Wagoner chat

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Nick's Mailbag

June 5

Randy Smith, Eugene, OR
12:32 PM CT
Hey Nick, I saw on NFL.com an article that was talking about the "off-set" language in the new rookie contracts is the reason that quite a few rookies have yet to sign from the 1st round. Is this true with Brockers or is the team just waiting for a certain point? Thanks.

WAGONER: There's nothing nefarious or confusing. The Rams are beginning to knock out the contracts with all of their draft picks. No need to worry, the deals will be done, probably sooner than later.

old man, olney
12:32 PM CT
know that SJ39 takes great care of himself and apreciate that. Does he maintain a regimen of workouts different fom off season to in season? what r some specific differences and how does age factor in?

WAGONER: He does indeed. He works out twice a day during the offseason and is constantly changing up his routine so that he can keep in the best shape possible. I could tell you about it but the best insight is to go to his website http://www.sj39.com and check out some of his videos. He has a few from a couple years ago in which you can see his training regiment in action.

Patrick Patel, Bombay, India
12:34 PM CT
What is this footabll game I hear so much about? Is it like crickett?

WAGONER: It's a mildly popular sport here in the United States. It's nothing like cricket. You should check it out.

White Buffalo, Ripon, CA
12:35 PM CT
Nick any free agent WR's you think would be worth looking at for the Rams?

WAGONER: Not really, no.

Michael, Providence, RI
12:35 PM CT
Thanks for taking our questions. I know Fisher said he wanted to have a defensive coordinator by committee this year. But without having a DC this year, who will be making the calls? I assume Fisher, but there are a couple of other guys who have DC experience.

WAGONER: Interestingly enough, Blake Williams, the LB coach is doing a lot of the install for the defense during the OTAs and minicamps. I don't think a determination has been made on how those duties will be divvied up when the season gets here but keep an eye on Williams.

Jenny Kitchene, Miami
12:37 PM CT
I was wondering if you knew of any fun or interesting facts about any of the Rams players. Also I was wondering how you liked coach Fisher's performance in the music video he was in recently?

WAGONER: There are lots of interesting facts about different Rams, can't really get into that depth. But as an example: RT Jason Smith was an amateur roper back in Texas and regularly took part in rodeo competitions. The video was outstanding. Another example of how Coach Fisher doesn't take himself too serious. Here's a link for those that haven't seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elOvO4UJ7Ls

Nathan, Gibson City, IL
12:40 PM CT
Nick I was wondering how aggressive the Rams staff with be with the defense this coming season. I was also wondering if any of the players from last year bulked up in the weight room, since it looked like we got pushed around all season. I do want to add that I saw Illinois Mike last month and he looked like he lost 20 lbs. and looked like he has lived in a gym. You can tell he knows his job is on the line.

WAGONER: They will be very aggressive defensively. That's how this unit was built and that's what this system is. Jeff Fisher means it when he says he wants to set the NFL sack record for a team. Hard to really tell but I do think Jason Smith and Lance Kendricks were a couple of guys that appear to be in better shape. Leaner, more defined in Smith's case. Stronger, more bulk in Kendricks' case/

Lee, Huntington Beach
12:42 PM CT
Nick, The “Like Us On Facebook” tab is really annoying. It’s really not user friendly at all. I thought someone was going to do something about that. I think there is a large majority of your followers that would like to see that removed. Your thoughts?

WAGONER: I'm not sure what the problem is, Lee. It only pops out when you roll your cursor over it, does it not? Let me know what the exact problem is and we'll see if we can find a solution but I haven't seen any other complaints about it. Anyone else having a problem with it?

Lee, Huntington Beach
12:43 PM CT
Nick, I found it a little difficult getting to your Blog link. It used to be more visable than it seems to be now. Is this going to change?

WAGONER: The blog or this chat? The blog is always easy to access right near the top of the page. Next to the story rotation, there is a tab that says Headlines and one that says blogs. Click on the blogs one and they are all right there. As for this chat, just scroll down toward the bottom of the page and there's one click on the chat icon right in the middle.

steve, fresno
12:44 PM CT
i realize there are a ton of holes to fill on this team and alot of those holes were due to injuries last year, especially to the secondary...with that being said, do you think the rams did enough to compete this year. How's bradford's health, how many month's has it been and he's still not 100%

WAGONER: I think the Rams will absolutely be more competitive this year. I don't know what that will mean in terms of wins and losses but they have undergone a drastic roster turnover and obviously have a new coaching staff. As those things coalesce, we'll have a better sense of what's to come. There are still holes on the roster and areas in need of upgrade but for one offseason, the Rams did a lot of work.

