I'm not a fan.
I cannot get on board with a guy who was advocating the things that he did.
There are two elements to that Les.
Sure what he was heard to say is abhorrent by the standards you and I ,AND I, set for behavior in general and is deserving of disdain.
The caveat for me is that I don't and never will believe it was atypical for people in his position,certainly there have been many denials but there have been admissions and IMO the motives to deny are clear but I see no motive to admit so I choose to believe his encouraging players to injure other players was not as rare as all that .
If I am to hold something or someone in disdain over that practice permanently I'd have to hold the whole league ( pre censure) in disdain.
I believe that Fisher is a just and moral man,that he as much as anyone knows Williams was made an example of and that if Williams behavior was as atypical as it would be necessary for me to hold him singularly guilty,he too would have nothing to do with him.
I respect your consistency and would stand with you if we held identical assumptions ,but I think we may not.