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Jul 25, 2010
Speaking of bad service. I took my girlfriend and daughter to Red Robin about a week ago. It was crazy busy. Took about 15-20 minutes to get a table which wasn't horrible. What was bad was we got a table right next to the kitchen. So we get this older lady who was a little heavy and walked pretty slow (some kind of limp). Nice lady, but slow.. Anyway, we order and it's been about 15-20 minutes. I look over at the kitchen and I can see our food sitting there. We ordered the same wrap so I knew it was ours. It's sitting there for a good 10 minutes. At this point my girfriend can see the steam coming out of my ears. Finally I see one of the kids pick up the ticket and I think, ok, finally going to get our darn food. He puts the ticket back down and moves onto other orders. Uh....WTF? Have you ever been in that situation where you can walk 5 feet and grab you're own damn food? Just as I'm about to go all postal, they finally grab our food and bring it over. Probably about 30 minutes to get it. I've never waited that long at RR. They are usually decent. But man, did I HATE sitting there, wanting to be THAT GUY who just serves himself. Freak me.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
You guys hit on a lot of my "hates" but I'll add:

1. The jackass that pulls out in front of me then turns a few seconds later. (Man, if I had a cow catcher on my Jeep......)

2. Beef liver

3. The bills politicians write these days that have mountains of pork in them that isn't even related to the intent of the bill.

4. Liars

5. Political Correctness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. The ass that passes somebody in the middle lane of the highway on the right when the left lane is open.

7. Line breakers

8. Ass-kissers

9. Dallas Cowboys, 49ers, Seahawks, Patriots, and Vikings. ( I think most Rams fans agree)

10. Moochers and Thieves

11. Drivers that have forgotten what the function of the turn signal is on their vehicle.

I think I could go on for quite awhile with this list.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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bwdenverram said:
Get the F out, did you really? I love that. Awesome.
I swear on my life.

You didn't see the smirk on that douchebag's face when he passed out the menus. It infuriated me.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Ramhusker said:
You guys hit on a lot of my "hates" but I'll add:

1. The jackass that pulls out in front of me then turns a few seconds later. (Man, if I had a cow catcher on my Jeep......)

11. Drivers that have forgotten what the function of the turn signal is on their vehicle.


A little road rage in the blood? :cool:


May 28, 2011
Has anyone mentioned the asshole that see's a huge line in a lane (to exit or because there's a crash up ahead) and tries to go as far as possible and then cut in?

Or the asshole to lets that asshole in?

Fuck both of those people.


Jun 24, 2010
I HATE when people are too lazy to take their shopping cart back to the cart return. Those loose carts will eventually hit someone else's car or blocks potential parking spots.


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
I FREAKING HATE pussies(for the lack of a better term). You know the guys that are sensitive, wanna talk through their feelings, and wont stand up for themselves.... Dude! Grow a pair!

I FREAKING HATE the gym screamer. The people that feel the need to unnecessarily make unnecessarily loud noises no mater what exercise their doing.

I FREAKING HATE slow drivers. Go the speed limit at the very least. And if you're only going to go the speed limit get in the right lane.

I FREAKING HATE the bike riders who choose to occupy a lane of traffic when there is a perfectly good sidewalk 3 feet away. I dont really give a rats ass if its against the law to ride a bike on the sidewalk or not. The street is for motor vehicles.

I FREAKING HATE parents who shovel junk food down their kids throats. They are hurting their kids physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I FREAKING HATE the people that use the gym as a social club. Do your work and get out

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
bluecoconuts said:
Has anyone mentioned the asshole that see's a huge line in a lane (to exit or because there's a crash up ahead) and tries to go as far as possible and then cut in?

Or the asshole to lets that asshole in?

freak both of those people.
That's me. And I feel perfectly justified in doing so. There are no lines in traffic; it's first come first served. And that guy who leaves a gap in front of him just for me? That's a merging opportunity.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
libertadrocks said:
I FREAKING HATE pussies(for the lack of a better term). You know the guys that are sensitive, wanna talk through their feelings, and wont stand up for themselves.... Dude! Grow a pair!

