Not a complete disaster but a LT that has certainly failed to perform closely to his projected drafted status. Then throw in the amount of investments of asset invested in this one player. If GRob was of the vintage of say Pace Murphy then we may have a different feel about GRob but that's not the case. Much was invested & very little of that investment has proven to be beneficial to helping this team win.
I would agree with you fully on your first paragraph conclusions & this is one of the reasons I do not favor Grob moving inside ...he still will be found guilty of those ongoing red flags. I would agree with you fully also that his trade value is close to that of main street sidewalk used chewing gum on a hot day.
I would also agree with your premise that he will be with us in 2017 as some capacity with the two OT posts. As I posted yesterday keeping him in the OT mix just makes the best sense to me for 2017. We all know that GRob is seriously well endowed :lifting

hysically to play OT in the NFL:bow:. He has the ability to physically handle any defender if he could get his brain to move all those great body parts in the right directions at the right time for the right reason....
fact is he can't.
My plan is to remove him from the starting LT post that requires the more sound smarter technical player & place him in a post (RT) or a position (Swing OT) that will not place such high demands of his brain power so fast & hard. What's so wrong with GRob
contending & fighting :boxing:it out for the position as our Swing third reserve OT in 2017?
GRob would not be handled a starting position as he has the last two seasons @ LT & will be asked to continue to work @ LT & then with a new little wrinkle try to learn how to play an OT post on the right side. GRob has always played OT with the exception of some work @ LG his rookie season. It will be his 4th seasons as a pro he should not have too much to learn on being a right OT. Will will see if he can learn this or if he is willing to learn it & not throw his :rant:sucker in the dirt.
Retraining GRob to be a interior OG for RG & LG at this point on the last year on his contract just seems to be too much for him to get down :headexplosion:IMO. Playing & learning to be an interior OG is not any easier than learning to be a OLT & he will be entering his 4th season in the NFL & has not got it down yet so why would he get the RG or LG post down in less than a few months

???. I really do not want GRob to be required to have to learn so much new stuff & expect a good outcome in 2017 OL.
I could not vote on the original list because I would vote to keep GRob as the Rams Swing OT reserve for both OT posts in 2017. If he is the best candidate of all the 2017 LT prospects then he would start, same if he is the best prospect @ RT then he would start if he fails on those two assignments then GRob would be our top prospect to be our Swing OT prospect. If he fails on this third fall back assignment position GRob should be released because he has failed to officially win & compete hard enough. This this fair enough to appease all our members who are GRob fans? Am I being to harsh & demanding on GRob?
Good we agree then .....when he fails Grob then will join the rest of the side walk used chewing gum in late summer:heh:.