Where does everyone side on this...

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Healthy Bradford our starting 4 WR's are legit with Bradford?

  • Yes, with a healthy Sam it's playoffs

  • No, need another big WR playmaker in the first

  • Too early to tell...

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Please don't confuse my experience for pessimism!
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 25, 2014
I voted yes because without an Oline and a QB our receivers only need to run block. No need to waste a high pick on that.
Besides, which one of those WRs in the draft has the iron clad guarantee to be healthy and elite?


Jan 14, 2013
How does a fragile QB like Sam stay healthy with an OL like we have? :whistle:

You could draft both WR White & WR Cooper & it would do nothing to produce wins here...just means nothing. The OL can not keep Sam upright & UN-molested nor can the OL produce any holes in the running game.....All of this is just wishful thinking until the OL is finally put on the right track. Best to utilized that top 10 pick to get you the best RT or trade down to get some additional second day picks to give the Rams ammo to move up or down at will to hit your board targets/prospects who should be mostly OL'ers.

Looks to me that our best chances if we have much at all is to lay the foundation of a strong talented OL & @ the same time find s few good UFA veteran OL'ers who still have something that can give Sam a running game to operate fully behind then using the power run game let Sam work in his quick strike passes to supplement this running game. As long as Sam is up & remains able to use that arm to get the ball into Mason, Stedman, Austin, Jarred, Benny or Alex Bayer big soft hands we can win but it must be through the refurbished & rebuilt Offensive Line.

Like I have said for a long time now with this Fisher offense we have more than enough play-toys & shinning little flashy items to play with but no playpen to play with them. Get your playpen(Offensive Line) then afterwards you can go find & play with your fancy WR toy dolls all you want.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
I voted Yes.
Cooper and White will be gone by 10, so it's all about trading out of that pick, and getting back a second and that pick we gave away for Barron

It would be great to have either one of these WR's, but ultimately we need Offensive linemen
and i don't think Snead and Fisher are done building that defense either


65 Toss Power Trap
Jan 23, 2014
I voted no, but it would only for Cooper or White. There are a lot of variables in play that could change my vote as we go on. I still think people tend to overvalue the current crop of wide receivers. I like what I saw from Britt last year, but need to see more and also can't entirely dismiss past record. Until Quick is back on the field and showing no residual effects from his injury, he remains a question mark. That was just a brutal injury he sustained, one that can effect mentally as well as physically. Bailey and Austin in my book both remain unproven, lots of upside, but it's the 3rd year for both of them and they need to step it up. If I'm an opposing defense, none of our current receivers strike fear in me and would make me have to tailor a game plan to defend. Cooper and White have that kind of potential, Rams need some game changers on offense.

OL must be addressed, but some pieces are already in place to build on internally and a targeted free agency signing and 2nd round draft pick could round out the line.


Jul 25, 2010
Our WR corps is average, at best. We shouldn't feel compelled to draft a WR in the first but our group isn't so good that we should lightly pass on an elite WR prospect.


Feb 1, 2015
Definitely too early to tell.

*IF* Britt resigns, and *IF* Quick's shoulder hasn't been rendered silly putty by the injury, then I think the Rams are ok at WR. But neither of these possibilities is a given at this point in time.

But more importantly, a team can NEVER just take a player at position of need just because the need is strong. IF there's a WR they think is potentially 'great' and an OL they think can be solid to very good, they have to take the WR. If both are rated roughly equally at their position, then take the 'need'.

For me, the above is pretty much gospel at least for Rds 1-3. Once you get to Rd 4 and beyond, I'd be less inclined to stick to that idea as strongly.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
I voted "Too Early..", Because:
a) We need O-Line help 1st, But FA could change that.
b) If White, or Cooper where their @ #10 It's Really too hard to pass on them! Their too Good!!!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 16, 2013
If Britt is back, our WRs are fine. BUT that doesn't mean I wouldn't take one at #10. Amari Cooper and Kevin White are elite talents. I'd take them simply because they're that good.

But I also don't think we're desperate. Bailey really played well down the stretch, I have not given up on Austin, Quick looked really good before his injury, and Britt was a solid #2 all year long and would have probably surpassed 900 yards with competent QB play because our QBs missed him at least 5 times on big plays down the field.

This sums up my feelings pretty well, although I feel like counting on Britt to stay healthy is similar to counting on Bradford....except Britt did it last year, which is more encouraging.

Definitely take Cooper or White if they are there.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 16, 2013
Keep seeing mock drafts and some ROD posts talking about taking a top reciever at 10th. in past years I've bitched and moaned about our receivers being inept but now I think if Britt is back our 4 are legit with a healthy Bradford. OL is still my primary concern in both draft and FA. I'm just curious where most fall on this one.
(side note: I expect to see a scheme change and improvement with Tavon under a new staff)

I don't think it's a need that you attack in FA...but I think most of those mocks have that bc at that spot with our roster those players are too good to pass up.

Also, I expect the same offense. I think it was Fisher's scheme, not Schotty's. Play calling might get better, but I'd expect us to be a run first team with little imagination.

Memphis Ram

Jun 26, 2010
Too early to tell. But, not only because of the WRs. Bradford still has something to prove himself, IMO.

But, in the end, if the BPA at #10 in this draft on the Rams draft board is a WR, then that player should be the Rams selection. It's as simple as that. Just like you don't pass on Aaron Donald because you've got Brockers and Langford already on the roster, the Rams shouldn't pass on a stud WR just because Austin, Bailey, Britt, and Quick are on the roster.
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Hall of Fame
Apr 23, 2013
Still not convinced Sam is good enough to take us to the playoffs.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
I voted yes because of the criteria, healthy players to me means the Oline is fixed.

If White is there at 10 and he won't be he has to be one of the choices. But there can be no doubt left that the O line has to be THE focus in this offseason