Trouble Sleeping

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Was wondering if anyone here has any issues sleeping and what they have found to help.

Since I was a small boy I have had issues sleeping. I've always woke up several times throughout the night. I would say no less than five and all the way up to 15-20 times.

I also struggle to fall asleep in a timely manner. I will lay there for an hour easy just letting my mind wind down.

Then, I have issues where I may wake up at 2-3am and stay awake for an hour or two or maybe til morning.

In my early 20's I would drink a two pack of niquil a week or 10 days. It helped. Ive taken benadryl...four of them knocks me out...but both of them make me groggy in the morning.

Recently I've switched to VitaFusion extra strength Melatonin. I take 4 of them and I find that I'm asleep after about 10-15 minutes of laying down. I still wake up frequently, but easily fall back to sleep. And when I wake up, I'm not groggy.

I still want to find something that keeps me down all night. Was wondering what may have worked for some of you. I don't drink or smoke, so those aren't options lol.


Pro Bowler
Sep 8, 2014
Melatonin. Natural, non habit forming and it does knock me out so I sleep soundly.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I actually need complete quiet and as dark as possible. Im a very light sleeper.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
Yes sir. As you can see the last few nights I was on ROD posting whatever A LOT. When I finally fall asleep it's only a few hours. I wake up and remember nothing of what I did. Tried melatonin and heavy Indicas. Overall I hit the gym late due to my work schedule so I'm amped after. I'm fucked, just gotta settle in on a routine and not listen to music until 4am while being on ROD. Heavy beer is involved some nights as well. I'm just a mess. :cool::horns: I've always been a night owl, and used to go to many concerts. Since March 2020 I've sorta been in my own stalemate. Overall , my point is I have trouble sleeping as well.
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Jan 26, 2013

Im the worst sleeper. Its gotten really really bad these past 5 years. I would say some nights Im up every hour. At least 4-6 times for sure.

I took Tylenol PM last week 2 times and they did keep me mostly down. I got up once both nights. But I dont like pills so those are the only PM pill Ive taken in the last year. Plus- sometimes they make me drag ass the next day.

Beer helps. But I dont drink like I used to, partially because Im trying to make sure Im not drinking to sleep better.

I need my pillow situation just right and my wife just does not get it. Im always looking for my goose down damn pillow.

Ive just been suffering through it.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
If you are having trouble sleeping because you cant stop thinking, try writing down whatever your thinking on a notepad. No need to turn on a light, it doesnt have to be legible. Just letting your thoughts out through pen/pencil to paper can clear your mind. Or try 3 or 4 flexirils at bed time.


Les Snead's Draft Advisor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 9, 2012
@Juggs I too have troubles sleeping, my doctor proscribed me "Quetiapine" 25mg/ 3 pills at night. I'm out in 15 mins and sleep well. Also take 2-10mg Melatonin nightly. Plus ear plugs


And don't call me Shirley
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2018
Since I have a job that is limited to substances that can help you sleep better I can only share what I have seen with friends and family. I can assure you upon retirement I will get better rest. I do just enough for now. But wish for better.

If you are limiting yourself to non-prescription methods you are more likely than not, not going to find an adequate solution. Try all of those of course but I encourage you to consider prescription relief if those do not help. Sleep is as important as anything in one's quality of life IMO.

There will always be a yeng with the yang with medication. A good nights rest that make you feel a little droggy in the morning is much better than having not enough sleep and feeling very droggie the entire day. If not the entire week, month, year, lifetime.

I will not be a know it all arm chair physician but would suggest you consult with yours. Tell them what keeps you up. By far most often it is your mind. Keeps thinking. Can't shut it off. Most often that is anxiety. Life is very stressful. For most everyone. It is a new time we live in. For many years now. IMO our minds have not evolved nearly fast enough to changing times for a couple hundred years now. Anxiety in its most mild form can create sleep dysfunctions. We all experience it to some degree. Remember how tough it was to sleep Christmas Eve when you were a kid? I hope you do if not then that is another type of stress. Get my drift?

My entire family suffers from sleep disorders. And they can be such asshats because of that. But those that are not? Address it with their docs honestly and do what it takes.

Yeng with the Yang.

Just a personal, empathetic point of view.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Since I have a job that is limited to substances that can help you sleep better I can only share what I have seen with friends and family. I can assure you upon retirement I will get better rest. I do just enough for now. But wish for better.

If you are limiting yourself to non-prescription methods you are more likely than not, not going to find an adequate solution. Try all of those of course but I encourage you to consider prescription relief if those do not help. Sleep is as important as anything in one's quality of life IMO.

There will always be a yeng with the yang with medication. A good nights rest that make you feel a little droggy in the morning is much better than having not enough sleep and feeling very droggie the entire day. If not the entire week, month, year, lifetime.

I will not be a know it all arm chair physician but would suggest you consult with yours. Tell them what keeps you up. By far most often it is your mind. Keeps thinking. Can't shut it off. Most often that is anxiety. Life is very stressful. For most everyone. It is a new time we live in. For many years now. IMO our minds have not evolved nearly fast enough to changing times for a couple hundred years now. Anxiety in its most mild form can create sleep dysfunctions. We all experience it to some degree. Remember how tough it was to sleep Christmas Eve when you were a kid? I hope you do if not then that is another type of stress. Get my drift?

My entire family suffers from sleep disorders. And they can be such asshats because of that. But those that are not? Address it with their docs honestly and do what it takes.

Yeng with the Yang.

