If this coach, this team, this QB mark a new era we have to start by winning the opener against the reeling Colts.
Agree with this. Any one game is just 1/16th of a season and fans tend to feel like the current game is must-win, but that said when you open against a bad team and roster and you want to be a good team you gotta win. Fish had a way of making a bad team rise up against contenders, but I think that equation is changing now under this new regime where they're trying to actually become a contender. So here you go Rams, a gift-wrapped game one for you don't F it up.
IF they don't win it's not the end of the world, but like with last season's opening loss to the bad 9ers team in SF it will be an indicator of what these guys are made of. It will be a sign for us to cool our jets, this thing's gonna take a little longer than some of us are hoping. And I am one of those too. I think this team might be able to win enough games to at least be in the playoff discussion. But if we lose, in my mind at least that's a wrap.