Tim Tebow, Are you Serious?

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How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Have you really directed your lawyers to go after a T-Shirt company who are selling a "My Jesus" T-Shirt? I've heard of the ridiculous, but I've never heard anyone claiming infringement over the name "Jesus". Yeah, I know, your lawyers worded the cease and desist to make it sound like Tebow believes the T-shirt infers his endorsement, which is just as ridiculous of a position. Isn't this entire action on Tebow's part just a little bit blasphemous? I wonder, now, what kind of animal Tebow really is, and if the entire "Faith" angle is nothing more than a little bit of market positioning.



'My Jesus' T-shirt maker stands ground vs. Tim Tebow

By Marc Sessler NFL.com
Published: May 19, 2012 at 03:34 p.m.
Updated: May 19, 2012 at 06:12 p.m.

http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d8 ... -tim-tebow

Advancing the ball a few inches in the slightly ponderous case of New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow vs. the "My Jesus" T-shirt manufacturer:

We learned this week that Cubby Tees is peddling garb with the words "My Jesus" scrawled across the front, designed to resemble the Jets logo. Tebow's attorneys shipped a cease and desist letter to the company arguing "the merchandise makes it appear as if Mr. Tebow actually endorses Cubby Tees and its products."

Tebow doesn't, but the manufacturer isn't backing down.

Kevin Doolan of CubbyTees.com told The Associated Press via email that his company was taken aback by the legal threats. He has informed Tebow's lawyers that the manufacturer will not comply with their demands. Cubby Tees has given Tebow's attorneys an opportunity to retract their allegations. Nothing on that front and as of Friday night, no legal action had been taken by either side, according to The AP.

Cubby Tees labeled the "My Jesus" design "positive and innocuous" and "legally sound" in a statement this week. Doolan told The AP he is a fan of Tebow.

"We are artists and have no desire to trespass on anyone's legitimate intellectual property rights, but we also will not roll over and sacrifice ours," Cubby Tees said in its statement.

Stay tuned for the next chapter in this riveting odyssey.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
That's retarded. Tebow can't be that egomaniacal that he thinks anything with the word Jesus on it means he could possibly be endorsing it. I've seen T-shirt companies make Christian shirts like that a billion different ways. Just look at this link and you'll see all the *possible intellectual property copyright infringements* waiting to happen.

https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch& ... r0UtlCzwB4


Sep 24, 2011
The timing is a bit odd. Given the media publicity and how people mock his beliefs, I don't think this is such a crazy thing. Personally, I wouldn't have sent a cease and desist, but I don't see this as a big deal.

I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
steferfootball said:
The timing is a bit odd. Given the media publicity and how people mock his beliefs, I don't think this is such a crazy thing. Personally, I wouldn't have sent a cease and desist, but I don't see this as a big deal.

I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.
That's true. He's been a religious freak for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. I still don't understand why he would feel the need to intervene in this though. I mean, shirts like that have been around long before he signed with the Jets. But even if they weren't, does he really think he has so much influence that he feels the need to somehow copyright Jesus? I don't get it.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 5, 2012
Cornering the market on Jesus. Ridicilous. These people just need to stick to playing the game and staying out of this stuff.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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  • #6
steferfootball said:
The timing is a bit odd. Given the media publicity and how people mock his beliefs, I don't think this is such a crazy thing. Personally, I wouldn't have sent a cease and desist, but I don't see this as a big deal.

I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.
I do think these actions are totally inconsistent with his public persona to date, so I do question it. I simply don't see how trying to stop someone else from making a living is reflective of Christian values, especially when that person is creating their living selling "Jesus" t-shirts, which one would think is actually consistent with Tim's values.

On the part of calling Tim an "animal", it's more a style of speech than a sleight. What I said was: "I wonder, now, what kind of animal Tebow really is". What I meant was that I wonder what Tim's real make-up is, what is his real agenda?

Further, I dont think this (my questioning of Tim's real make-up) is at all unfair given how inconsistent these actions are with his public persona and projection of values to date. There are plenty of people in our world who use God and religion for self-promotion, while having no real faith and living their lives almost in opposition of the values typically held by a person of faith.

