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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
There is a difference between discriminating against people and discriminating against behavior. ROD does not descriminate against people but it does descriminate against certain behaviours, as is theit right. Christian churches do the same thing.

There is also a big difference between christian churches saying we don't condone a particular lifestyle and Muslim faith which uses the death penalty for particular lifestyles

Being homosexual or transgender isn't a "behavior," it's who the person is. You're discriminating against the person.

And you trying to draw distinctions here is pointless. I don't care. You discriminate; you're an asshole. Don't care if you're Muslim or Christian or Atheist. You can be Muslim or Christian without using your faith to attack other people. Unfortunately, far too few people understand that.

And since we're discussing the "differences," I should point out that the Bible also uses the death penalty for homosexuality.

But, like Christians, some Muslims don't interpret everything literally and don't follow every single tenet to the letter. They are capable of living their life without attacking others for how they choose to live theirs. Then there are other Christians and Muslims that cannot do that. And it's a shame. Those are the pricks that can go fuck themselves.

Your faith is your own. Live life the way you choose. Don't go pushing your beliefs on others or attacking others for living the life they want.


Mar 11, 2014
jrry32 said "I sincerely hope you're an atheist if you're playing this card. If you're a Christian, this is awfully hypocritical."

I fail to see how providing a list of global facts is "playing this card" [whatever "card" that might be] ... and what is "hypocritical" about pointing out evil and expecting something to be done about it? The problem of justifying and appeasing evil, as you appear to be doing, is a much greater problem in our society than any alleged hypocrisy label you cast at anyone who disagrees with you.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
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There is a difference between discriminating against people and discriminating against behavior. ROD does not descriminate against people but it does descriminate against certain behaviours, as is theit right. Christian churches do the same thing.

There is also a big difference between christian churches saying we don't condone a particular lifestyle and Muslim faith which uses the death penalty for particular lifestyles

Have you heard of Leelah Alcorn by any chance? Her ultra-conservative Christian parents basically imprisoned her and drove her to suicide because she came out to them as transgendered. Those monsters who brutalized Matthew Shepard weren't Muslims; they were Christians. Every religion, every country, every single entity that has ever existed in the known human world has committed unspeakable acts of violence towards people that aren't like them. Muslims, Christians, everyone is all the same to me. I focus on the person who is speaking.

Personally, I don't give a fuck about religion or politics either way - and that includes atheists and agnostics. I'm not atheist; I just practice don't-give-a-fuck-ism. I live my life to make myself happy, and screw anyone who hates me or wishes me ill because I was born in the wrong body.

Now, onto the whole - and to clarify, I'm not just talking to beej - I didn't start this thread to have a fucking religious and political debate. I started it because I saw a minor who was grilled by police without his parents. I don't give a fuck if he's Muslim or not. That's against the law, and I think we can all agree on that.

That's why I'm going to ask a moderator to lock it before it gets out of hand. Thank you, I respect all of your opinions, but I don't want my thread to have debates that are against ROD policy (remember that religion and politics are the two things that will divide people and fuck with the board as a whole, which is why we don't have a politics board anymore).

I'm sorry that I'm getting angry at you all and snapping, but I don't want this fire to spread. We all have our feelings, we've made them clear, so let's leave it at that, okay?


Jun 17, 2014
Being homosexual or transgender isn't a "behavior," it's who the person is. You're discriminating against the person.
We agree here. Being homosexual is not behavior. And the Christian church doesn't or shouldn't discriminate against someone being homosexual. They do, however, have a problem with homosexual acts. I think the difference between our thoughts might be the fact that as a Christian I see myself as having a sinful nature. That's who I am, but I try to not do sinful acts. If that makes sense? So as Christians we separate our nature that we are born with from our actions.

But if I understand you correctly, you are saying there is no difference between our nature and our actions. And that logic make sense to me.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
We agree here. Being homosexual is not behavior. And the Christian church doesn't or shouldn't discriminate against someone being homosexual. They do, however, have a problem with homosexual acts. I think the difference between our thoughts might be the fact that as a Christian I see myself as having a sinful nature. That's who I am, but I try to not do sinful acts. If that makes sense? So as Christians we separate our nature that we are born with from our actions.

But if I understand you correctly, you are saying there is no difference between our nature and our actions. And that logic make sense to me.

Yes. I'm saying our nature and our actions are the same. So discriminating against people for acting on their nature is the same thing as discriminating against their nature.

