This song(and the entire Song Remains the Same album) takes me back to certain moments in time that will never be experienced again. She was 14 going on 30 and i was 16. I was her first too.
30 years ago. Unbelievable.
We kept in "touch" ever so often over the years. She was a drama magnet, battled drug abuse on and off for years and never really recovered from her mother dying in a car accident when she was 15. I hadn't spoken to her in about 8 years when she called me out of the blue one day about a year ago. I didn't answer and let it go to voicemail. She sounded kind of anxious and said she wanted to get a hold of me and to call her. I left it alone and 2 weeks later i found out she died from heart failure or something. She was just 43 yrs old.
RIP Stephanie.
Very poignant. Thanks for sharing that with us. Moving from the west coast to the east coast over 20 years ago, I've lost touch with almost everyone from my youth. Two friends, Joyce in California and Bruce in Michigan, both of whom I've known for over 35 years, stay in touch on a regular basis but everyone else has dropped off the map.
I have two ex-wives that I haven't heard from since the mid-seventies, and for good reason.

The songs are like a form of time travel that allows us to relive precious and sometimes painful moments from the past.
This one was released in February of 1984. I had just broken up with my girlfriend because I needed a break from the high drama. So I took up with Alice, who was close to 30 and whose biological clock was going off. She would have married anyone to have babies with, including yours truly. Instead I got back together with my girlfriend later on that year and we've been married for over 30 years now. Life is strange. This song reminds me of that time.