Juice said:
Cornering the market on Jesus. Ridicilous. These people just need to stick to playing the game and staying out of this stuff.
Great username, "Juice" :)


Sep 24, 2011
X said:
steferfootball said:
The timing is a bit odd. Given the media publicity and how people mock his beliefs, I don't think this is such a crazy thing. Personally, I wouldn't have sent a cease and desist, but I don't see this as a big deal.

I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.
That's true. He's been a religious freak for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. I still don't understand why he would feel the need to intervene in this though. I mean, shirts like that have been around long before he signed with the Jets. But even if they weren't, does he really think he has so much influence that he feels the need to somehow copyright Jesus? I don't get it.
My question is did Chubby Tees (...? what a name) make NFL knock off apparel before this. More specifically did they offer this specific logo before Tebow was signed on the Jets.

I think that'd be a pretty clear indication that they are most likely just trying to cash in on his name and the media hype surrounding him - which is what Tebow's lawyers don't like. Could you imagine the profit they make if the "My Jesus" Shirt turns into next years "Tebowing" stance? They don't even have to come close to that to make some sort of a profit.

Such circumstantial evidence wouldn't stand up in a court, unless they somehow have some juicy goodness to share...and maybe they do. They are probably just irritated by what I see (I'm not irritated fwiw), and are trying to scare them out of printing this logo.

Personally, I see this all as silly. But there are so many better things in life to be outraged at.

interference said:
steferfootball said:
The timing is a bit odd. Given the media publicity and how people mock his beliefs, I don't think this is such a crazy thing. Personally, I wouldn't have sent a cease and desist, but I don't see this as a big deal.

I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.
I do think these actions are totally inconsistent with his public persona to date, so I do question it. I simply don't see how trying to stop someone else from making a living is reflective of Christian values, especially when that person is creating their living selling "Jesus" t-shirts, which one would think is actually consistent with Tim's values.

On the part of calling Tim an "animal", it's more a style of speech than a sleight. What I said was: "I wonder, now, what kind of animal Tebow really is". What I meant was that I wonder what Tim's real make-up is, what is his real agenda?

Further, I dont think this (my questioning of Tim's real make-up) is at all unfair given how inconsistent these actions are with his public persona and projection of values to date. There are plenty of people in our world who use God and religion for self-promotion, while having no real faith and living their lives almost in opposition of the values typically held by a person of faith.
My apologies for the animal thing.

The primary tenant of Christianity is that people are imperfect. This includes hypocrisy. I don't know much about Tebow, but he will probably tell you as much. Additionally, as X so eloquently put it, Tebow has been doing the religious thing for quite some time now.

One more consideration - Tebow is both loved and attacked by the media. There are really two groups of people. Firstly the Tebow supporters who say the media hates him. Secondly the Tebow Haters (I don't like the term hater, but you know what I mean) who think all the Tebow coverage is lollypops and candy. The reality is that there are both people who bash him for using Twitter to talk with fans and Skip Bayless who acts like Tebow's PR guy defending his man on Crossfire. Tebow has significantly thicker skin that I do, but its hard to understand how he stands up to the pressure all the time. I mean he is not the president. Perhaps he is extra sensitive to this stuff.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
steferfootball said:
I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.

Don't really care about any of this except that I definitely agree with this. ^^^


Sep 24, 2011
RamFan503 said:
steferfootball said:
I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.

Don't really care about any of this except that I definitely agree with this. ^^^
For the record, it was a misunderstanding on my part.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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steferfootball said:
X said:
steferfootball said:
The timing is a bit odd. Given the media publicity and how people mock his beliefs, I don't think this is such a crazy thing. Personally, I wouldn't have sent a cease and desist, but I don't see this as a big deal.

I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.
That's true. He's been a religious freak for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. I still don't understand why he would feel the need to intervene in this though. I mean, shirts like that have been around long before he signed with the Jets. But even if they weren't, does he really think he has so much influence that he feels the need to somehow copyright Jesus? I don't get it.
My question is did Chubby Tees (...? what a name) make NFL knock off apparel before this. More specifically did they offer this specific logo before Tebow was signed on the Jets.

