting an end to this when GW was with New Orleans? I can't imagine Loomis and Payton not having ANY idea that this was still going on after they were told to stop. I think the arrogance went higher than Williams in that regard.

For me, this boils down to how valuable Williams was going to be to the Rams in the first place. He's had some really good defenses, and then he's had some pretty poor defenses too. If this was like Dick LeBeau or something, then I dunno - maybe I'd be trying to rally around him more. But I'm just not convinced that he was going to be the savior of our defense here. It's too "boom or bust" for me, but that's just the way I perceived the hire in the first place.

If he serves his time and IF he is reinstated, the Rams could always go back to him IF they feel he is still the best fit. I'm not saying we say never. I just don't see what value to the franchise it serves to be dragging this on. He can't coach our team. He is a pariah right now. We are trying to rebuild. Why do we want the only discussion of our team being what he is currently bringing to the table? I don't care if the guy had constant #1 defenses. He can't help us with that now and possibly ever. We need to move on and look forward. Certainly he couldn't blame the Rams for doing just that. So IF he gets reinstated and isn't the NFL's Pete Rose, we can revisit that when/IF the time comes. Maybe by then, we are showing signs of life and his input would put us over the edge.

It's kind of like bringing in a really good but troubled player - except maybe times 3. If he helps take you from just out of the playoffs to into the playoffs, maybe you take that chance and the media hit that goes with it. If he is only there to make a 2-14 team play 5-11 ball, then I say fuck him. Gotta say, I'm still a four pillars guy for the most part.

As to Loomis/Peyton - I don't think you do excuse them. Let them fall on their own swords. But within the context of your question. They equate to a rat's ass to me. The Rams are the only team I care about. I have spent about 44 years as a Rams fan - zero as an Aints fan.

Winning means a great deal to me. I loath the losing. But I also don't want to be embarrassed by the guys who make up my team whether it is players, coaches, Shaw, Ziggy, or a showgirl. I don't think we need the baggage of Williams. Time to move on.

And NO - he can't be a proponent for player safety any more than Vick is in my mind for animal treatment. The idea that someone is contrite because they got caught and will be paid millions for jerking off the dumbass public really pisses me off.

I know you weren't baiting me Paul and don't think I'm getting pissy with you. I just really want this whole thing to be a distant memory. I want my team to win and do it right.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
Selassie I said:
I wish I knew whether or not GW was aware that he was being recorded during this clip. That would be a valuable piece of the puzzle for me.
He knew. The author/director of that clip taped/filmed every pre-game speech except for two and Williams was fully aware of it.

Yeah - one of the reasons I really think the NFL went after him so hard. He was warned and he just flipped them off and possibly even took it to the next level. He has to go.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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RamFan503 said:
I know you weren't baiting me Paul and don't think I'm getting pissy with you. I just really want this whole thing to be a distant memory. I want my team to win and do it right.
Of course I didn't take anything the wrong way. Just throwing questions your way to get you to expand a little. And I think you summed it up here nicely. I happen to agree too.


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
libertadrocks said:
X said:
Selassie I said:
I wish I knew whether or not GW was aware that he was being recorded during this clip. That would be a valuable piece of the puzzle for me.
He knew. The author/director of that clip taped/filmed every pre-game speech except for two and Williams was fully aware of it.

Wow. I didnt know that. That is incredibly arrogant. It one thing to do it behind closed doors but....
Yeah, but what if he did it BECAUSE he knew, and he thought it would add to the film, or someone told him to hype it up theatrically.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
RamFan503 said:
I know you weren't baiting me Paul and don't think I'm getting pissy with you. I just really want this whole thing to be a distant memory. I want my team to win and do it right.
Of course I didn't take anything the wrong way. Just throwing questions your way to get you to expand a little. And I think you summed it up here nicely. I happen to agree too.

I didn't think so - I just thought I'd make sure. Love all the debate - just wish the subject was better. I simply don't like this crap being associated with my team. Ready, fire, aim man.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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DR RAM said:
Yeah, but what if he did it BECAUSE he knew, and he thought it would add to the film, or someone told him to hype it up theatrically.
Nah, I don't think that's the case. Read that novella I posted in another thread about that audio if you have several minutes to kill.


May 28, 2011
Probably, just because I hate the extra scrutiny that will come of it even when he comes back.. If our guys can play tight smart football, extra clean (because you know the target will be there) then I'm all for him coming back for next season, but I don't want extra eyes on us (which it will be the first year back no matter what) for his entire tenure.

It just feels like it's not worth the headache at this point, especially given that he's never coached for us before. If Fisher truly believes that he's worth the trouble, then he better come back and lead a top 10 (closer to top 5) defense. If we're near the bottom then I'll be pissed.


Jul 25, 2010
Normally I'm fine with giving people second chances. But, after reading your other post and listening to the audio, I would say no.
Even if he was re-enstated by the league, I just don't see players respecting him now. The NFL is a brotherhood and who is going to want to listen to him know that they know he's tried to injure players. I think we all want a tough, nasty defense, but only in the right way. Maybe, just maybe the guy gets his shit straight, does some counseling and comes out a better person.
But as some have said, I think at this point it's just bad publicity we don't need and it's not like he's the end all be all in coordinators.
The game is violent enough without actually paying players to hurt each other. I'm just not ok with that. Time to move on IMO.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
NO! Keep Gregg.

Time to thumb our noses at all of the various agendas masquerading as do-gooders for player safety, martyring Gregg Williams in the process.

None of us can know wtf really happened, especially listening to media reports and filmmakers.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Nope, he's gone. This team needs to move ahead. They are not in a position to wait around. Besides, the league will always, no matter what they say, have a hard on for him and his Ds from here on out. He'll probably make more money now writing a book and giving seminars on life after bounties.