Ok, this post is not a joke. It happened exactly as I am posting it on a very recent recap through NFL Total Access LIVE, with host Cole Wright and commentators Heath Evans and Shaun O'hara. For context, remember a red faced Heath Evans railed about the insignificant playing time Goff had vs the Cowboys for HIS judgement last week. What follows today are exact quotes, which I paused and rewound a few times to make sure I got it verbatim.
Cole Wright @ColeWrightNFL:
"Remember, he was the first overall pick in 2016, first quarter to Cooper Kupp!" (TD throw to Kupp)
Shawn O'Hara @ShawnOHara60:
"Whew! I see you Coop!"
Cole Wright:
"We're gonna see a lot of that, something tells me..."
Heath Evans @HeathEvans44:
"What, busted coverages in the backfield?" (chortles)
Cole Wright:
"I think we're talkin' about Goff to Kupp...finished 16-20, 160 yards and a touchdown"
Immediately after this conversation, there are six graphics/posters headlined "Notable Performances from Saturday"
Six Quarterbacks, none of which are named Goff...
Dak Prescott: 7-8, 108yds,TD
Matthew Stafford, 8-110, 84 yds, TD
Aaron Rodgers, 6-8, 37 yds, TD
Tom Brady, 6-9, 67 yds, TD
Derek Carr, 100 yds, 2 TD, INT
Kirk Cousins, 14-23, 144 yds, TD
This tells you what we will get from most on the NFL Network. Evans obviously didn't really watch the play in question, where Sammy Watkins ran a more shallow route than Kupp, but very similar to it..Two defenders followed Watkins and none respected Kupp enough to cover him. Touchdown. Just screw Heath Eavns, that sorry Sonofa...I am going to blow that Motherfreaker up on twitter as soon as this posts!