Tina Cole
Most people probably don't know who she is , or remember her
She was on the TV show , My Three Sons , she played the wife of one of the sons on like the last 3 or 4 seasons of the show
I never saw the show when it was on regular prime time , but when I was in school , the reruns would play on TV in the afternoon when I got home from school
Tina Cole was probably my first TV crush , she was just so cute and so sweet
I found out last weekend that we get a TV station called Decades ( who knew

) , and just by chance they were playing all 12 seasons of My Three Sons , although Tina Cole was only on the the 3 or 4 , but I actually caught a couple episodes with her in it ,I hadn't seen that show in years , and yep , just as cute and sweet as I remembered