Bernie: NFL Isn’t Going to Let Kroenke Carpetbag His Way Into LA –Video

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
[parsehtml]<object seamlesstabbing="undefined" class="BrightcoveExperience" id="vamp-experience" data=";width=640&amp;height=360&amp;flashID=vamp-experience&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;playerID=2366182798001&amp;playerKey=AQ~~%2CAAAAABLVepE~%2C4Kv9FlQfcBOKPQry8s9U2AdmwmYiDmZi&amp;videoId=3131204797001&amp;videoSmoothing=true&amp;isVid=true&amp;autoStart=false&amp;isUI=true&amp;dynamicStreaming=true&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;%40videoPlayer=3131204797001&amp;publisherID=315980433&amp;suppressNoContentMessage=true&amp;debuggerID=&amp;startTime=1391203100612" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="360"><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"><param value="true" name="allowFullScreen"><param value="false" name="seamlessTabbing"><param value="true" name="swliveconnect"><param value="opaque" name="wmode"><param value="high" name="quality"><param value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor"></object>[/parsehtml]On this episode of Breakfast With Bernie, the Post-Dispatch’s Bernie Miklasz says that Stan Kroenke’s land purchase doesn’t convey any kind of evil intention to move the Rams to Los Angeles. The NFL controls the LA market and Kroenke can’t move there without league approval. The NFL isn’t going to let Kroenke Carpetbag his way into LA. (4:23)
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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Goodell says Rams' fans shouldn't overreact to Kroenke land deal

By Aaron Wilson1 hour ago

Although St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke purchased 60 acres of land in Los Angeles, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says Rams fans shouldn't overreact.

“Stan is a very successful developer,” Goodell said during his Super Bowl press conference.“He has billions of dollars of projects that are going on around the country in real estate development. So I think instead of overreacting, we should make sure we do what’s necessary to continue to support the team locally as the fans have done in St. Louis. And make sure we do whatever we can to make sure that team is successful in the St. Louis market.”

Under NFL policy, Kroenke was required to tell the NFL about the land purchase. And he did so, according to Goodell.

“He has kept us informed of it; we’re aware of it,” Goodell said. “There are no plans to my knowledge of a stadium development. Anything that would require any kind of stadium development requires multiple votes of the membership.

“At the end of the day, any team that potentially could relocate into Los Angeles, or any other market, is subject to three-quarters vote. So 24 voters (out of 32 owners) have to approve any relocation and any stadium development.”

The Rams' stadium deal expires after the 2014 season. No deal for a new or refurbished stadium is in sight.

“I think there’s been quite a bit of activity,” Goodell said. “You know better than I do, but there’s been a lot of discussions about the lease, about the future of the dome, and how that will play into the future of the team. Active negotiations, I don’t know if I’d put it in that category. But there has been a lot of discussion.”

Kroenke's organization issued a statement confirming the land purchase.

“While we can confirm media reports that we recently purchased land in Inglewood, as a private company we don’t typically discuss our plans for commercial or residential investments," the statement said. "We have yet to decide what we are going to do with the property but we will look at all options, as we do with all of our properties.”

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Oct 8, 2011
Many of these articles seem to imply that Kroenke hasn't done any due diligence or is unaware of the process. Whether it's bidding on the Dodgers or buying this land or anything else, I have to assume he's already many steps into the other processes before anyone even knows about the stuff that goes public. In this case, if he actually did want to buy the land to build a stadium, I'm sure he'd have info on whether or not he'd get league approval.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
Goodell said. “You know better than I do"

Really??? The NFL commissioner doesn't have all of the inside information on what is going on with the stadium negotiations in StL?? I find that had to believe


Oct 8, 2011
Under NFL policy, Kroenke was required to tell the NFL about the land purchase. And he did so, according to Goodell.
I wonder what policy requires Kroenke to tell the NFL of land purchases? Does he have to do that with all of his land purchases?


Hall of Fame
Sep 7, 2011
I read another article on this interview and Goodell said that ALL owners have to inform them of land purchases ... probably to appease the cross ownership rule or something?


