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Im Joining the Army to become a Cavalry Scout. Ill be training at Ft. Benning in Georgia
At least it won't be summer time in GA. Good luck Jersey!
Im Joining the Army to become a Cavalry Scout. Ill be training at Ft. Benning in Georgia
Branch and MOS? Where are you going for training? I'm assuming either Army or Air Force given you said Basic Training instead of Boot Camp.
Goodluck with everything, basic training is pretty easy, just do what they say and you'll be fine. They've been adjusting how they conduct training, with a softer approach, so don't get too worked up about it. Just keep in mind it's all about getting you to figure out the basics as the real learning comes once you join your unit and are actually doing your job. Enjoy your time.
If you have any questions about it, hit me up, 8 years in the 3rd Ranger Battalion.
Thanks for the advice man i truly appreciate it.Good crap, congratulations. I did my training at Fort Benning as well, it's a pain in the ass, but nothing you can't handle. When I was in Scouts and Tankers trained at Fort Knox, so now that they're at Benning, I'm sure you'll get to enjoy Sand Hill. Active duty or National Guard?
If I have some advice, since your training will take you through Christmas, you will be given the option to come home for some time for the holidays. If you elect to come home ensure that you stay out of trouble and work out extra hard during that time instead of just eating junk food and freaking off (and trust me, you'll want to)... When you return, expect your Drill Sergeants to smoke the crap out of you guys to sweat out all the junk food that everyone was eating, so if you eat right and keep with your PT, it'll hurt less. If given the option to take the short order line during chow, never take it (chicken, fruits, and waters, be smart about your meals) and load up on carbs before your PT test.
Above all else, enjoy yourself, it'll suck when you're going through, but once you're out you'll be happy for it. If you get the option to go to jump school take it, it's pee pee easy and opens you up for additional schools.
Oh and during reception you'll have a bunch of douche bags trying to look down on you because you're day 0 and they're day 5.. Don't get involved in that dumb crap, none of you know what you're doing. If you see a Staff Sergeant Alston (he's a reception NCO) tell him that Colin said hi... He's a good dude, just hates stupid privates. He's a Panthers fan, so if you might be able to butter him up that way.![]()
NJ, you take care. Thank you for all your insight, and thank you for your service to our country. God Bless, and look forward to your return in a few months.That title was probably a bit mis leading...because im actually really bummed about not being able to see another game this year.
Anyway, i leave for basic training on monday and will be gone for 22 weeks. Im beyond excited for this new chapter in my life. Just wanted to say its been a real pleasure being part of this board and getting to know all of you. The countless hours ive spent talking rams football with yall has been a highlight of my days since 2012.
Heres to hoping I miss the first magical playoff run in decades. Cheers yall...see ya in a few months :cheers:
Thanks for the advice man i truly appreciate it.
From what i understand leaving during xmas is mandatory and they make us use vacation days...atleast thats what my recruiters say so who knows.
Im not so much up on all the terminology yet so when you say jump school are you talking about airborne ? if so thats my number 1 goal to get into after ait.
I just read a short history about your Battalion and that's an impressive resume for sure.
I can't remember if you've ever talked about any deployments.......... my memory isn't what it used to be.
Yes you are correct ts osut. at the time i signed my contract there was only 1 19d position left so i jumped on it as quickly as i could and didnt want to push it asking for airborne and risk loosing it...although i think under the current administration and the further out we get from the war they are less inclined to easily give out anything. thats just my thoughts tho so who knows. they told me they will come around during the end of training and ask who wants airborne and out of the volunteers they will go off pt scores. hopefully thats true.Yes, jump school is Airborne. You are able to get it guaranteed in your contract when signing up, but with Scouts I'm not 100% sure.. Certainly is with Infantry. They also allowed some volunteers after training that didn't have it guaranteed, so hopefully they will allow it with you. You'll learn all the different terms, just make sure that you know the basics (Soldiers Creed, Warrior Ethos, ranks/time, etc) before you go so you don't look like a jackass.
I believe Scout are the same as Infantry in that it's OSUT, instead of basic training and then AIT.. So you'll have the same Drill Sergeants throughout the entire time training, and get less privileges (at least we did, no phones, no nights/weekends off of any of that stuff like non-combat MOS's would get), but the training is more fun so it's worth it.
It used to be voluntary, but the Army has adjusted training, so I guess it's mandatory now. They'll wont give you free leave days, so you'll have those eaten up. You'll be alright though, regular Army typically gives 2 weeks in the summer and 2 weeks over Christmas, so if you're in the hole you may have to shorten that up. I used to have my leave start on Monday instead of Saturday, and come back on a Friday instead of Sunday to save on days.
There's a lot of amazing history for the entire Regiment, a lot of pride in being privileged to wear the Tan Beret.. I have deployments to both Afghanistan and Iraq, but I haven't really gone into much detail here.
NJ you've always been one of my faves........I wish you the best and when you are back post more.
Im Joining the Army to become a Cavalry Scout. Ill be training at Ft. Benning in Georgia
Yes, jump school is Airborne. You are able to get it guaranteed in your contract when signing up, but with Scouts I'm not 100% sure.. Certainly is with Infantry. They also allowed some volunteers after training that didn't have it guaranteed, so hopefully they will allow it with you. You'll learn all the different terms, just make sure that you know the basics (Soldiers Creed, Warrior Ethos, ranks/time, etc) before you go so you don't look like a jackass.
I believe Scout are the same as Infantry in that it's OSUT, instead of basic training and then AIT.. So you'll have the same Drill Sergeants throughout the entire time training, and get less privileges (at least we did, no phones, no nights/weekends off of any of that stuff like non-combat MOS's would get), but the training is more fun so it's worth it.
It used to be voluntary, but the Army has adjusted training, so I guess it's mandatory now. They'll wont give you free leave days, so you'll have those eaten up. You'll be alright though, regular Army typically gives 2 weeks in the summer and 2 weeks over Christmas, so if you're in the hole you may have to shorten that up. I used to have my leave start on Monday instead of Saturday, and come back on a Friday instead of Sunday to save on days.
There's a lot of amazing history for the entire Regiment, a lot of pride in being privileged to wear the Tan Beret.. I have deployments to both Afghanistan and Iraq, but I haven't really gone into much detail here.
Thank you sir that is very kind of you. i wil most certainly take you up on that if ever in the areaIf you do get to Fort Leonard Wood look me up. I will make sure you get at least one home cooked meal. Just pm me if you are ever sent there.
Yes you are correct ts osut. at the time i signed my contract there was only 1 19d position left so i jumped on it as quickly as i could and didnt want to push it asking for airborne and risk loosing it...although i think under the current administration and the further out we get from the war they are less inclined to easily give out anything. thats just my thoughts tho so who knows. they told me they will come around during the end of training and ask who wants airborne and out of the volunteers they will go off pt scores. hopefully thats true.
I forgot to answer earlier but im going active duty...any suggestions on which in country bases i should put on my wishlist to be stationed? i get 6 choices and am hoping for either italy germany or japan but i also have to put 3 in country