Something You Used To Be...And Now Aren't

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
We have all sat and thought about things we used to be able to do, that we simply can't do anymore. Or a trait we used to have that we no longer do. People change over time. What are yours?

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I have two major ones that come to mind all the time.

1-I used to be hyper-athletic. At 5'11" I could dunk a basketball with ease up until my early 20's. I remember senior year being hand timed in the 40 yard dash. I was clocked at a 4.7( I was pretty damn proud) I've always been fast as hell for my size. We used to have radar for our baseball team. I once clocked an 87 mph throw...bare in mind, ZERO accuracy with a baseball. But I could fling it pretty hard. Never played the sport but when playing with friends that played they would always be impressed by my arm strength....I was always in the outfield and just had to throw it in the general direction of home lol. I walked on my hands and I was one of 4 kids in the 1500 lb club at my school. Loved football, simply wasn't all that good at it. I didn't understand technique back then. I wanted to out muscle everyone.

Now...I dont know that if I jumped that both of my feet would actually leave the earth. If you see me better fucking run, cause something bigger than me is coming and it's pissed. And last time I threw a football hard, my shoulder hurt for 3 days lol. Damn

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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My second one is a mental thing I guess. I grew up as what you would call one of the popular guys I guess. Making friends has always been super easy for me. I've always been on point in a crowd, never shy. Always was good with the ladies. I was always a favorite of my teachers and have always been a favorite of my supervisors at work. Even to this day. I only work part time, but when I show up everyone gets excited.

But...I fucking HATE people. It's all a show. I used to love the attention. Now, I don't even want them to look at me, but I can't help but "turn on" when presented the opportunity. I'm naturally funny and quick whitted. And I do love talking shit. I'm great at it. But since I got older, I got fat, my self esteem plummeted and I seriously fucking hate going in public. I hate crowds. I don't want to be anywhere unfamiliar. I could go the rest of my life not making human contact in real life outside of my wife and kids and be perfectly fine. People can take their popularity and stick it up their asses lol.


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
So many things, but that’s how it should be...

“Enjoy the blessing of strength while you have it and do not bewail it when it is gone, unless, forsooth, you believe that youth must lament the loss of infancy, or early manhood the passing of youth. Life's race-course is fixed; Nature has only a single path and that path is run but once, and to each stage of existence has been allotted its own appropriate quality; so that the weakness of childhood, the impetuosity of youth, the seriousness of middle life, the maturity of old age.. each bears some of Nature's fruit, which must be garnered in its own season.”

- Marcus Tullius Cicero


May 16, 2019
I was a backcountry hiker almost my entire life, all the way through my 50's. But hitting 60 was like hitting a wall. Also, since my bout of Corona Virus back in December, I've been suffering through something akin to chronic fatigue syndrome. I basically have a 3-hour window to get all my errands and chores done. It also has played hell with my short-term memory. Docs say it will get better with time which it has, but not to expect to ever return 100% to pre-illness form. It's why I tell my friends who are vaccination shy that COVID is no joke and the consequences will change your life perhaps forever. I've been lucky in that I had a mild case, but I've lost too many friends to ever think it's not something to take lightly.

I'm fortunate that my GF has really picked up the slack (without me even asking). She's much younger than I and just got her first vaccination (Moderna) last week with zero side effects other than a flu shot like injection site soreness. Whenever I get frustrated about what I can't do, I try to focus on how much of my life I still have and definitely count my blessings.

Life changes as we age, and what I have found is that life is what you make of it.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Used to have better leg strength than arm strength. I could leg press 360 - 410 easily. Could hike trails easily. Literally hiked a 1,200 ft. tall Colorado mountain, and it remains one of the best experiences in my life.

Getting stuck in a wheelchair literally changed all of it. My legs can barely do 40 lbs. now, and that's on a good day.

I also used to flat out SUCK at writing. No easy way to put it. My stories were trash back then, and my grammar was worse; I literally failed high school grammar in my senior class.

Writing stories online changed that. I got honest feedback. I learned. I grew. And eventually, my writing, while it probably won't make any New York Times bestsellers list, grew to be something I'm proud of and something I spend every day doing.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I used to be brilliantly handsome, but now? Chicks just sorta dig me....


