Choose, elite offense or defense

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LA/St Louis/LA fan
May 25, 2013
As a boy, my beloved Rams were defined by the Fearsome Foursome. The team was perennially playoff bound. Though Roman Gabriel was my hero, Merlin Olsen was a close second. Yet there also were the Purple People Eaters and the Doomsday defense that were teamed with superior offenses led by guys named Tarkenton and Staubach. We never made it to the big game until Ferragamo and Wendel Tyler elevated their games in a magical playoff run. Then the Dickerson and Everett era brought a new hope led by one of the most underheralded but accomplished offensive lines in NFL history. Yet even they were thwarted in the NFC Championship game by the ferocious '85 Bears' defense. It wasn't until the GSOT was paired with what is still an under appreciated top 5 defense that the agony of waiting was finally satiated. However, it was that dynamic offense that remains today as the hallmark of that team.

Though it's obvious today that the greatest strength of our current Rams lies on the potential that lurks under the tutelage of Wade Phillips and led by the generational talent of Aaron Donald, it's the hope that McVay can construct an effective offense that drives our confidence.

But the question for my Ramianados is this...if you HAD to choose between a #1 Defense paired with a #5 Offense...or a #1 Offense with a #5 Defense, which would you choose? I will save my answer for later in the thread. I suspect some of you may say something that could push me to the other side of the fence.


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
I will take Offense for the win please...History showcases that when the Rams have a high powered offense they win in 1945, 1951 & 1999. They came up short in 2001, but we will leave it at that. The adage was offense sells tickets, defense wins championships, but that has not been the case for this franchise.

The high powered offense combined with an opportunistic defense has allowed the likes of Adam Walsh, Joe Stydahar and Dick Vermeil to drink from the silver cup and take that highway to the sky. Rams had great defenses under George Allen in the 60's and Chuck Knox in the 70's only to come up short each and every time to never reach the big dance.

Overall I embrace the hiring of Sean McVay because as a franchise the Rams need offense and the Rams also have the perfect Defensive Coordinator in place to keep things balanced. Some feel the front office is dysfuncional, but I'm hoping like in 1997, they got the hire right and Sean McVay will be known as the Technician of Tinseltown and bring multiple super bowls to Southern California.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013

but a Top offense with a #5 defense aint bad either....

Personally, I'd settle for a top 10 O & D

Mikey Ram

Hall of Fame
Oct 20, 2014
Given those options it would be a no-brainer for me...A #1 defense keeps you in just about every game...A #5 offense to go with it, wins you a boatload of games..Of course reversed the scenario is likely very close to the same thing...Score a bunch of points and a #5 defense wins a boatload...I think a highly rated defense is far more likely for the Rams this year...Even with a much better offense under McVie, this team won't be confused with the '16 Falcons !!! Bottom line is I'd gladly take either of the options...So, given those options, if the outcome is really close both ways, I'm sick to death of watching this O..I'd take offensive juggernaut simply for the excitement factor...


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
I will take Offense for the win please...History showcases that when the Rams have a high powered offense they win in 1945, 1951 & 1999. They came up short in 2001, but we will leave it at that. The adage was offense sells tickets, defense wins championships, but that has not been the case for this franchise.

The high powered offense combined with an opportunistic defense has allowed the likes of Adam Walsh, Joe Stydahar and Dick Vermeil to drink from the silver cup and take that highway to the sky. Rams had great defenses under George Allen in the 60's and Chuck Knox in the 70's only to come up short each and every time to never reach the big dance.

Overall I embrace the hiring of Sean McVay because as a franchise the Rams need offense and the Rams also have the perfect Defensive Coordinator in place to keep things balanced. Some feel the front office is dysfuncional, but I'm hoping like in 1997, they got the hire right and Sean McVay will be known as the Technician of Tinseltown and bring multiple super bowls to Southern California.
While I was about to choice "A #1 D with a Top 5 O," after reading your post I have to Bow to your opinion!!(y):bow:


I would though like to give an "Honorable Mention" to Coach Malavasi and the 79/80 SB XIV Team!!

Ray M.png
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
I think Both options get you to the promised land It's just a case of which one would win it for you

I know they get shit on here a lot but that pats comeback against ATL was a thing a beauty....goes to show what a good offense could do

But a #1 defense kills that game by the end of the 3rd qtr


Hall of Fame
Jun 20, 2014
Either of your options would make the Rams a SB caliber team, Leo.

Either would make me ecstatic, tbh.

Realistically though, for this year a could see a top 5 D with Wade directing this roster.

The O, however? I think 15th ranked might be the ceiling for their 1st year under McVay. That would still be light years ahead of the '16 Fisher version. I would take that. Lol.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
I'll take either as long as the other unit is in the 5-10 range.


Pro Bowler
Sep 13, 2015
depends on what you'd consider elite. if you mean all time great, Id say defense is better because its easier to field a complimentary offense, but if you just mean a top 5 for the year gotta go offense. rules today favor the offense way to much so its way easier to be successful with a top offense than it is with a top defense


Pro Bowler
Apr 6, 2016
This choice really wasn't as difficult as I initially thought.
I'd take the #1 offense and #5 defense any day and twice on Sunsday.

IMO if you can score and score consistently then you are in every game.. And with a tiring opponent's defense you will frequently own the 4th quarter and both 2 minute drills. (As much as I hate to remind everyone just consider the last SB......there I said it.....wretch....gag....slobber..)

Don't get me wrong, I loves me some tough, physical defense and all, but, given the choice I will be quite content with the top 5 one as long as I've got the #1 offense as we will rally around them and play winning football!!



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 5, 2012
I find myself conflicted, but I am going to have to choose the #1 defense. The reason for this is the longevity of dominance. I think with the amount of film consumed, opposing defenses can take that #1 offense and chink it down after a couple of years. A #1 defense is more difficult to scheme against. I want a longer run at the top.


May 28, 2011
Offense, you control the ball more. We saw what a shit offense and a great defense gets us the past few years, and it's not much. An elite offense can make up for a weak defense better than an elite defense can make up for a weak offense. If you have an elite defense and an okay, or a still good offense then obviously you'll be okay, but even a shit defense can look better with an elite offense.


Jan 12, 2013
Why choose? Why not have both and throw in a a ultra level special teams unit as well? Some of us are really, really greedy!!!:mrburnsevil:


LA/St Louis/LA fan
May 25, 2013
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Thanks everyone for your input.

With that said, the force of my question was missed because of my lack of clarity, yet I've learned something in the process.

The predominant responses have been pragmatic, what gives a team the best chance to win. Some say Defense is more sustainable. Others say offense is more exciting and in today's NFL, more likely to produce a championship. Both are true.

But again, I asked the question wrongly. The intent was to ask the personality of the team YOU prefer. Those who responded by evaluating the current roster missed the question...obviously Fisher built a defensive oriented squad and that would take time to transform into anything else. For those who look at what wins, that wasn't my question either as a #1 unit paired w a #5 either way is a special team...probably Super Bowl bound. No, my question is this...IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE...which would you pick?

For context, the late 60's and 70's Rams were defense oriented and always contenders but never won the Lombardi. The GSOT won it all and gave us historic accolades, but flamed out in four or five years. That still isn't the choice.

Look, long time Ram fans have seen it all, the good, bad, and ugly. It conditions our response.

Finally, here is the real question...assume you win the Super Bowl as a Ram fan in 2019. Would you want the lasting memory of the team to be its offense or its defense?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Feb 4, 2013
In that scenario - in "today's NFL" - I'll take the elite offense for the championship please. (Multiples?)
Yep yes sirs...........