This is the result of horrible, ill conceived, ignorant zero tolerance laws.
Post Columbine (something close to my heart) there was window to make changes to school culture. Unfortunately school districts almost uniformly went with the easiest, lamest option. Zero tolerance. This was pushed, usually by district lawyers, as the best way to protect the school district, county, state ect. Anti bullying non sense falls right in line with this. There are pages of rules with lists of punishments with out someone really being able to define what it is.
We are living in age free from the constraints of common sense and a sense of humor.
There is the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. What we have in many school administrators are cowards who are so paralyzed by fear....fear of offending anyone, of saying or doing something the thought police may take offense leave only the letter of the law.
Worst of all, when teachers or administrators are this profoundly stupid and devoid of vision, act this way it can have real affects. Instead of taking a moment and figuring out what was going on, like the hysterical ninnies they are, they over react. Instead of taking an obviously bright kid and saying, "hey, if you want to bring something to school, this is the process, but, this is great work and we support your education." They instead send a message that you cannot be trusted, that you will be punished even if you did nothing wrong (just like suspending both kids in a fight no matter what the cause was)....the message zero tolerance sends to kids is, you are bad, you cannot be trusted and school sucks.
Way to go educators....way to walk America closer to the edge.