Rich, Washington
12:46 PM CT
Why did we loose out on Blackman like we did with Jones at wide reciever last year. We had Blackman in the bag and let someone sneak by us.

WAGONER: Someone traded ahead of the Rams to get him. The Rams weren't in position to trade draft picks to get him and he wasn't considered an elite prospect like Green or Jones to justify making a move up for. Consider that the Rams turned the sixth pick into Michael Brockers and Isaiah Pead. They would have had to give up their fourth round pick to get Blackmon. You could theoretically argue the Rams would have missed the opportunity for Brockers, Pead an Givens in exchange for Blackmon. Who knows how those guys will pan out but is that a trade you would make? Also, to imply the Rams "lost" out on Julio Jones last year is ridiculous. He went sixth, the Rams picked 14th.

brian, walnut creek ca
12:49 PM CT
do you think yiu will have all rookies sign before training camp


mark flores, brownsville tx
12:49 PM CT
who are the rams projected starting wide receivers

WAGONER: As we sit here today, probably looking at Brian Quick at one outside spot, Danny Amendola in the slot and then a competition on the outside. I couldn't honestly tell you who wins that job. Pettis, Alexander, Salas, Steve Smith, even Givens will be in the mix for that job.

Steve, Sedona, AZ
12:50 PM CT
Hi Nick: According to the Arizona Republic newspaper, Justin Blackmon was just arrested for DUI, with a breathlyzer reading of .24 (3x the legal limit); he was driving to the "left of center". Would the the Rams have drafted him if available at #6? Maybe the Rams dodged a bullet. 5 draft choices in the top 66 is looking really good.

WAGONER: My understanding is that yes, Blackmon would have been the choice at 6 but of course you never know what kind of trade offers you might have gotten had he been there.

Russ, in Phoenix
12:51 PM CT
Hey Nick! How hot is it in Earth City for these OTAs? What precautions are the Rams doing to protect the health of these players from heat? (early morning practices, hydration breaks... ?) The forecast for Earth City looks like beautiful weather. (Vs. the 102degrees here) But I'm sure the Rams want to proceed with caution. Thanks Nick!
WAGONER: It's actually been quite pleasant. There have been a few hot and humid days but it's been nice for the most part. It certainly hasn't been bad enough that the Rams need to protect the players. Of course, when we get to training camp, that will all certainly change.

Matt, La Quinta Ca
12:52 PM CT
hey Nick life time ram fan out in hot southern california. just got our plane tickets set for the home opener. had two questions 1. any good bbq places around the hilton @ the ball park? also on game day do you go around tailgating sites or the party zone to catch the vibe from the fans? cant wait till sept. got a good feeling this year.

WAGONER: 1. I strongly, strongly recommend you head down to Pappy's BBQ. It's not really walking distance from the Hilton at the Ball Park but it's a short and cheap cab ride. Get there early, when they sell out, they sell out for the day. 2. I don't usually but have done it once or twice for the opener. Of course, if you let me know in advance, I'd be happy to come by and say hello so long as I can make it work with my gameday schedule.

Russ, in Phoenix
12:53 PM CT
Hey Nick! The news out of Stillwater, OK floored me! What's your thoughts on the Blackmon Aggravated DUI arrest? Thanks Nick!

WAGONER: As with anything like a DUI, you won't see me preaching from the top of Mt. Pious. I think drinking and driving is terribly dangerous and I make it a point not to do it but I won't pretend I haven't gotten lucky a few times in my younger days and gotten home safely. I'm sure many people can attest to the same thing. I don't think it's a sign that someone is a bad person just that they made a poor, immature decision. Here's hoping Justin Blackmon learns from the experience and it doesn't happen again. I don't get the impression he's a bad kid at all.

Lee, Huntington Beach
12:56 PM CT
Nick, Regarding "Like Us on Facebook", what I am saying is the blue tab covers some of the text behind it. I've checked this out on 2 systems I have that both run XP. You can see part of the text, but not the very front end. The "Like Us on Facebook" tab is just to large and should be moved further out of the way. I am not talking position my cursor over the tab, which present large message, just the tab its self.