Just a personal, empathetic point of view.
A lot of wisdom there ^^^ I think it is common for the older you get, the harder it is to get sleep. Part of that is indeed the mind. I think a culmination of life choices weigh heavy on the mind. Something that can help, as crazy as it seems, is to tell yourself that all the things going through your head can wait and aren’t that important at the moment. So physically take your hand and put those thoughts on the night table. It actually helps me a little to do that. That and the wisdom that worry doesn’t fix tomorrow. It only ruins today. And nothing wrong with the melatonin either. My wife has started playing some of those “white noise” tracks such as rain and varying tones and I think that can help a bit to fall asleep. It does me because of the tinnitus I have from jet engine noise. My dad used to say if you have trouble sleeping, you didn’t work hard enough that day. I fear there is a little truth to that one too. Guilty as charged.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
The best advice I’ve found, to frame your mind when climbing into bed;

1) If you are healthy, say to yourself “how lucky you are to be healthy” (because some ppl have end of life health worries, cancer, etc).

2) Be glad you have a bed to sleep in (some ppl have that as a concern)

3) Thankful you can go make a cup of coffee in your kitchen in the morning (some ppl have to choose if they spend money on coffee today)

Thoughts like that.

You don’t actually even think about the parentheses part, just the good stuff you have going on.

It really parks a lot of worry... maybe helps your problems feel smaller... if you can get good at this. Probably similar to writing things down as said by @RamBall.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
The best advice I’ve found, to frame your mind when climbing into bed;

1) If you are healthy, say to yourself “how lucky you are to be healthy” (because some ppl have end of life health worries, cancer, etc).

2) Be glad you have a bed to sleep in (some ppl have that as a concern)

3) Thankful you can go make a cup of coffee in your kitchen in the morning (some ppl have to choose if they spend money on coffee today)

Thoughts like that.

You don’t actually even think about the parentheses part, just the good stuff you have going on.

It really parks a lot of worry... maybe helps your problems feel smaller... if you can get good at this. Probably similar to writing things down as said by @RamBall.
Bobby McFarrin homer



Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
I have serious sleep issues. I stay up easily 24hrs and when I get to 37hrs or so, I take a 300mg Seroquel or as some call it quentipin like Pressure posted.

He just uses a lesser dose. I can't take the 300mg everyday , has side effects at that dosage level and if you work on a schudule, ah no.

Imho 100 mg is a good start but it requires going to the Dr.

Also Trazodone, less strength but also much less groggy BS. And Drs will give you a prescription way quicker than the Seroquel.


Jan 23, 2013
Was wondering if anyone here has any issues sleeping and what they have found to help.

Since I was a small boy I have had issues sleeping. I've always woke up several times throughout the night. I would say no less than five and all the way up to 15-20 times.

I also struggle to fall asleep in a timely manner. I will lay there for an hour easy just letting my mind wind down.

Then, I have issues where I may wake up at 2-3am and stay awake for an hour or two or maybe til morning.

In my early 20's I would drink a two pack of niquil a week or 10 days. It helped. Ive taken benadryl...four of them knocks me out...but both of them make me groggy in the morning.

Recently I've switched to VitaFusion extra strength Melatonin. I take 4 of them and I find that I'm asleep after about 10-15 minutes of laying down. I still wake up frequently, but easily fall back to sleep. And when I wake up, I'm not groggy.

I still want to find something that keeps me down all night. Was wondering what may have worked for some of you. I don't drink or smoke, so those aren't options lol.

Exercise or physical work always does it for me. Whenever I go through periods of too much sitting I awake of and on through the night. Then I’m tired during the day.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
I typically go to sleep between 10 and 11. I get up before 7. I do find myself waking up at night with aches and pains. I turn over and go back to sleep. I probably wake up 4 or 5 times but it doesn't take long to go back to sleep. What I find strange is, being retired now I try to take a nap in the afternoon. I rarely go into a full sleep. I wonder if its because I'm getting enough sleep at night and don't need it? Sometimes I feel like I could used a nap but it rarely happens when I try.


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
Incredibly important to get good sleep and so difficult to find it these days.

I would be weary of using any type of chemicals on a regular basis.

If you have a significant other who is willing to help - a good “release” is always a good start to a good nights sleep. If you don’t have someone - give yourself a hand.

Also - don’t try to sleep with your phone nearby - have it in another room entirely.


Epic Music Guy
Dec 5, 2014
I'm a fan of roasted, salted Pepitas a/k/a pumpkin seeds. They're seeds from a pumpkin, just not the kind of pumpkin you get around Halloween.

A handful at least 2 hours before bedtime helps me. I like them as salad toppings too.
I like to pretend they're healthy as well as tasty:


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I sometimes have trouble falling asleep. I read about a trick in Readers Digest.

with eyes open, take a deep breath, close your eyes and exhale and count, one one thousand, 2 one thousand, 3 one thousand.

open eyes again and do the same thing, this time counting up to 5 one thousand.

keep repeating and counting higher each time. I have yet to make it to 10


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I sometimes have trouble falling asleep. I read about a trick in Readers Digest.

with eyes open, take a deep breath, close your eyes and exhale and count, one one thousand, 2 one thousand, 3 one thousand.

open eyes again and do the same thing, this time counting up to 5 one thousand.

keep repeating and counting higher each time. I have yet to make it to 10

I have done this. This is a good one to try. I found it has put me out before.

Even just deep well paced breath’s can do it, and yeah, oddly count them.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
I've been practicing meditating for a couple of years. Not like religious meditating, but peaceful clear your mind meditating. Is hard at first but now I can clear out and pass out pretty fast.

I'm a light sleeper and have to have a box fan on at all times when sleeping. The white nose helps.

I also find that listening to old people talk gets me really sleepy. It makes meeting at work hard because we have lots of old people in our small company and I start getting drowsy in the middle of meetings.