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
Used to have better leg strength than arm strength. I could leg press 360 - 410 easily. Could hike trails easily. Literally hiked a 1,200 ft. tall Colorado mountain, and it remains one of the best experiences in my life.

Getting stuck in a wheelchair literally changed all of it. My legs can barely do 40 lbs. now, and that's on a good day.

I also used to flat out SUCK at writing. No easy way to put it. My stories were trash back then, and my grammar was worse; I literally failed high school grammar in my senior class.

Writing stories online changed that. I got honest feedback. I learned. I grew. And eventually, my writing, while it probably won't make any New York Times bestsellers list, grew to be something I'm proud of and something I spend every day doing.
I can't write worth a crap. But I can proofread. I don't understand why, but I know when something isn't right. Even, my wife, has me proofread anything she sends out.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I used to be able to sleep on the floor, the couch, a hotel, a camper, anywhere. It’s nighttime, so I slept.

Now... damn. I pretty much need my own bed to sleep decent.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I used to be able to sleep on the floor, the couch, a hotel, a camper, anywhere. It’s nighttime, so I slept.

Now... damn. I pretty much need my own bed to sleep decent.
...and a glass of warm milk


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
I used to be very lean, not very lean anymore. I used to run pretty fast, even been accused of being to fast for a short white guy. I couldnt run to save my life today, it would be more like a hobble with 1 dead leg.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 3, 2020
Since my surgery I can’t lift like I previously did. Plus, I had a 30+ vert into my mid 30s. Now it’s about 18-20”. Makes me sad not being able to touch the rim anymore.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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Ha i don't think I could even get net. Lol


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Great topic and really is hitting home with me and a struggle I have right now....
I grew up playing golf, played whenever I could. Was on college golf team and at my best played to a 5-6 Handicap. Gave up the game in early 2000 and didnt play for near 15 years when my nephew caught the golf bug and got me to go out on the course again. (We were in Aruba on a family vacation, how could I say no). So since then my daughters grew a fondness for the driving range, which got the blood pumping again, and then during Covid Quarantine and 100's of youtube vids, I became hooked again (no pun intended).
Now I've been at it for the better part of it for the last year, and while I have no expectation of reaching the level I played at in the past, I cant believe I can be as bad at the game as I am. Like, first time ever playing golf kind of bad. It's pretty demoralizing, but another reminder that I'm no spring chicken.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #18
Great topic and really is hitting home with me and a struggle I have right now....
I grew up playing golf, played whenever I could. Was on college golf team and at my best played to a 5-6 Handicap. Gave up the game in early 2000 and didnt play for near 15 years when my nephew caught the golf bug and got me to go out on the course again. (We were in Aruba on a family vacation, how could I say no). So since then my daughters grew a fondness for the driving range, which got the blood pumping again, and then during Covid Quarantine and 100's of youtube vids, I became hooked again (no pun intended).
Now I've been at it for the better part of it for the last year, and while I have no expectation of reaching the level I played at in the past, I cant believe I can be as bad at the game as I am. Like, first time ever playing golf kind of bad. It's pretty demoralizing, but another reminder that I'm no spring chicken.
It's hard to accept that you can't do what once came so naturally.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
Great topic and really is hitting home with me and a struggle I have right now....
I grew up playing golf, played whenever I could. Was on college golf team and at my best played to a 5-6 Handicap. Gave up the game in early 2000 and didnt play for near 15 years when my nephew caught the golf bug and got me to go out on the course again. (We were in Aruba on a family vacation, how could I say no). So since then my daughters grew a fondness for the driving range, which got the blood pumping again, and then during Covid Quarantine and 100's of youtube vids, I became hooked again (no pun intended).
Now I've been at it for the better part of it for the last year, and while I have no expectation of reaching the level I played at in the past, I cant believe I can be as bad at the game as I am. Like, first time ever playing golf kind of bad. It's pretty demoralizing, but another reminder that I'm no spring chicken.

I was never that good at golf. But in my 30's nd 40's I could drive it well over 300 yards when I connected and hit straight. I can still hit 250 on occasion but nothing like the old days. Funny thing though, I'm better at the overall golf game now that I'm retired and have more time to work on it.