I waited a few days to post this just to let it all settle.
Doesn't this feel like the team is cursed
I mean 10 years of dysfunction and terrible drafting, bad coaching staffs. You would think that by accident the Rams would be good at some point. It's like getting no answers right on a multiple choice test...even if you didn't know the answers you should get it right 20% of the time anyway. This team had high expectations and it seems to always find a way to let us down. I'm not sure why we cannot ever find the winning recipe. Doesn't it piss you off that the Seahawks had like 1-2 down years and are back on top. What about the 49ers?
When I see some smug know-it-all "expert" on ESPN or some shyte talk smack, I keep thinking, man I can't wait to watch that guy eat crow. I can't wait to see whiner fans shut their mouths when they lose, etc. But guess what, it still hasn't happened...in over 10 years. I'm really starting to believe I am the curse. It's as though I only have bad karma and the Rams lose because I am a fan. I know it makes no sense, but I love the Rams so much that I'd rather not watch them and they win then let me continue to curse them. This is how bad this losing is gone now...it's almost to the point where I don't even want to see the thing I obsess over.
So watching that @sshole with his hands in the air like he was special, like he accomplished something after he hit Bradford while he was going out of bounds was like a kick in the balls. The Rams haven't played all that well this year, but were still 3-3 and looked like it was finally turning around until this. Seeing that fuc#tard Newton smiling his fake, BS smile, just made me want to punch him in his shytehole of a mouth. I was so pissed off that I essentially turned off football for a few days to let it go through my system, so now I am posting this. I am still seething