I think that'd be a pretty clear indication that they are most likely just trying to cash in on his name and the media hype surrounding him - which is what Tebow's lawyers don't like. Could you imagine the profit they make if the "My Jesus" Shirt turns into next years "Tebowing" stance? They don't even have to come close to that to make some sort of a profit.

Such circumstantial evidence wouldn't stand up in a court, unless they somehow have some juicy goodness to share...and maybe they do. They are probably just irritated by what I see (I'm not irritated fwiw), and are trying to scare them out of printing this logo.

Personally, I see this all as silly. But there are so many better things in life to be outraged at.

That a very good question: "did Chubby Tees make NFL knock off apparel before this"? I don't know the answer to that, but my guess is that you are correct: Chubby is trying to cash-in on Tebow and his publicly stated committment to faith. I guess I don't expect much out of Chubby Tees, so tihs behavior on their part is not really my focus, nor does it bother me all that much.

steferfootball said:
interference said:
steferfootball said:
The timing is a bit odd. Given the media publicity and how people mock his beliefs, I don't think this is such a crazy thing. Personally, I wouldn't have sent a cease and desist, but I don't see this as a big deal.

I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.
I do think these actions are totally inconsistent with his public persona to date, so I do question it. I simply don't see how trying to stop someone else from making a living is reflective of Christian values, especially when that person is creating their living selling "Jesus" t-shirts, which one would think is actually consistent with Tim's values.

On the part of calling Tim an "animal", it's more a style of speech than a sleight. What I said was: "I wonder, now, what kind of animal Tebow really is". What I meant was that I wonder what Tim's real make-up is, what is his real agenda?

Further, I dont think this (my questioning of Tim's real make-up) is at all unfair given how inconsistent these actions are with his public persona and projection of values to date. There are plenty of people in our world who use God and religion for self-promotion, while having no real faith and living their lives almost in opposition of the values typically held by a person of faith.
My apologies for the animal thing.

The primary tenant of Christianity is that people are imperfect. This includes hypocrisy. I don't know much about Tebow, but he will probably tell you as much. Additionally, as X so eloquently put it, Tebow has been doing the religious thing for quite some time now.

One more consideration - Tebow is both loved and attacked by the media. There are really two groups of people. Firstly the Tebow supporters who say the media hates him. Secondly the Tebow Haters (I don't like the term hater, but you know what I mean) who think all the Tebow coverage is lollypops and candy. The reality is that there are both people who bash him for using Twitter to talk with fans and Skip Bayless who acts like Tebow's PR guy defending his man on Crossfire. Tebow has significantly thicker skin that I do, but its hard to understand how he stands up to the pressure all the time. I mean he is not the president. Perhaps he is extra sensitive to this stuff.
I've been in the supporters-of-Tebow camp, and I think if you go back and review threads on him at this forum, you'll see that. I guess that's why I got kinda pissed-off in my knee jerk reaction... because I'm usually very cautious about who I invest any time in supporting because I'm so used to witnessing duplicity from people. So, I really didn't expect this kind of behavior from Tim, and seeing it really gives me pause. Am I being duped by just another slickly managed public figure... or am I witnessing a genuine person who is truely committed to faith. Quite honestly, I don't have enough information to know, and I guess that this incident confirms that for me.

steferfootball said:
RamFan503 said:
steferfootball said:
I also think calling Tebow an animal and questioning his how genuine he is unwarranted.

Don't really care about any of this except that I definitely agree with this. ^^^
For the record, it was a misunderstanding on my part.
No apologies necessary here. I can see how it was easily taken this way, as I wasn't clear. So, glad I had the opportunity to address it and clarify.


Sep 24, 2011
interference said:
I've been in the supporters-of-Tebow camp, and I think if you go back and review threads on him at this forum, you'll see that. I guess that's why I got kinda pissed-off in my knee jerk reaction... because I'm usually very cautious about who I invest any time in supporting because I'm so used to witnessing duplicity from people. So, I really didn't expect this kind of behavior from Tim, and seeing it really gives me pause. Am I being duped by just another slickly managed public figure... or am I witnessing a genuine person who is truely committed to faith. Quite honestly, I don't have enough information to know, and I guess that this incident confirms that for me.
I think that is understandable. I'm sure everyone has been in multiple situations in their lives when they misjudge people and are wary as a consequence.

