Snook is a great fish to eat. Have to have a steel leader though or they will cut you line. My current favorite is Lion fish. Little bastards are taking over. Just have watch for the poisonous spines when you spear them. Best part, no limits on lion fish.
They are very easy to blast with a pole spear... and they are usually in small groups together. Sitting ducks.
If you're into spear fishing... head south to the Vero Beach area. There are some monster bugs and big grouper right off the beach there in about 30 feet of water. You could literally swim out to the ledges from the beach. We always hit those ledges just north of the Disney resort thing there in Vero. Plenty of lions there too.
I know it's not legal.... but somebody
told me how easy snook are to spear. LOL. They stack up like logs together along the jetties. You're not allowed to dive close to them... but I may have done it anyway a time or 100. Hahaha. Don't try it... you'll get nabbed.