It was fun - i was hoping for so much more but I can't complain really
With hat said I think the whole thing lacked joy
Like in Goonies, sure they are taking the house away, but there is still time for one last adventure.
Here with stanger Things 2 the atmosphere seems artificially "heavy."
Like why would people pick on the kid who came back to life? Nobody I know who pick on him and call him "Zombie Boy" in negative terms. It should have beenthe opposite - kids worshipping the zombie boy
At least that would have been freah instead of so tiresome -- i mean that poor kid who plays Winona Ryder's son. All he did the entire season was make grimacing faces, like he was constantly taking a giant turd.
It would have been nice to see him have some fun.
But no.
How can you have fun when the subtext of the entire season is about puberty. I mean that final scene where she sends and big whirlwind donger into the "gate." Of course the gate looks like the devil's vagina. It's dark to say the least.
The subtextal coming of age bullshit was handled with the grace of a busted mule down diablo canyon
Overall it was fun to watch with thr family - everything except the "pull out" joke I had to endure next to my kids.