WAGONER: Hmmm, that's strange. The tab doesn't cover any text at all when I open the page. I'll ask the people who handle that stuff if there's a problem or solution for you.

Robert, Highlands Ranch, CO
12:57 PM CT
Hey Nick, I know it's way early yet and I think we will be ok with what we have on the Receiver front. Having said this, are there any big name/#1 potential Receivers out there who you think stand to be released between now and the beginning of the season? Each year there are always a small handful of players released that nobody saw coming.

WAGONER: I don't think there's a team in the league planning to release a No. 1 receiver at this time of year or any other. At this point in the offseason, you simply can't expect to find major, difference making types of players in free agency. You can find some depth, maybe a bargain or two here and there but the roster as it stands now will have the great majority of the players that end up on the final 53.

Joseph Devito, New York
12:58 PM CT
In light of drafting Brockers, does that now mean we are no longer interested in Haynesworth?

WAGONER: The interest in Haynesworth was a bit overblown from the beginning. But the additions of Langford, Laws and Brockers make it very unlikely, yes.

Joseph Devito, New York
12:59 PM CT
Obviously Kendricks is a starter. But is Deangelo Peterson now ahead of Hoomanuwi as the No 2 TE?

WAGONER: I wouldn't say that at all. Peterson will compete for a spot as a backup to Kendricks most likely. He's a "move" tight end that can detach from the line of scrimmage, block on the back side and catch passes split out wide. If the Rams keep four tight ends, it stands to reason they'll keep two of these "move" tight ends and two in line blocking types such as Matthew Mulligan and Brody Eldridge.

Joseph devito, New York
1:00 PM CT
Nick, we must stop acquiring undersized players. Trevor Laws and William Hayes are not going to be effective against todays huge offensive linemen. There are some exceptions but they are few and far between.

WAGONER: First of all, Hayes and Laws are depth players. Second of all, Hayes is about 275 pounds which is plenty big to play DE in the NFL. Leonard Little did it for years and there are some great ones out there now about the same size. Laws is 305 pounds, which again, is plenty big for his position. Both guys have played and been effective against today's huge linemen before. No reason to think they can't again.

Lee, Huntington Beach
1:03 PM CT
Nick, I am still finding it hard to get to your blog. I would suggest that you take a moment and see if you think it's easy to get to your blog. The tab that says BLOGS on it, but yours does not show up on it. Thanks.

WAGONER: It seems easy enough to me. Every blog entry headline under the blogs tab is my blog.

eric, show me state
1:03 PM CT
Nick,Oak City making a comeback.LA may raise the Cup.Any good movies or books lately ? What's your schedule for summer ? June 12 to 14 should be fun for us fans. Isahi Peads works with SJ39.

WAGONER: As I mentioned last week, I'm rooting for the Thunder so I've been thrilled to watch them do what they've done the past three games. But I'd be lying if I didn't say I was surprised. OKC seems to have worn the Spurs down and the Thunder have three legitimate end of game guys that will rip your heart out in Durant, Westbrook and Harden. Not to mention they are getting big time performances from Ibaka and Perkins. I still think the winner of that series wins the whole thing. Let's see on books and movies... Books: I've been on a fiction kick lately which is strange for me. I read Stephen King's book 11/22/63. It's a long one but it was outstanding. It has some historical non fiction elements to it but the storytelling is great. Really liked it once I got into it. I also got talked into reading the mashup book Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter which was kind of a fun read. It was silly but entertaining. And I just finished the new book from Justin Halpern (of S My Dad Says fame) called "I Suck at Girls." It was a quick and hilarious summer read. Just started Defending Jacob which is supposed to be a very good courtroom type fiction drama. Any suggestions out there? Movies: I saw the Avengers and I've seen some others. I really liked the Avengers even as a non comic book fan it was a fun summer movie. I'm trying to remember what else I've seen. Nothing really sticks out much. I'll be finishing up coverage of OTAs and minicamp this week and next. Then I'll be around for a bit doing some stuff with our staff in the community including a trip to Joplin and the annual playground build (both of which I'm sure I'll write something about). I'm hoping for the go ahead on a special feature project I want to work on as well. Otherwise, hoping to get some downtime and a vacation or two in somewhere along the way.