I FREAKING HATE the gym screamer. The people that feel the need to unnecessarily make unnecessarily loud noises no mater what exercise their doing.

I FREAKING HATE slow drivers. Go the speed limit at the very least. And if you're only going to go the speed limit get in the right lane.

I FREAKING HATE the bike riders who choose to occupy a lane of traffic when there is a perfectly good sidewalk 3 feet away. I dont really give a rats ass if its against the law to ride a bike on the sidewalk or not. The street is for motor vehicles.

I FREAKING HATE parents who shovel junk food down their kids throats. They are hurting their kids physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I FREAKING HATE the people that use the gym as a social club. Do your work and get out

Man - I love all those hates - especially the first one. There's a reason there are men and women. Don't be an ass - just be an actual MAN. Why is this such a difficult concept? Yeah... political correctness. Fuck that.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I hate people who use their kids as an excuse rude,most recently I was swimming laps in the pool at our condo,only person there.All my stuff cell phone watch condo keys etc are sitting on a table with two chairs one of several sets pool side.
In walks three families together they pile their shit on my table and the chairs and proceed to get in the pool and camp in my lane so I move to the center of th pool whereupon they proceed to play across all the lanes. So I ask from the opposite end of the pool if they can respect one lane so we won't be in one another's way.

Fuckhead1: Hey we're just showing these kids a good time
Me:All I'm asking is for one lane preferably the one I was swimming in before you came.
They all pretty well ignore me except FH1 who starts eye fuckin me.

Me:You got something you want to say?

FH1: Yeah, can't you move to the other side of the pool

Me: I tried that and your kids just followed me and btw did you have to put your stuff at an occupied table ? when there are all those vacant tables? Do I Need to Show you all the options you passed in order to crowd me?

By this time FH1 and I are at a corner of the pool and it's starting to get tense so enter FH2 who comes over to add his stupidity

FH2: Mister you are being unreasonable

Me: Dude don't come over here characterizing shit that way you aren't helping matters

FH1:Watch you tone in front of these children

Me : Hey if you're so worried about those kids you might want to teach the. Something about common courtesy

FH1: Don't raise your voice to me in front of my family

Aw shit enter Thordaddy

Me: WTF are you gonna do about it

FH2: Man you don't even want to mess with him

FH1:Yeah I can be arrested for what I can do

Me: Was that a threat?

FH1: No......

He swims away . So I turn to FH1 who starts to elaborate about his friend being a bad ass

Me: Dude you know nothin about me or what I'm capable of and I'm
Not gonna sit here and measure dicks, but if you dont ease on up out of my face it's gonna get ugly and we're all gonna go to jail
He takes a few steps back and grandma steps in and asks what the problem is,I explain she gathers all their stuff moves to another table tells them all where they can swim

It really pissez me off when people think kids give them a license to be FH's


May 28, 2011
People in general are like that, last time I went to the movies, even though there were plenty of open seats, an entire family sat right next to me.. There were open seats off on the other side of me, so they could have at least put the buffer seat between us... Instead they stick the fat mom next to me, she spends the movies eating chinese food or some shit, one of her kids is talking throughout the entire movie (not whisper talking, talking in a normal voice like nobody else is there) and nobody stops him, she gets on her phone through the thing, just everything she did.

It was bullshit.. I didn't feel like yelling at a little fat lady so I just let it slide... But a few years ago I almost got in a fight at Disneyland with some fat guy who threatened to hit a friend I was with (a girl) because she asked his daughter if she could go to one of the 5 empty benches next to us instead of crowding our bench. He and his friend ended up backing down after I got involved though.


May 23, 2013
I freaking hate when while driving you are nice to let someone turn in and don't get a wave thank you or some type of acknowledgement back. Damn unappreciative assholes.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Has anyone mentioned Pete Carroll? I hate that bastard.


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
CGI_Ram said:
Has anyone mentioned Pete Carroll? I hate that bastard.

I'll second that.

I even know Seahawk fans that hate him. Thats how you know he's a huge dbag