Something You Used To Be...And Now Aren't

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Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
For 30 years I pitched in men's fastpitch softball. The first 20 years I could fling it in the upper 70's/low 80's. From 46 feet that is equivalent to 100 plus mph hour baseball from 60 feet. I mainly threw a rise ball which breaks straight up. I finally hung it up about 7 years ago.

At the end I was more like 60 mph. The rise ball didn't have the same jump anymore. Not to mention the men's fastpitch game was losing popularity to the slow pitch game. Guys didn't have the patience to learn how to hit a fastpitch. There weren't as many teams. So what was left wasn't watered down by lesser players. I faced quite a few former college players. Some were drafted by MLB teams.

At the end the only way to play was to travel for weekend tournaments. Which meant travelling and pitching more innings in a shorter period of time. The combination of declining skills and my body not recovering so fast made me hang it up. I really loved that game. I still miss it.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
For 30 years I pitched in men's fastpitch softball. The first 20 years I could fling it in the upper 70's/low 80's. From 46 feet that is equivalent to 100 plus mph hour baseball from 60 feet. I mainly threw a rise ball which breaks straight up. I finally hung it up about 7 years ago.

At the end I was more like 60 mph. The rise ball didn't have the same jump anymore. Not to mention the men's fastpitch game was losing popularity to the slow pitch game. Guys didn't have the patience to learn how to hit a fastpitch. There weren't as many teams. So what was left wasn't watered down by lesser players. I faced quite a few former college players. Some were drafted by MLB teams.

At the end the only way to play was to travel for weekend tournaments. Which meant travelling and pitching more innings in a shorter period of time. The combination of declining skills and my body not recovering so fast made me hang it up. I really loved that game. I still miss it.

You should try and find out who Brady gets his HGH from and you can get right back into your old form. The shit he uses is obviously the best we've ever seen!


Jan 14, 2013
.....used to wake up without back pain, I thought women were interesting & smart to talk to, I could understand TV commercials & knew what they were selling, I thought there were good & bad politicians, gas was something you bought from a fuel station, being woke was because the trash truck came earlier in the morning, plugs were what you inserted into your flat tire, not your head & drain my bladder within a second.......just to list some I used to be able to do or was in the past.....
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I remember one of the few times I golfed, I hit a ball perfectly and I don’t know how I did it. It landed on the green within 10 feet of the cup. All the duffers behind us oohed and ahhed at my shot.
we won’t mention the 5 putts to get it into the hole...Ah, the good old days...


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
Smart. I can still fake it - but I used to be way sharper intellectually than I am now.

I know what you are thinking - “12, you’re like the smartest person on this forum.” Look, you’re right - but still. I used to be even smarter.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I used to be a pretty good bowler. Averaged in the 190's my final year.

That was a 9pm start time league on a Thursday night. Man... that was a lot of good memories.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I used to be a pretty good bowler. Averaged in the 190's my final year.

That was a 9pm start time league on a Thursday night. Man... that was a lot of good memories.
9pm start? Holy shit my mind can't even wrap around attempting some shit like that now a days lol


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
9pm start? Holy shit my mind can't even wrap around attempting some shit like that now a days lol

I know! Crazy. I was in my 20's now that I add up when that was.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
I use to be a good gardener, I liked working with plants and have planted many trees on my property. Those trees now offer cool shade in the summer that shades our home and provides shade for us to sit under. Now however I am getting lazy in my older age and so I hire a crew to keep everything up. I miss it in my mind but not in my knees.


Mar 29, 2020
I used to be able “TO GO”three times a night. Not now.

Now, I HAVE “to go” three times most nights.


May 16, 2019
Ever since I was about 15 I was a back-country backpacker. That is perhaps the greatest thing I miss. At my best, I carried an average of 10-12 lbs in my pack and would stay out perhaps 1-2 weeks. Even until I was in my early 60's I was still jogging a 5-mile route that included some hills. I did that daily. During my 50's I worked for the USPS and for 3 yrs processed mail with included loading hundreds of tubs and trays weighing an average of 70 lbs into travel containers by simply tossing them into place. Even in my early 60's, I was a carrier walking a route carrying a 70 lb bag of mail in Carlsbad, CA. Anyone who knows the area knows it isn't flat.

Even after I retired I still kept in shape with runs and hikes. But ever since my bout with COVID last year I've suffered from something akin to chronic fatigue syndrome, a lack of balance when I walk (thank god not when I'm sitting so driving and sitting at the computer isn't a problem.) There have been other COVID side effects but my inability to keep in shape is the worst. At least I've been able to keep my weight down by doing what I can. I thank god my GF is a fitness addict because she keeps me eating well and as fit as I can under the circumstances.

Losing your health is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to you. Age takes its toll but we all must do what we can. For those of you who are hesitant about getting vaccinated just know that COVID is no joke and it will be a life-changer if you get it. I'm not advocating any political side, I simply don't want any of you good people to have to experience it.

I'm hoping one day to fulfill one of my bucket list of things to do. To fish a beautiful trout stream. Catching fish would be completely secondary to simply experiencing the act. I'm a catch and release guy. I used to surf fish in Mexico, catching some amazing barred perch and corbina. No fishing license is required when fishing from shore. I fished off the panga on my vacation, but that was work not so much pleasure, but that is not to say I didn't enjoy it.

I miss my garden and my lemon tree in San Diego. The garden was strictly veggies and the lemon tree was from a cutting taken off my mom's tree. Back in the 50's my father drove for Dole and was given a small tree in a 3 gal pot. That tree is now huge and most people don't realize it but commercial lemon trees back then bear fruit all year. My tree in San Diego did also. There is something great about growing some of your own food. It was a great way to relieve stress.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
I used to be able to sleep on the floor, the couch, a hotel, a camper, anywhere. It’s nighttime, so I slept.