Don Riley , New Jersey
1:11 PM CT
Justin Blackmon. Ok, he's arrested with a blood alcohol level of 0.24. I know nothing on this subject. So, that said. I noticed that to have that type of level a man over 200 Lbs would have to drink 11 drinks in an hour (although if he was lacking sleep that could factor in). But, this level includes Severe Motor lapse and loss of Memory during the incident (not of those was mentioned in any article all at 0.24 level). Not that easy to do. At least not for the average guy. I mean you can't do too much talking if you're drinking that much. Also that level is only a shor distance from 0.30 which is a level that could end in death. Anyway.............................and I don't mean to sound "stupid". But, does this indicate that Blackmon has a full blown alcohol problem ? In your opinion ? And was this a concern prior to the draft ? Since I've read he had another incident prior to this. I mean to me it sounds like a huge Red Flag.

WAGONER: I wouldn't give an opinion on another person's habits, especially someone I don't know. Obviously what happened was a dangerous situation and it's good that nobody got hurt in the process. Anytime a draft prospect has any alcohol related incident it's a red flag. To my knowledge, Blackmon didn't have a reputation or anything like that. But I'll just say that teams investigate that stuff in depth anytime there's a history of an incident.

Jim L, Annapolis, MD
1:13 PM CT
I see Jenkins as a pro bowl corner as I do Finnegan. I believe Stewart will become a very good safety along w/ Mikell. In addition to Long, I believe Quinn is a double digit sack artist in the making. The opponents can 't double team them both - your thoughts??

WAGONER: The Rams certainly have the pieces in place to have a very good defense right away. How quickly they adapt to the system combined with how Langford and Brockers do inside and Quinn develops outside and the production of the OLBs will determine just how good.

Dylan, Salt Lake City
1:14 PM CT
Nick, I was wondering how Kendricks is looking? We have alot of TE's on the roster, how clear cut is he that he will be the starter? And based on what you have seen, what kind of year do you think he will have in 2013?

WAGONER: He looks fine, like I mentioned seems to have bulked up a little. I don't know if there are any guarantees at that position but as I wrote last week, he seems to be in the lead for a starting position right now. I think Kendricks has all the tools to be a very good NFL tight end. We'll see if he can put it all together this year.

eric, show me state
1:16 PM CT
Nick, Who is the strongest Ram player.

WAGONER: Honestly, I don't know that answer right now. Too much turnover in the locker room.

Ignacio, Mexico City
1:17 PM CT
Hi Nick,Ï´ve been a die hard Ram fan since 1977 and I always read your live chats, I think you are by far the best source of information for outside Ram fans. I just want to know if the 2011 Rams Media Guide is available for download?, Thanks!

WAGONER: Thank you for the kind words. To my knowledge it is not available but the new one will likely be done in a little more than a month.

Josh, Iowa
1:18 PM CT
Rams quote of the week (Tedy Bruschi on SJAX): ". . . Seven consecutive 1,000 yard seasons. I mean, if Marshhawn Lynch is Beast Mode this the Monster Mash over here in St. Louis." Keep it up, Steven.

WAGONER: Steven might be underappreciated some in media circles but I promise you the guys that have to tackle him every week have the utmost respect for him. Speaking of which, tune into NFL Network tomorrow night as it continues its rankings of the top 100 players in the league. A little birdie told me that you might see a certain Rams running back on the list.

1:19 PM CT
Am I the only one excited to yell, "Isiah Pead in the endzone!" Gotta love them play-on words.

WAGONER: If he got a nickel for every time someone thought or said this, how much do you think he'd have by now?

Mike , Canada
1:21 PM CT
Hey Nick, Sams contract tweaking did not provide us with much cap releif this season if any at all. Where does it help us financially? And whose contract would be a candidate to give us some relief? Long maybe?

WAGONER: Probably a better question for Kevin Demoff on Friday. I don't believe it made much difference on anything but he's better to ask that than I would be.

eric, show me state
1:22 PM CT
Nick-- What do you think of DT Darnell Scott ? Will he be 100% & in good shape ?

WAGONER: Well, as I reported he was in a walking boot at the last OTA. Not sure what his injury situation is as Jeff Fisher doesn't update those things at this time of year. But we'll see how he comes back for camp. He's in position to compete for a roster spot and needs to start delivering on some of the promise he's showed the past few years.

