Snead Chat

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Chat with General Manager Les Snead

July 27

Lance L, Cape Girardeau, MO
1:02 PM ET
What do you personally look forward to most this season? What do you think we fans should look forward to most?

SNEAD: Personally, I think I look forward to seeing this young team mature as a group on the field and the goal is for the fans to notice the tipping point when this young team gains momentum and you actually FEEL this every Sunday and ultimately look forward to this young team stacking wins back to back

1:04 PM ET
Mr. SNEAD ,as a life long RAMS FAN going on 65 years young.I welcome you as a bright light for exciting things to come for this team!! With that said, do you folks have any back up plan just in case Saffold and or Smith dont pan out?

SNEAD: Football, like life, is about adjusting to adversity and the best way to do that is have a plan in place in case of injuries. But our number one insurance policy is hiring Paul Boudreau. I had experience with him in Atlanta and he was very good at making the sum of the parts greater than each individual. That's what offensive line play is all about, five guys playing as one

David, Virginia
1:06 PM ET
Les, thanks for taking this time with the fans. We've read those reports after the draft about those private workouts that the Rams' brass held with some potential receivers like Justin Blackmon, Michael Floyd, Kendall Wright, AJ Jenkins and, of course, Brian Quick. Could you tell me in what order you ranked those players before the draft and what was it that you saw in Quick that made you so comfortable with taking a chance on a small school receiver?

SNEAD: The advantages of those private workouts is you can take four to six players at the same position, work them out in consecutive days and by seeing them back to back to back can be the icing on the cake in our research. In the workout with Brian Quick, you felt his passion for the game, you felt the unique physics that he brought to the field in that you have a 6'4, 225 pound man with long strides, very good burst off the line of scrimmage so this human being could cover ground in an exceptional way and had the hips of a basketball player that allowed him to make sharp breaks and the arm length of a rebounder. Because he came from a smaller school and a spread offense, we will need time to take him to NFL routes but basically in a nutshell that's getting enough reps so he's not thinking, he's just doing

Tom, Huntington Beach, CA
1:09 PM ET
Hi Les. I have been a Rams fan since the mid sixties. How are thing meshing personal and business wise between you, Stan, Kevin and Fish?

SNEAD: I couldn't imagine a better partnership to this point. First and foremost, I wanted to be the Rams General Manager because of Stan's vision for this franchise and this city. As a GM of a sports franchise, I can't think of a better city with better sports fans than this one

Daniel K, Ontario-Canada
1:11 PM ET
Our 2012 roster is mostly complete. Some new guys are obvious starters (Finnegan). What camp battles are you most excited about?

SNEAD: Every battle, simply because that is where you find out who the warriors are and in the jungle that we're in, in terms of 32 teams wanting one prize, it will take warriors and lions to accomplish that goal. Yes, there are a few positions that are set but for the most part each spot is up for grabs

Ross, Berlin, Germany (from Dublin, Ireland)
1:13 PM ET
Hi Les, first off I want to say I love what you're doing for the team and the manner in which you're doing it; very exciting time to be a Rams fan! My question is this: will you/do you have any gameday superstitions? e.g. will you be like Brad Pitt's GM character in Moneyball and not watch the game? Many thanks. GO RAMS!

SNEAD: Yes. Unfortunately, I am very passionate about winning and my adrenaline runs extremely high on gameday and there will be a few times when I escape to the locker room, not to run on a treadmill but I would if I could and watch some of the tighter parts of the game on the TV feed and while doing that, make a tape ball out of the tape that we tape the players with. Every now and then I'll throw that ball up against the wall either out of excitment or angst

RamBrian from Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
1:14 PM ET
First off, Great Job with Draft. I know it's very early but my gut tells me more than half these guys will contribute and be very good players. My question is: Moving forward do you see some more free agent pick ups and do you think our OL is good to go barring injuries? And how would you rate our LB's?

SNEAD: Every day is a new case. There may be a new player available or someone who has been available that we constantly evaluate. Obviously, it's harder to find difference making players this time of year than during the early parts of free agency or the draft. Check out my earlier response on the OL but on linebackers, we think we have a pillar type player in the middle and some younger players who have impressed us so far combined with some veterans who have played in this league we added in the spring and from that group, we are not scared to compete

Will, St Louis
1:17 PM ET
You've had a busy offseason. Who will the team be depending on for locker room leadership, among the players you inherited and the new faces you've brought in?

