I keep a low profile. I got faith in humanity. Here supporting the boys
Will report back Monday or Tuesday. Or after the game when we win.
Appreciate the looking out
You have to be smart about it. Not much you can do when so many against one fan of the other team.
When I used to go to Raiders-Rams in Oakland I wore black Carharts and a grey t shirt. Nothing matters if you get the shit beat out of you.
Some of them were very cool dudes, just Raider fans. It was all love when the Raiders made a big play. One Raider fan tried to high five me and my Raider fan buddy informed his I was a Rams fan. He acted like I had cooties after that but he was a nice guy.
It did not work out well for one drunk ass Rams fan. I seen his eyeball hanging out of his head. It was gross.
I seen one HUGE brother walk up to a father and 7 year old Rams fan, point down and scream in the kids face. What is the father supposed to do ? It was messed up.
I seen one Rams fan get beat to a pulp by 8-10 guys. Then they stood around him in a circle and pissed all over the guy.
This was Bradfords first game and Steven Jackson, looked HUGE. We were right behind the Rams bench. So afterwards I went to the rail and there was a few brave Rams fans all geared up. I was next to this black dude all geared up, he had this Rams court jester kind of hat. He was in it to win it. Now there is a price to pay if you do not show up in Rams gear. The players will not approach you, no reason to right ? Well Steven Jackson came up to that guy in the Jester hat and gave him his gloves. The fan was a super cool dude and let me try one of those sweaty gloves on. I could not believe just how sticky the grip side of those gloves were. Thats how these modern players are making these sick, one handed catches that you did not see years ago. Its tech !
It is really sad when humans act like that to one another. You should be able to respectfully root for your team in their stadium. Gangs ran that place. In the corridors behind the seats they openly smoked whatever they wanted too and colors were on full display.
I did see some Raider fans drive out of there with obvious bullet hole in their cars. Kind of a status symbol in that neighborhood. Some had full on Raider paint jobs. Got to respect that.
Now Rams fans in Phiily. Enjoy yourselves and above all, stay safe !