I'm confuse. Help me out here. Tavon had 2 years remaining on his contract and got a 4 year extension that would make it a 6 year deal in total not 5 years. The Rams committed to a 5th year on his rookie contract at $12.268 million for 2017 and had his 2016 base at $2.143 Million. (I incorrectly added his signing bonus which was already paid, in previous post) Here are the new numbers for the 6 years with the new deal.
This shows yearly cash and totals at the far right end column.
The total of $57,008,777 for 6 years averages out to about 9.5 Million per year for the 6 years.
The Rams were committed 14.411 Million combined for 2016 and 2017 a 7.2 Million average.
With the 4 years @ 42 Million and have an average of
9.5 Million for 6 years.
The 9.5 Million is much more reasonable numbers than your 5 year averages.
We don't know any specifics about the bonuses which makes it hard to comment. I imagine production based which means he played well to earn them.
Looking at this I can only speculate on Demoff's reasoning. Signing bonuses would be carried for a longer time period which could be good or bad. The Rams have him on three one year deals after 2018. After 2018 the Rams can release or trade Tavon without any cap hit. He would have to out play his remaining contract numbers to hold out. The Rams could still trade him at that time or wait him out. Should he get injured, lose a couple of steps the Rams can get out of the deal by releasing him without ramifications. Demoff left him and the Rams in control of Tavon's Rams future.