SNEAD: I think with any young team maybe our top leaders have yet to truly emerge or mature into that role. But I do think the starting QB is always a leader, long time franchise players like Steven Jackson have to do their part in steering the young players in a direction that will bring about wins and new additions like Cortland Finnegan come in as leaders but then must put their stamp on how they will lead this particular franchise. The goal is for each leader to steer our young cubs to thriving ways

Sam, FL
1:20 PM ET
Do you think Sam Bradford is the future of STL

SNEAD: I think we answered that question when we traded the No. 2 overall pick but with that said, I thought Sam was a franchise quarterback when I was in Atlanta. I thought he was a franchise quarterback when he won rookie of the year. And I still thought he was a franchise quarterback last year when he was injured and had injuries on his offensive line and at receiver. We believe in him

Dave, IL
1:22 PM ET
Hello Mr. SNEAD, Thanks for joining the Rams this year. looking forward to seeing what kind of mark you will put on this team. My question is how important is it to you that guys like Steven Jackson retire as Rams? Steven reminds me of Walter Payton. Not so much in running style, but as in a consistent, reliable, productive player who plays whole heartily every game, no matter what the score is or how hurt he is. Steven seems to be the Energizer bunny, running thru everyone in spite of the team being sub par for most of his career... Thanks..

SNEAD: For the most part, when you invest early picks into players you have a vision to develop and coach them to help the Rams thrive for a long, long time. Unfortunately for Steven who has been one of the top running backs over the last four to five seasons, he's had to go through a few regime changes and this is another one but when we hired Brian Schottenheimer as offensive coordinator, Jeff was putting his stance on "We are going to be a team that runs the football, runs it well, runs it to win games." And I'm looking forward to Steven being an integral part of that philosophy

Robert, Highlands Ranch, CO
1:24 PM ET
Hello Mr SNEAD, First off, congrats on what I think was one of our best off-seasons in quite some time. Save for the recent situation with Quinn, I think we are in great shape. Here's my question. I know we've earned the right NOT to be talked about much heading into the season but what's the mood in the building and on the field? I'm thinking we are going to come out and surprise many a folk!

SNEAD: First of all, it's always best to EARN "national" attention on the field with results. But to get those results you have to be genuinely enthusiastic, optimistic and confident about the direction of where we're headed. With that being said, we will quietly take the necessary steps until the outside world can hear them

Ben S., Columbia SC
1:26 PM ET
What has been the most difficult part of the past 6 months. Would you do anything differently

SNEAD: As I mentioned before, when you take on a task like this one, you better prioritize and decide early on to focus only on the decisions that were going to effect the 2012 season and seasons going forward. I pushed everything else into May. When I got to May that pile was too high to handle in May and now I've tried to dig out of that pile in June and July. The hardest thing I've done is actually find a permanent place to live and the process of taking care of that three days before camp opens

Steven, Las Vegas
1:28 PM ET
How are contract negotiations coming along with Chris Long and James Laurinitus to get them locked down for a while?

SNEAD: Those negotiations are on point, on pace and those are the types of players like I mentioned before that you invest in and you envision helping this organization thrive for a long time

Patty, St. Louis
1:29 PM ET
Good afternoon, Mr. SNEAD. Thank you for taking our questions. What was the single most important thing you learned while working with Thomas Dimitroff in Atlanta that you've applied here in St. Louis? And will you be running any more marathons in the near future?

SNEAD: The last marathon I ran, I went sub three hours by about four seconds and ever since that day I have never had any desire to run another one. I would say that teams win championships, not individuals and we don't have enough time today to go into it but I learned from him many of the ways of how you accomplish that

Like I mentioned before, I have been very impressed with this city and its passion for sports. As I learned from Thomas, teams win championships and individuals don't. Some of the best teams that I've competed against in this league have a distinct homefield advantage and that advantage was directly influenced by the passion those fans had for the team. So I am asking you to get on board with us early and become a part of our team and not us go win games for you but let's all go win games for St. Louis!


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Do you think Sam Bradford is the future of STL

SNEAD: I think we answered that question when we traded the No. 2 overall pick
I think he's answered that ten thousand times already, but there's always going to be a handful of jackwagons who will never believe him (or Fisher). Stat nerds and tunnel vision fans are never going to understand the level of adversity this kid dealt with last year, and they're never going to embrace him as the QB of this team.

True story.


May 28, 2011
Bradford could go 19-0 throw for 6,000 yards and 70TD's with zero interceptions, and people would still ask if he was the future.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
bluecoconuts said:
Bradford could go 19-0 throw for 6,000 yards and 70TD's with zero interceptions, and people would still ask if he was the future.
Well, yeah ... did you see him roll his eyes that one time? :huh:


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #5
X said:
Do you think Sam Bradford is the future of STL

SNEAD: I think we answered that question when we traded the No. 2 overall pick
I think he's answered that ten thousand times already, but there's always going to be a handful of jackwagons who will never believe him (or Fisher). Stat nerds and tunnel vision fans are never going to understand the level of adversity this kid dealt with last year, and they're never going to embrace him as the QB of this team.

True story.

In my abjectly humble opinion......... :cool:

..........a lot of that is just shallow bandwagon stuff.

If/when he starts getting up to speed, a lot of that will evaporate.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
zn said:
X said:
Do you think Sam Bradford is the future of STL

SNEAD: I think we answered that question when we traded the No. 2 overall pick
I think he's answered that ten thousand times already, but there's always going to be a handful of jackwagons who will never believe him (or Fisher). Stat nerds and tunnel vision fans are never going to understand the level of adversity this kid dealt with last year, and they're never going to embrace him as the QB of this team.

