I have LOTR extended HD addition too. Also a huge fan. I can't go into what I didn't like about the 2nd part cause I'll ruin it for those who haven't seen it. I can do without the scene with Sam that they cut out in the extended version.
Missing scenes from LOTR that are on extended addition.
How the white wizard (Saramon(sp?)) dies. THAT wa sAWESOME! And I can't believe they cut that out. And how about at the very end where the cut the entire scene from the original movie and just show them outside the gate and taking the eye off of Froto? In the uncut they show the ugly-ass "thing" come riding out to confront the group and he tells Gandolf & company that they killed Froto...then "The King" circles behind him and cuts his head off!
I could go on and on...just like in the extended how they show an entire scene inside the cave of The King and the troll trying to convince the ghosts to fight, then they get washed out of the cave by a million skulls and as they flush out the see the Orgs coming by boat....it really gives a greater lead in to where the ghost comes out of the cave and yells "WE FIGHT!"