Thing is that rideshare is mostly a scam for the drivers. The net for MOST drivers when one accounts for all expenses including car payments, depreciation, insurance, maintenance, gas, tires, etc is something like $2/hr if not next to zero in more expensive places. Drivers don't see that because they don't have a jar in the car where they have to put money in for all those different headers... so they pocket what isn't used for gas and then struggle to figure out the rest.
There are a ton of drivers when folks get desperate and I suspect as word gets out, people will gladly sign up to do rideshare like Uber/Lyft as the season starts because it'll be on prime pricing and it will be a nice side hustle which many folks have.
As it's in Inglewood, what public transportation options are there? Also, as it's so close to the airport, I wonder if various companies will fill in the void and offer services from the airport or rail/bus stations to the stadium.
Seems like a really great opportunity for someone to seize.