Tebow seems like a pretty "clean" guy for the most part. It could be that he is really good at covering things up, but I'd think there'd be more slip ups.

This reminds me of a quote by Tony Dungy after the division round of the 2006 playoffs...something to the effect of, "If something happens, it just happens. If it happens twice, it could be coincidence. If it happens there times, it could be the beginning of a pattern." This is not some iron-clad philosophically sound line of reasoning you'd publish in a scientific paper, but I think it is a useful tool in real life.

If we assume he is showing a sign of being a disingenuous person with the chubby-t situation, this is strike one. I think a pattern of "bad" behavior would be more telling.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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steferfootball said:
interference said:
I've been in the supporters-of-Tebow camp, and I think if you go back and review threads on him at this forum, you'll see that. I guess that's why I got kinda pissed-off in my knee jerk reaction... because I'm usually very cautious about who I invest any time in supporting because I'm so used to witnessing duplicity from people. So, I really didn't expect this kind of behavior from Tim, and seeing it really gives me pause. Am I being duped by just another slickly managed public figure... or am I witnessing a genuine person who is truely committed to faith. Quite honestly, I don't have enough information to know, and I guess that this incident confirms that for me.
I think that is understandable. I'm sure everyone has been in multiple situations in their lives when they misjudge people and are wary as a consequence.

Tebow seems like a pretty "clean" guy for the most part. It could be that he is really good at covering things up, but I'd think there'd be more slip ups.

This reminds me of a quote by Tony Dungy after the division round of the 2006 playoffs...something to the effect of, "If something happens, it just happens. If it happens twice, it could be coincidence. If it happens there times, it could be the beginning of a pattern." This is not some iron-clad philosophically sound line of reasoning you'd publish in a scientific paper, but I think it is a useful tool in real life.

If we assume he is showing a sign of being a disingenuous person with the chubby-t situation, this is strike one. I think a pattern of "bad" behavior would be more telling.
Well, now that he's on the NY-stage, everything will be highlighted. So yeah, if the traiits exist, we'll probably see further evidence of it. Personally, I hope they don't show-up, and that Tebow takes the Jets to the playoffs.


Jun 25, 2010
Just looking at this quickly: if all he's doing is telling the producer not to reference him as Jesus then I do not have a problem with that. All that shirt is doing is putting extreme pressure to have him act squeaky clean in public and be some extreme religious role model. One little mistake will bring just more media scrutiny to Tebow. Don't blame him one bit.
Of course because an athlete goes above and beyond charitable and religious efforts he is attacked by the media. Wish people would just leave him alone and let him do his good works without putting a halo over his head which I believe tim doesn't want from this story.
I hope I read into this story correctly, please tell me if I didn't.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
superfan24 said:
Just looking at this quickly: if all he's doing is telling the producer not to reference him as Jesus then I do not have a problem with that. All that shirt is doing is putting extreme pressure to have him act squeaky clean in public and be some extreme religious role model. One little mistake will bring just more media scrutiny to Tebow. Don't blame him one bit.
Of course because an athlete goes above and beyond charitable and religious efforts he is attacked by the media. Wish people would just leave him alone and let him do his good works without putting a halo over his head which I believe tim doesn't want from this story.
I hope I read into this story correctly, please tell me if I didn't.
I don't even know if I read into it correctly either. The gist of it, to me, was that he saw this:


And said, "Oh no, no, no, no, no. You can't make a shirt like that because it looks like I endorse it." I don't agree with that (if that's indeed the case). T-shirt companies aren't bound by what a person thinks is the message or inference. Christian T-shirt companies make a lot of shirts, and a lot of them very closely resemble an easily recognizable logo. This, I don't think, is any different. Instead of NY Jets, it says MY Jesus. Just like when they make a T-shirt that says "HisWay" instead of "Subway" and utilize the same logo design.


May 28, 2011
There's a "HOPE" Jesus shirt, can Obama sue someone?

Better question, who wins the legal battle in the US Government vs Jesus?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
bluecoconuts said:
There's a "HOPE" Jesus shirt, can Obama sue someone?

Better question, who wins the legal battle in the US Government vs Jesus?
I think the Government already won that one. Or at least they're winning so far.