Remember the song 'Georgia on my mind' ? Well, ... she'll always be on my mind when I hear that name. For this native Angeleno, she's guilty of treason. Football is a kind of war, so imagine someone selling you out for a few pieces of silver and leaving your squad without the ammunition to fight back. I was angry enough when Carroll R took the team to Anaheim, enough so that I would only refer to them as the Anaheim Rams for that bit of history, but what Georgia did was absolute sacrilege, not only to the City of Los Angeles, but what she did to her step-son against Carroll's dying wishes. The Rosenbloom's weren't exactly the cleanest of characters, Carroll was rumored to have underworld ties with Meyer Lansky and others, so it was easy to see Georgia 'the showgirl' as his moll, and a very manipulative one at that.
Robert Kraft kept his masseuses out of state, Carroll married his.