True story.

In my abjectly humble opinion......... :cool:

..........a lot of that is just shallow bandwagon stuff.

If/when he starts getting up to speed, a lot of that will evaporate.
Wanna bet? Sure, some of them will come around, but I know a few who are way too deeply invested in his failure to ever change their tune now. Doesn't matter anyway, because I could care less about those dorks. I'm just sayin'.


Pro Bowler
Jul 29, 2010
Maybe in 10 years when Sam Bradford he is still the starting QB for the Rams and has led the Rams to 3 Superbowl wins (Maybe more!) the Bradford's Non-Believers will become Believers! There is no doubt in my mind that Sam Bradford is the Rams Current QB and the Rams QB of the Future and if you surround him with the right players (which, IMHO Jeff Fisher & Les Snead are doing very well!) he will be one of the NFL's best QB's for many years!

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
zn said:
X said:
Do you think Sam Bradford is the future of STL

SNEAD: I think we answered that question when we traded the No. 2 overall pick
I think he's answered that ten thousand times already, but there's always going to be a handful of jackwagons who will never believe him (or Fisher). Stat nerds and tunnel vision fans are never going to understand the level of adversity this kid dealt with last year, and they're never going to embrace him as the QB of this team.

True story.

In my abjectly humble opinion......... :cool:

..........a lot of that is just shallow bandwagon stuff.

If/when he starts getting up to speed, a lot of that will evaporate.
Well, yeah. But those guys who won't ever believe in Bradford just go silent for a while/months/years and pop up when things get bad. Most of those types never really give the hated player any credit.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
bluecoconuts said:
Bradford could go 19-0 throw for 6,000 yards and 70TD's with zero interceptions, and people would still ask if he was the future.

Well if he does that I'll be convinced :cheese:

The questions about Sam linger and IMO should , last year WAS a terror for him and JMO but the safe way Shurmer used him his rookie year, I don't think anyone would be happy with a whole career of THAT.

But X's point that people get vested in positions on players, coaches and teams and become intractable and repetitive in defending their position BECAUSE it's their position will be an element of the continuum of opinion on Bradford for his entire career.


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10
Ram Quixote said:
zn said:
X said:
Do you think Sam Bradford is the future of STL

SNEAD: I think we answered that question when we traded the No. 2 overall pick
I think he's answered that ten thousand times already, but there's always going to be a handful of jackwagons who will never believe him (or Fisher). Stat nerds and tunnel vision fans are never going to understand the level of adversity this kid dealt with last year, and they're never going to embrace him as the QB of this team.

True story.

In my abjectly humble opinion......... :cool:

..........a lot of that is just shallow bandwagon stuff.

If/when he starts getting up to speed, a lot of that will evaporate.
Well, yeah. But those guys who won't ever believe in Bradford just go silent for a while/months/years and pop up when things get bad. Most of those types never really give the hated player any credit.

You're thinking of Bulger detractors. But they have a motivation--Bulger replaced Warner.

Really, the majority of Bradford skeptics simply saw poor play last year and didn't do the math to figure out why. When things stabilize and he goes through normal development, that will all disappear.

Fisher explained it nicely:

Rome: why did Bradford have such a tough time last season

Fisher: it was clear and obvious to was a change in the offensive system, his 2nd in 2 years, and then with the lockout there wasn't a chance to install, and then people started getting hurt around him, and they had trouble protecting him...the injury situation here last year was have to delete last year, and look back to the way he played his rookie year under Pat Shurmur who did a great job with him...

So, some guys just can't factor that stuff in. The majority of Bradford skeptics? They;re not doing what you guys seem to think they are. They just have a "look at the qb only and praise or blame accordingly" mentality when they watch games and last year looked bad.

Plus, on the other side, there are also types who think legit criticism comes from "haters."


Nov 17, 2011
X said:
zn said:
X said:
Do you think Sam Bradford is the future of STL

SNEAD: I think we answered that question when we traded the No. 2 overall pick
I think he's answered that ten thousand times already, but there's always going to be a handful of jackwagons who will never believe him (or Fisher). Stat nerds and tunnel vision fans are never going to understand the level of adversity this kid dealt with last year, and they're never going to embrace him as the QB of this team.

True story.

In my abjectly humble opinion......... :cool:

..........a lot of that is just shallow bandwagon stuff.

If/when he starts getting up to speed, a lot of that will evaporate.
Wanna bet? Sure, some of them will come around, but I know a few who are way too deeply invested in his failure to ever change their tune now. Doesn't matter anyway, because I could care less about those dorks. I'm just sayin'.
Those people don't understand the game of football.

Put any other QB on that roster last year and they would have failed. Now do that to a second year player without an offseason. The Rams had the perfect recipe for disaster. Bradford was a result of that, not the cause.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
The funniest arguement is when Bradford is called "fragile" or "always hurt." But don't mention his rookie year, b/c playing every snap that year doesn't count.

Unlike Stafford who was IRd twice his 1st 2 years...