Yeah, sign me up for all driving ones pretty much because lack of courtesy and inflated self-importance of others often shines on the road. But my two top ones right now are:
1. People cleaning their windshield on the freeway with me behind them. How about move over or wait until no one around instead of splashing someone with your sloppy fluids and forcing them to now clean their windshield?
2. People that outright screw me over by breaking the rules, then get furious and want to fight me because I "disrespected" them for calling them out on it.
Example, I was in a left turn lane, light turns green, guy in front of me decides he doesn't want to make a left and instead wants to merge right to go straight. He takes up the entire light due to traffic not letting him in, until it turns yellow, then changes his mind and guns it left thru the red, leaving me stuck for another light cycle.
I of course honk, because I really have nothing else I can do. He proceeds to pull over, waits for my light to turn green, so he can get next to me to yell. To which I "politely" informed him to man up and take responsibility for his actions instead of being a punk.
Look, we all break the rules sometimes when driving, so all that's required is a simple "my bad" wave when you screw me over to acknowledge you know you're not the most important being in the universe who's time is more valuable than mine. But to be 180 degrees away from that sort of mentality to having the gall to be mad at me after you were the selfish cause of it? Ugh.