Now... damn. I pretty much need my own bed to sleep decent.

yes. and NOW, i have a $2500 memory foam mattress AND a $1200 sleepfunction adjustable base frame. I sleep extremely well and wake up without feeling like roadkill. but man, the days of sleeping where your head lays are over.


Pro Bowler
May 21, 2019
I used to be excellent at welding. I used to run long beautiful beads using only one hand. My boss came out to the shop one day and seen my welds and was asking guys where the welding machine was lol. They pointed at me and he was shocked cuz before that job I had zero welding experience. It came naturally to me I guess. I improved so quickly that in a year my pay went up over 4$ per hour.

Now only 10 years later I shake like a dog shitting a peach seed so I no longer weld for a living. Sucks but that's life.

On the positive side by the time I had left 3 other guys were getting just as good as I was after working with them and showing them how I do it. 1 of those 3 guys were so bad at first he almost lost his job but I told my supervisor I'd work with him and he turned out to be one of our best.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I've always been a runner, started when I was around 10 years old after I saw Rocky. (Yes, I am old AF)
Never superfast, or competitive runner, but was just something I've always done. I've run a bunch of marathons and such and for the most part have been able to carry a 9 minute mile pace on my day to day runs. Even when Covid had shut us down I was still running between 30-40 miles per week. Then, last summer like a switch was turned off, any distance became laborious. From easy 9 min pace to not being able to break 10 minutes at what felt like a sprint. Nowadays I rarely get out more than 1-2 times per week and 2-3 milers feel like marathons


May 16, 2019
As hard as I tried I never could get good at welding. My dad had welding equipment so I've been around it my whole life. My dad and brother were really good at it and used to laugh and shake their heads at my attempts. So I know it's a talent like so many other things people take for granted.


Tokyo Ram
Sep 25, 2017
...reasonably fit and strongish.
Well, I was for a 5'10" 160lb goliath :)

I played rugby in high school, then judo later on through until I was about 30.
Judo, i was playing at the lowest level, is a hard sport.
Thankfully, i avoided cauliflower ears and a broken nose, common injuries, but dislocated my shoulder and a finger, and got cracked and bruised ribs.
I loved it though. It's a great sport and self defence.

I cycle a bit these days, stretch every day and do push ups 3-4 times a week.
I had contemplated getting back to grappling.
I think i could get back to some sort of fighting shape.
Judo is incredibly demanding though.
Covid happened and I have since given up on the idea.
I'm 47 now.
I do agree with the "never too old..." saying, but at this stage in my life I am not sure that I am willing or able to put the amount of effort in to mainting such a fitness regime.
It would need a high level of commitment or risk being wrecked by 25-year olds in the gym.

Phototography is my main hobby, i find it incredibly relaxing.
Judo was fun.


Jun 11, 2017
Ever since I was about 15 I was a back-country backpacker. That is perhaps the greatest thing I miss. At my best, I carried an average of 10-12 lbs in my pack and would stay out perhaps 1-2 weeks. Even until I was in my early 60's I was still jogging a 5-mile route that included some hills. I did that daily. During my 50's I worked for the USPS and for 3 yrs processed mail with included loading hundreds of tubs and trays weighing an average of 70 lbs into travel containers by simply tossing them into place. Even in my early 60's, I was a carrier walking a route carrying a 70 lb bag of mail in Carlsbad, CA. Anyone who knows the area knows it isn't flat.

Even after I retired I still kept in shape with runs and hikes. But ever since my bout with COVID last year I've suffered from something akin to chronic fatigue syndrome, a lack of balance when I walk (thank god not when I'm sitting so driving and sitting at the computer isn't a problem.) There have been other COVID side effects but my inability to keep in shape is the worst. At least I've been able to keep my weight down by doing what I can. I thank god my GF is a fitness addict because she keeps me eating well and as fit as I can under the circumstances.

Losing your health is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to you. Age takes its toll but we all must do what we can. For those of you who are hesitant about getting vaccinated just know that COVID is no joke and it will be a life-changer if you get it. I'm not advocating any political side, I simply don't want any of you good people to have to experience it.

I'm hoping one day to fulfill one of my bucket list of things to do. To fish a beautiful trout stream. Catching fish would be completely secondary to simply experiencing the act. I'm a catch and release guy. I used to surf fish in Mexico, catching some amazing barred perch and corbina. No fishing license is required when fishing from shore. I fished off the panga on my vacation, but that was work not so much pleasure, but that is not to say I didn't enjoy it.

I miss my garden and my lemon tree in San Diego. The garden was strictly veggies and the lemon tree was from a cutting taken off my mom's tree. Back in the 50's my father drove for Dole and was given a small tree in a 3 gal pot. That tree is now huge and most people don't realize it but commercial lemon trees back then bear fruit all year. My tree in San Diego did also. There is something great about growing some of your own food. It was a great way to relieve stress.
Sorry to hear of your troubles with Covid.

I had Covid but I only had an 8 hour flu and pretty much that was it except for a stupid throat cough that I couldn't get rid of for about 3 months. It did affect my wife - she almost had to go to the hospital because she had difficulty breathing. Fortunately, she overcame it before she had to go.

I also got the vaccination so hopefully I won't get it again and maybe pass it on to other people. I believe I might of had it without any symptoms and spread it to people in my office. I think 20 people got it and 1 person had to go to the hospital. I felt bad but that person said that her x-rays caught her with an early case of emphysema and it was a blessing in disguise that she got Covid otherwise she would never have known until it was too late to treat.