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
“Stan is a very successful developer,” Goodell said during his Super Bowl press conference.“He has billions of dollars of projects that are going on around the country in real estate development. So I think instead of overreacting, we should make sure we do what’s necessary to continue to support the team locally as the fans have done in St. Louis. And make sure we do whatever we can to make sure that team is successful in the St. Louis market.”
Yeah, Roger... you mean support the team by assigning referees like Boger to our key match-ups against the Seahags & Whiners? Ummm, I think we can do without your kind of "support", Roger.


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
On this subject Bernie is off point IMO. Other owners want their slice, well, you don't think Kroenke would give that to them if he really wanted to move? The reason Kroenke had to notify the NFL is because if you were going to use that land for a stadium site, he would not have to notify them if he bought a house in L.A....Robert Kraft and Dean Spanos stated such.

It is always hard to find the truth of what is going on, but I guess it will be a battle between the St. Louis Post led by Bernie and the LA Times led by Bill Plaschke on this subject matter. And you must read in between the lines to find out the truth or as deep throat put it....Follow the Money!
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Hall of Fame
Feb 16, 2013
Another thing about the money is this, the Rams are valued at around 900 million dollars, way down at the bottom of the league. A move to LA instantly makes the value of the Rams go up by 100s of millions of dollars, not to mention new merchandise sales, etc. It could almost pay for the Stadium itself. And also, the first few seasons in LA would have massive attendance, at much higher ticket prices than St. Louis is paying, just because it's something they have been hungry for. So even in the short term, Stan would make a lot more money. I don't think he's just buying this land as a bargaining chip.


Jul 29, 2013
Another thing about the money is this, the Rams are valued at around 900 million dollars, way down at the bottom of the league. A move to LA instantly makes the value of the Rams go up by 100s of millions of dollars, not to mention new merchandise sales, etc. It could almost pay for the Stadium itself. And also, the first few seasons in LA would have massive attendance, at much higher ticket prices than St. Louis is paying, just because it's something they have been hungry for. So even in the short term, Stan would make a lot more money. I don't think he's just buying this land as a bargaining chip.[/quotef

I have to disagree with this statement HE WITH HORNS.

Yes, a move might increase the value of the franchise, but this fails to look at the big picture. Its all about NET income. The value of the team only means something if you are going to sell the team. And if you look at Kroenke's track record, he does not sell his teams. He owns them. So increasing the value of the franchise does not do much and certainly will not cover the cost of a billion dollar stadium in LA.

The one thing we do not know is how much the Rams made last year. That is because this information is withheld from the general public. The only team that has to make that public is the GB Packers because they are technically owned by the people.

The Packers are only in the middle of the pack when it comes to their value (1.16 billion...good enough for 18th in the NFL), but last year from operations alone their revenue was at $308 mill but they had $253 mill in expenses for a net of around $55 mill.

Secondly, the attendance would increase, but you are forgetting about the shared revenue that goes on in the NFL. 60% of ticket sales are put into the "shared pot" (not luxury boxes). That is how small market teams compete in the NFL. If your point was the case only large market cities would have teams. Teams would simply build where there were more people.

You are also not looking at overhead, and this is quite possibly what keeps the Rams in STL for some time. Kroenke currently has one of the kindest deals in all of the NFL. He pays 250K to rent the dome from the CVC. This includes staffing the dome, security, food and beverage operations, etc. While people like Jerry Jones have a billion dollar facility have to pay thousands upon thousands to staff the place and cover operations costs. Yes the cowboys may be worth the most, but their overhead is astronomical! This is why Jerry often complains about the revenue sharing etc. Because these small market teams are making it off just fine while he has the biggest stadium and most well recognized team but has to share some of it.

So even though the Rams are not pulling in the huge crowds, by the time you look at and add up the revenue sharing, Stan's lack of overhead per game, the TV contracts (also shared and the big money maker), Stan is rolling along just fine. That's why I do not understand some of these articles and posts as they fail to mention the REAL facts.

Stan is smart. He had first dibs to buy some land and very, very, valuable land at that. It was a no brainer for him. He is a real estate guy and this land puts him in position to do many things. But one thing it does not do is give him enough space to house tons of parking along with a state of the art facility. And that is where NFL stadiums make money.

I went to the Dallas vs. Rams game this year and shelled out $90 for parking......FOR ONE SPOT!

