OK crazy, true story for you all!!...there used to be this slightly nutty guy (Lenny) on another board I was on, one of the biggest Bradford haters you'll come across...I never responded to most any of his posts because it would have started WW3 for sure!
So one day he sends me this long-winded PM that states he truly understands how much I firmly believe in Sam and that I have since his days in OU...he goes on to confess that he too really liked him at first and that his wife, as a gift, bought him an authentic Bradford game Jersey, size 54 mind you, which cost her north of $350.
Well this is at the time of the year the Rams where turning the corner and the Stacy run game was in full bloom.
Lenny continues on and says he's thought it over long and hard and he KNEW that jersey belong with someone who NEVER wavered in their belief in Sam so, if I would accept it, he would mail the Jersey to me from CA to PA, and he would pay the shipping to boot!
I was in shock at the offer.
Now let me just say that I am not a jersey person but I was more than excited to receive such a nice gift. Sure enough, when it comes in it is in practically mint condition, all sewn in everything! During the first week I had it my wife asks if she can wear it to school one day as they were doing this pre-halloween thing in her 4th grade class.
Of course I tell her HELL NO!!!
Well <ahem> after she wears it anyways, I inspect all aspects of the shirt for tears, marks, food stains, etc. It's fine and clean...whew!
Lenny PM's me again and asks if I like it and everything, I thank him again and tell him its awesome...Lenny is a VERY superstitious dude, me, not so much...but he goes on and on about how he is SURE this jersey is now going to bring the Rams and Sam tremendous luck!
First game the Rams play after I get the jersey?
@ Carolina....
Shirt has been folded and stored away "somewhere" in my house as I instructed my wife NEVER to tell me where it's at!