Regardless, my point is that you can be Christian and accept gay people (and transgender people). Hell, you can be Christian and not accept gay people but still treat them like you would any other human being and not discriminate against them. The same is true of Muslims (I have a friend that practices Islam that is very kind and accepting towards the gay people we know). I have nothing against Christians and Muslims. You can practice your faith and still allow the people around you to live their lives. In fact, I think that's the best way to practice any religion. Focus on yourself and treat the people you meet with kindness and respect even if they're different.

My problem is with the people that can't focus on practicing their own faith. The people that feel that everyone else must believe what they believe or else. The people that treat other human beings like garbage because they don't live their life like that person thinks they should. Those are the people I despise. And personally, I think those people are the biggest hypocrites around.

Not in the new testament

But the Christian Bible isn't solely the new testament.


Jun 17, 2014
But the Christian Bible isn't solely the new testament.
At the risk of furthering a religious debate, this is the last thing I'll say about it. I promise. You are right that the bible isn't just the new testament. But the reason I said that is because christianity believes that jesus died so that we all may have life. Which is why the new testament doesn't call for the death penalty for any sinner. Any sinner. Anywhere. Period.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
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You guys need to take the religion posts to PM.

Thank you

Amen. Now could someone please lock this thread before things get really out of hand? I know where this is going to go from here, and I'm not going to have it on a thread I created.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Those monsters who brutalized Matthew Shepard weren't Muslims; they were Christians.
I'm not a religious man myself so I am not going to get into a religious discussion. But to be fair, the shitheads that attacked Matthew Sheppard were not Christians, nor did they commit the heinous crime out of some religious bent. One of them had even been a sexual partner of Sheppard and had done Meth with him.

Later the same night these two "Christians" attacked two Hispanics. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the Hispanics were Catholic. Let's not lump these idiots in with Christians - Mkay? Most of the linkage to this being an actual hate crime came in the wake of those nuck futs of the WBC getting face time on all the news stations while they used this kid's death as yet another whacked out showcase for their version of "What Would Jesus Do?"

I will lock this thread in an hour so if anyone wants to get their last shot in - go ahead. Let's just not make it a poitical/religious hit and run.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Amen. Now could someone please lock this thread before things get really out of hand? I know where this is going to go from here, and I'm not going to have it on a thread I created.

Let's have a little faith first. LOL


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
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  • #92
I'm not a religious man myself so I am not going to get into a religious discussion. But to be fair, the shitheads that attacked Matthew Sheppard were not Christians, nor did they commit the heinous crime out of some religious bent. One of them had even been a sexual partner of Sheppard and had done Meth with him.

Later the same night these two "Christians" attacked two Hispanics. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the Hispanics were Catholic. Let's not lump these idiots in with Christians - Mkay? Most of the linkage to this being an actual hate crime came in the wake of those nuck futs of the WBC getting face time on all the news stations while they used this kid's death as yet another whacked out showcase for their version of "What Would Jesus Do?"

I will lock this thread in an hour so if anyone wants to get their last shot in - go ahead. Let's just not make it a poitical/religious hit and run.

Fair enough. I'm just glad that this thread is being locked. I've had enough of religion and politics for one life, and I'm only twenty-four.


May 28, 2011
Meh, I'd say when the main criticism is that his father is a Muslim activist, it's crossing over into discrimination. Now if his father was a Christian one would the cops have the same reaction? Probably... White? Maybe?

What about the public? Doubtful. I get the feeling there would be a cry of outrage and support from many who critize him now if his father was a Christian activist. See: That fat bitch who won't do her job with the marriage licenses.

That being said, obviously Islam is the main religion of the region of the world that most of our problems come from. That doesn't mean we should discriminate against all or assume all are guilty. Look at the attacks in Norway a few years ago, that was a Christian who killed a bunch of kids, and his religion was a big part of his motivation.

Other religions are no different. Everyone seems to think their religion is special, it doesn't do those things or have those people, but they do.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I thought it was all pretty amicable. shoulder shrug
I actually was saying the same thing to Mem in a PM. This thing though has pretty much run its course.

Personally, I don't think anyone really crossed the line. Well maybe jrry with his gratuitous use of the word fuck but....:D

Anyway, onward and upward. I'm sure we'll be provided plenty of opportunities to discuss ridiculous happenings in the future. I'm going to lock this thread at the request of the OP and not because I feel it is getting out of hand.

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