Lee, Huntington Beach
1:25 PM CT
Nick, Here is my last comment on the Blog question I asked. You use to have "NEWS" item on that top banner which includes "TEAM", "TICKETS', "FAN", etc. Now you have got the bottom news area and click on "more headlines", before you see the BLOGS and where you can select "From the Sideline", or "Nick's Mailbag". It's really combersome. Sorry to keep bringing this up, but I thought you should know. Thanks.

WAGONER: I see what you're saying. But really it's pretty simple to get to. Like I said, forget that top part, just look to the right of the rotating stories. Click the blogs tab then click on the blog you'd like to read. It's two clicks.

eric, show me state
1:25 PM CT
Nick-- Eugene Simms you said 2 years ago that he impressed you a lot,but needed to bulk up.Now he looks like a DT in some cases.Does he still have that speed ? How will he fit this year with the Rams ?

WAGONER: I think he kept his speed and it was pretty evident watching him play special teams last year that it's there. This is a big year for him. He has some positional versatility and he has flashed some potential. With Mike Waufle as his coach, he could be a breakout candidate. We'll see how he adapts to the new staff and system.

eric , show me state
1:27 PM CT
Nick, Why did the Rams cut Larry Grant last year.He filled in very nice for the top LB in the NFL. He just resigned with the 49ers for 1 year.He was restricted & looking for a long time contract & to be a starter.He fits well,because he is from the Bay Area.

WAGONER: I mentioned this when asked last year but Grant had problems staying gap responsible and handling the duties of a 4-3 OLB. He did better in San Fran because he played inside in a 3-4 defense that didn't ask him to do too much outside of reading the play and getting after the ball.

stuart, scotland
1:28 PM CT
nick,will you travel with the team when comming to london?my first travel tip for you is........if the weather is good head for the london eye.

WAGONER: I will be, yes. And I'll make a note of that, certainly.

stuart, scotland
1:28 PM CT
nick i heard or read a comment over the weekend that said players (FA)I guess were not signing for the rams because they just did not want to come and play,but more importantly live in st louis.whats your thoughts on this?think i remember seeing that in st louis there are more people looking to move out than in?

WAGONER: I'm not really sure where that comes from. I do think when you have lost as much as the Rams have in the past five plus years, it can be hard to sell free agents on your place. However, I think this year there were A LOT of players that wanted to come to St. Louis in no small part because of the presence of Jeff Fisher. Two Pro Bowlers in Finnegan and Wells, just to name two. I don't know about the people moving out than in thing though unfortunately the city has lost some major companies and thus jobs in recent years which might have led to some of that.

Pam, Boise
1:30 PM CT
Hello Nick! If things pan out with free agency and the draft. What is the biggest concerns or needs with the team? Seems like the defense might be set for a great year, great D line shudown corners, good to great linebackers, and good safeties. If the O line can produce I'm thinking a very competitive team for the Rams Thanks Nick! Go Rams!

WAGONER: I'd be inclined to agree. There are a lot of moving parts to the offensive line with guys coming back from injury and learning a new offense. It's no secret that the offensive line is a big key to any offense but it could be especially true this year. On top of that, there is still much to prove for the Rams at all of the skill positions save for the starting running back.

Eric, show me state
1:32 PM CT
Nick- Why do I think I. Pead will be a special player. History keeps telling me this. I think he has a chance to be better than Blackmon.Add Brockers & The Rok to make the #6 pick a special pick. Next 2 years add the Redskins #1 & Snead makes one of the best trades in Rams history. Time will tell,but Pead will be special by added an excitment factor.

WAGONER: I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do in camp. It's a shame he hasn't been able to be here for OTAs.

fred, boise
1:32 PM CT
hey Nick! with the offensive line in question, what would be done to have Bradford getting a quicker release? I'm thinking three step quick release, shuffle passes, and quick slants. your thoughts. thanks Nick!

WAGONER: Well, this offense has a lot more of those principles than the one you saw last year.

Pam, Boise
1:33 PM CT
Hello Nick! The trade down looks even greater after Blackmon's arrest. What are the Rams doing to make sure that any of the "problem children" drafted this year don't follow Blackmon's example? By my count we drafted three with shall I say "history". Without them the team could struggle a little. Thnks Nick Go Rams!

