As a transplant Floridian, of course it's driving related for me.
TAILGATERS (I hear the coach from Bull Durham yelling, "Lolligagers!" when I type that)
I swear this is a true story. I'm driving with my mom to help her move from Houston to our neighborhood south of Tampa, FL. It's like 1am on a Sunday morning and we're almost home...about 45 mins north of Tampa right where the 75 starts to open up to like 5 lanes wide. It's kinda crazy. Anyway, I've told my mom all these crazy tailgater stories and she doesn't believe me.
We're the only people on the road. It's so deserted, we could have played stickball on the freeway and never shouted "CAR!". I look over and I see we're coming up on two cars that are super close together. At first, I figure that it's just some guys who are doing an illegal tow using one of those tow straps. Nope.
In the middle of the night on a deserted 5 lane car was simply less than a car length tailgating behind another car. I pointed it out to my mom and she just kept stammering. It just defied any kind of logic or reason.
I've talked to vets at the VA who've driven collectively in every state and in many foreign countries and with the possible exception of India, Florida has the worst drivers.
Another pet peeve is texting and driving. I see it here all the damn time. When I first moved here, the selfish nature of such acts got me so angry, it badly affected my health and I had to go to stress management to stop it.
Last pet peeve is folks who are loud about having dogmatic opinions that are just factually wrong and get belligerent when they find out. I'm cool with anyone having an opinion. But it's annoying when folks get loud about their "opinion" and announce it as fact...and it's provably wrong and they find an excuse to ignore correct information. Then it's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact. Ya know....hence the saying, "as a matter of fact..."
I guess I'd probably lose it if a guy were behind me, tailgating and texting while shouting so loud that I could hear him about how Fisher was the greatest coach of all time...GAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! *deep breath* wooosssaaaahhhh