I think the Ramswire article is a bit deceptive - maybe intentionally so.
First, the owners know more about this than some random Ramswire journo. Journo links to a CBS Sports report. The report mentions owner skepticism but the skepticism concerns the construction schedule, described as an "ambitious date from the start and one they probably couldn't hit, but I could see why they would initially want that target out there."
The owners haven't expressed any concern about the FAA and I think the journo knows this.
Here's what seems deceptive to me -- Journo opens with a splash of "Troubles with the Federal Aviation Administration". The end of the article reveals that the FAA "troubles" the journo is speculating/theorizing about concern the construction timing of the ASR relocation.
True, ASR relocation is related to the height and location of the stadium so referencing height and location issues seems journalistically proper. True, ASR relocation was part of the FAA remedy and is included in the FAA document, so ASR relocation is an FAA thing, right? And possible/potential/speculated trouble with the construction timeline of the ASR is trouble with the FAA, right? So the journo isn't flat out lying, he's just bringing up something that people don't usually think of when reading about Troubles with the FAA. Oh, and it seems to be the journo's own, personal theory and not from anyone in the know.
Anyhow, a more amusing way to read the article might be from bottom to top.
Very roughly:
(1) ASR construction timing could be an alternative theory for owner skepticisim, if any skepticism exists, concerning the construction delay.
(2) The developers paid and received approval for construction that included ASR relocation.
(3) According to an FAA document ASR relocation can take 1-4 years.
(4) ASR relocation was agreed upon to mitigate FAA concerns.
(5) Before construction Florio speculated about delays caused by the FAA.
(6) Before getting FAA approval, the developers got a permit from Inglewood and did some grading.
(7) The Rams searched for a solution regarding FAA concerns involving the height of the stadium and denied any FAA complications.
(8) A "possible" reason for construction delay, unrelated to the weather, is "troubles" with the FAA.
(9) CBS Sports reports owner skepticism for construction delay, citing an overly ambitious construction schedule.
(10) Rain blamed for construction delay.
(11) Video splashing "Troubles with the Federal Aviation Administration".