WAGONER: This is precisely the reason why the Rams have taken their time in signing their draft picks. They have things in place to educate all the rookies on the perils of having all that money and responsibility that goes with it. Player Programs Director La'Roi Glover does a great job of working with these guys and teaching them the necessities. Otherwise, it's a group effort and that includes teammates, coaches, agents and even the staff in the building to help all of these young players realize that this isn't a job to mess around with.

eric, show me state
1:36 PM CT
Nick--Why on the Rams site here,do they have Brandon Llyod ,James Hall & others still on the roster ?

WAGONER: Where do you see that? Might want to empty your cache and clear history, the roster I'm looking at is up to date.

Dean, Roseville, Ca.

1:36 PM CT
Before the draft, GM Snead and HC Fisher both said with the number of needs of the Rams, the draft wouldn't fulfill them. With the FA's and undrafted FA's, it seems like the holes have been filled. Is that how you see it?

WAGONER: I suppose you could say the holes have been filled in terms of bodies. But let's be realistic here, with the number of holes the team had it's impossible to say they were able to successfully fill them with guys who will be impact players from day one. They did an excellent job of revamping the roster, of that there is little doubt but it's way too early to think there aren't still some openings in this roster.

fred, boise
1:38 PM CT
hey Nick! sorry for my time off from the chat! is it too early to get excited about the changes that have taken place so far this year. i know we won't get a chance at the Super Bowl but the playoffs seem like they are in reach! but then again the "Greatest Show on Truf" showed anything is possible! thanks Nick!

WAGONER: It's never too early, Fred. You're a fan, this is what you're supposed to do!

Steve, Long Island NY
1:39 PM CT
Nick do u think the team will lock up Chris Long soon with a long term contact. I hope they do,

WAGONER: I expect those talks to heat up some as we get into July and toward training camp. But I'm sure Mr. Demoff can shed a little more light on that for you on Friday.

Ryan William, youngstown,ohio
1:48 PM CT
One of my biggest questions is do you see conrath more a a special teamer that blocks fg or rotational dt. since he is so tall

WAGONER: He's definitely a tall guy. But he needs to make the roster first. As I've said a bunch of times, you can't really judge any of these guys off OTAs with no pads on, especially linemen.

Ryan William, youngstown,ohio
1:49 PM CT
do you know the dates for minicamp and can rookies practise between now and then

WAGONER: The Rams resumed OTAs today. They are practicing all week, rookies included. The minicamp is next week, June 12-14.

Ryan William, youngstown,ohio
1:50 PM CT
how u doing? Do you see maybe daniels maybe starting somewhere in the future depending on how he looks

WAGONER: Hard to say. He looked pretty good in the rookie minicamp but he hasn't been practicing because of an injury issue. Based on his college work and the way he was viewed by teams, I suppose he could have starting value at some point but can't make that determination right now.

Mark, Los Angeles
1:56 PM CT
How much LB do you see the team taking on the 53 man roster as well as do you think if any good LB got waived the rams will look to cut a UDFA to make room

WAGONER: The Rams actually have a couple of roster spots right now should they choose to add another player or two. And yes, I do think they'll keep an open mind to improving the roster any way possible. See Brody Eldridge for proof of that. For the final roster, I'd say they keep six or seven LBs.

Thanks for all the questions. Be sure to tune in for the chat with Kevin Demoff on Friday at 1 p.m.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude

I had a feeling that Blake was going to do much of the install. The objective was to run that Williams defense, and his son is certainly familiar enough with it to take on that responsibility. Which makes you wonder how confident the Rams are regarding GW's reinstatement. If Blake is the one putting this defense together, I'd say it's relatively high.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
If Lee from Huntington Beach has time to post 4 question about website formatting, he sure as hell has time to click on a couple of extra buttons to get to his favourite blogs. Just sayin'


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
ScotsRam said:
If Lee from Huntington Beach has time to post 4 question about website formatting, he sure as hell has time to click on a couple of extra buttons to get to his favourite blogs. Just sayin'
I know, right? How about ... STFU and bookmark the blog instead of whining about it?

Plus, Nick Wagoner has ZERO to do with the design/format of that website.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
Some of the questions are so stupid that I sometimes wonder if he is obliged to answer all of them. I mean, just skip them if they've already been asked or if they make no sense. The answer "I don't really know what you mean" should never be present in a chat.

I'm not ragging on Nick BTW, he does a great job with the chats and he has a good handle on the team. It could just be presented a little better IMO.