Finding myself wanting to answer you. I'll ride in your Mazda and pop off when you ask me. Seriously though - good radio voice. A few fuck ups here and there but you kept it going and that ain't easy.
I actually did a very short term on a radio station doing their sports segment on a political station. I had fun with it but sucked out loud at it. Didn't help that I started during that golden period when there was virtually no sports going on - that short little period when there is no football, no baseball, no basketball, and no one really cared about hockey if it was even going on then either. My big intro was that Griffey was still at whatever homerun count he was at the time. Well I thought it was funny at the time. I would start the show with Ken Griffey Jr still at xxx home runs. Good morning sports fans, this is Stu Miller and this is your day in sports. And it pretty much went down hill from there.
Bottom line is that I'm digging what you are putting out there. I know first hand that I couldn't do it even though I thought I could. And I actually tried unlike maybe a lot of critical types that might listen and think, "Hell, I could do better."
Hey! What happened to the background noise? Can you tell I'm commenting while I'm listening?
Dopey mess.
Getting the evil eye from my wife so I gotta finish later... well with listening to you.
Ha! Just heard about my buzzed routine. It's from experience my man. I know I suck on the radio if sober. I can even Karaoke if a little buzzed. Well at least I think I can at the time and that is the biggest hurdle.
OK - this is some funny shit. I am wagging my finger at Becky because I want to keep listening. Good sign - I'd say. But yeah - work on that title. Good show man.
Quick observation. It's not shitty to hear fun time and not having someone cut into my fun time. I dig it. I'm too far in to stop now.
And yeah - Harkey is all that and a cup of soup.
And fuck you - I'll answer callers with or without a buzz. It is the rolling talk I can't do as you and Danny are much more gooder at. And yeah - you're so gay.
Seriously good stuff man. And not easy.