To put things into perspective Stan bought 60 Acres. Which I believe is landlocked. Cowboys Stadium alone covers 73 total acres. While the overall site is comprised of 140 acres (parking $$$$$). This is more than twice the size of Stan's recent purchase.

Jerry gets to keep all of that, no sharing there. But in Stl. I only pay $25 per game and I am much closer. But Stan gets none of that due to the leasing agreement he has.

So if Stan can put some pressure on the CVC (which he is) and get a deal like he currently has, plus parking, and land to develop he will be swimming in money from the NET income. This is what Stan loves....The art of the deal. He is a master of laying low and playing his cards close to him and most importantly putting pressure on those who are in a poor position. And that is what the city of St. Louis is in....a bad spot.

Stan wants a new stadium so he can take advantage of that parking and development that he has had so much success at. And this 60 acres does not give him the room to do that. Now if Stan was not a real estate devloper with more acres to his name than most of us can count, then this would be odd.

But if you step back and look, it really isn't that wierd of a transaction. And most importantly, there really isn't that much more money in LA.
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Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
Why are teams like Jacksonville or the Chargers, or the Raiders never mentioned in this bullcrap? Those teams's situations are more pressing than ours. But no... it's always the Rams.X(


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
Why are teams like Jacksonville or the Chargers, or the Raiders never mentioned in this bullcrap? Those teams's situations are more pressing than ours. But no... it's always the Rams.X(
Because their owners are not buying land in the 2nd largest market in the nation which has no NFL team???????

I really don't care where they are will still be a fan. I can't understand how fans in StL can't see this as a real possibility with the situation with the stadium there.


Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
Because their owners are not buying land in the 2nd largest market in the nation which has no NFL team???????

I really don't care where they are will still be a fan. I can't understand how fans in StL can't see this as a real possibility with the situation with the stadium there.

Sooo... the fact that he bought the Chrysler plant outside STL a while back isn't even news worthy. Oh OK...

The guy owns land all across America and works closely with Wal-Mart. That was going to be a Wal-Mart. But hey, I beleive LA fans beleive there is hope of the Rams returning to LA...


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
Must not be worthy to many if it didn't get as much ink as the LA purchase but sensasionaism is what sell. The CVC doesn't seem to have the money or desire to fight tax payers over fixing the Ed and I wouldn't doubt that Kroneke wants his own place and better returns on his investment.


Dude already used up all his favors even becoming a majority owner. He isnt going anywhere.


Oct 8, 2011
Sooo... the fact that he bought the Chrysler plant outside STL a while back isn't even news worthy. Oh OK...

The guy owns land all across America and works closely with Wal-Mart. That was going to be a Wal-Mart. But hey, I beleive LA fans beleive there is hope of the Rams returning to LA...
I thought KP(Koman Properties) development bought it?


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Dude already used up all his favors even becoming a majority owner. He isnt going anywhere.

I think there is merit in that.

I also think it's time for Bernie the jackass to start putting this whole situation into the proper perspective.
St Louis lost one NFL franchise because it refused to do for it's existing franchise what it ultimately did to get the Rams to move here,the fact is keeping the Cardinals would have been cheaper, public sentiment THEN was swayed by people just like Bernie, TWO newspapers hammering him daily Bidwell never had a prayer

The landscape is this,in order to get the Rams here they promised to keep the facilities to a top tier and have failed to do so,if Kroenke decides to move it will be for that reason ,HE WANTED the Rams here ( I think he still does) but he wants the deal he originally agreed to as well.
I won't watch the video the headline is enough,I don't need to hear the rantings of an agent provocateur beyond the bullshit comparison to carpetbaggers


Oct 8, 2011
Thordaddy said:
...but he wants the deal he originally agreed to as well.
It's going to be hard for an owner to EVER get the deal that John Shaw brokered but regardless, I think Stan just wants a deal that is all his. Many of the arguments against the Rams moving have been contested, especially with this land purchase but the biggest one, Kroenke's ties to the St. Louis region, still remain. I haven't seen anyone present a compelling argument for why he'd cut off his own nuts in Missouri. He seems to genuinely want to make that region not just successful, but a force.