Sleep Apnea sucks

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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
So...some news. Got a call from the sleep clinic with the results. A person is considered to have sleep apnea if they stop breathing 5 times an hour. Which is a lot.

Welp... turns out I stop breathing FORTY EIGHT times an hour... which is why I’m exhausted all the time. I'm trying to figure out how that's even possible, but it explains the nightmares, especially when I sleep on my back. Seems my brain is trying to wake me up... go figure...

So it seems that I’m never getting REM sleep. Anyway, I’ve been diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnea and the VA is sending me a high end sleep apnea machine which I should get all the pieces including hoses and a larger mask within the next few weeks. But yeah...

The CPAP machine I used during the sleep test was whisper quiet, but I'm going to be getting an APAP machine which varies the pressure depending on what I need. the CPAP machine my dad had sounded like a chainsaw, but it may have had oxygen...I dunno.

Who knows? I may actually get a full night's sleep for the first time in...I honestly don't know...

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Good luck with that. There are a lot of differences in those CPAP devices.

I've talked with people who have started using them and they say it saved their lives.

Others I've talked to gave up on the device too quickly or didn't try a different device if the 1st one they tried didn't work for them. They just kept on suffering.

So... don't give up if the device you get doesn't work for you... there are many different varieties. You'll find one that will work for you and solve your problem.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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Thanks. Yeah, not giving up. I mean, it's been so long since I've gotten real sleep that I don't remember what it's like and it feels like not sleeping is normal.

I just can't get over the number of times I stop breathing... that's a lot of times to roll the dice...PER HOUR. I mean logistically, it doesn't make sense to me.

But yeah, I had more wires hooked up to me than the Oculus and that's what they saw... 48x per hour. That's just crazy to me. Reminds me of when I had to figure out how many seizures per day I was having and it turns out I was having more than 50 petite mal seizures per day.

Can be hard to wrap one's head around such frequency.


Jul 19, 2017
48x is bad, but when I had my sleep study 12 years ago, my doctor said i stopped 98x an hour.....the worse case he had ever seen. I've been on CPAP ever since. It can be annoying but when you finally sleep like a baby it's amazing. Vivid, colorful dreams but that's maybe for a different thread....anyway just thought i'd add my 2 cents. The reason i got the sleep study was hearing one Christmas morning that Reggie White died of sleep apnea and he was a very young man. Felt my mortality immediately. is a life saver. If any of you have this, seriously consider the CPAP treatment. It does take some getting used to, but so does life.


May 28, 2011
So...some news. Got a call from the sleep clinic with the results. A person is considered to have sleep apnea if they stop breathing 5 times an hour. Which is a lot.

Welp... turns out I stop breathing FORTY EIGHT times an hour... which is why I’m exhausted all the time. I'm trying to figure out how that's even possible, but it explains the nightmares, especially when I sleep on my back. Seems my brain is trying to wake me up... go figure...

So it seems that I’m never getting REM sleep. Anyway, I’ve been diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnea and the VA is sending me a high end sleep apnea machine which I should get all the pieces including hoses and a larger mask within the next few weeks. But yeah...

The CPAP machine I used during the sleep test was whisper quiet, but I'm going to be getting an APAP machine which varies the pressure depending on what I need. the CPAP machine my dad had sounded like a chainsaw, but it may have had oxygen...I dunno.

Who knows? I may actually get a full night's sleep for the first time in...I honestly don't know...

If it's the same one the VA sent me (black, has a removable water tank for humidifying, adjustable speeds, etc)... It's friggin awesome.

The biggest thing that sucks is getting used to wearing the mask, but once it works, man is it nice. I remember a few days in when I finally slept correctly and through the night, waking up was absolutely amazing.

I actually need to get back into it probably, especially as I've been working out again more. I had a weird thing where I stopped breathing as well spaz my leg pretty constantly that kept me awake. I guess the lack of oxygen would make my leg do weird things thanks to the nerve damage I have from my injuries. Not really sure how it connects, or if I even heard them correctly, but all I know is the mask helped both, so it was very nice.


Jan 14, 2013
I absolutely hated my cpap when I first got it but it’s one of the best health improvements I’ve ever done. I had 121 events an hour. I hadn’t slept in years. Was almost narcoleptic. Fell asleep constantly during the day for no reason. Almost got into a really bad accident when I all but fell asleep at the wheel. Was a wake up call. Now I literally never sleep except at night. Never take naps even. Blood pressure dropped from 160/100 to 118/75 on average, lost weight, better concentration, just felt like a different person.

It’s not easy to start the process. I’m claustrophobic so it took some mental meditation when I first started using it. And it’s such a pain in the ass when your mask leaks in middle of night. But I’m not sure I’d be alive right now without it.

So definitely stick with it. your not as severe as mine but it is life changing. I can’t sleep without mine anymore.

A new mask I’ve started to use is a resmed airfit F30. It’s the best fit I’ve had and barely leaks unlike a lot of past masks I’ve had.


Jan 23, 2013
So...some news. Got a call from the sleep clinic with the results. A person is considered to have sleep apnea if they stop breathing 5 times an hour. Which is a lot.

Welp... turns out I stop breathing FORTY EIGHT times an hour... which is why I’m exhausted all the time. I'm trying to figure out how that's even possible, but it explains the nightmares, especially when I sleep on my back. Seems my brain is trying to wake me up... go figure...

So it seems that I’m never getting REM sleep. Anyway, I’ve been diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnea and the VA is sending me a high end sleep apnea machine which I should get all the pieces including hoses and a larger mask within the next few weeks. But yeah...

The CPAP machine I used during the sleep test was whisper quiet, but I'm going to be getting an APAP machine which varies the pressure depending on what I need. the CPAP machine my dad had sounded like a chainsaw, but it may have had oxygen...I dunno.

Who knows? I may actually get a full night's sleep for the first time in...I honestly don't know...

Once you get used to the noise, you will love it. My wife and I run an air cleaner at night. We can't sleep without it.

I cannot use a Cpap machine due ttcto a very thin sinus wall. So I was fitted with a mouth piece. I love it. It holds my lower jaw forward. I get good sleep now.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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Appreciate all the encouragement! I should be all set up in a couple of weeks as I have to receive them in the mail and call in for the training class. I’ll update once I start using it.

im also a bit claustrophobic, but by the end of the sleep test if I just relaxed a little I fell right asleep.


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
Feel for you @Mackeyser never had trouble sleeping over the years, some people count sheep, I always counted Rams, their draft choices, coaching staff or the depth chart has always aided me greatly over the years.


Jan 14, 2013
im also a bit claustrophobic, but by the end of the sleep test if I just relaxed a little I fell right asleep.

Yeah when I did my sleep study when they first come in and strap that mask on I just about ripped it off after a few minutes because i felt like I couldn't breath and was going to have a panic attack. I literally had to stop and control my breathing for a few minutes and remind myself that millions of people wear these things every night and don't suffocate to death lol. After that it wasn't too bad. It gets better after a few nights but I'd say it takes two or three months to get completely 100% comfortable with it.


I'm old and can't wait another 20 years for a SB W
Jun 28, 2011
My daughter managed two sleep labs for St Elizabeth's in Belleville for several years. She said that many patients with sleep apnea would wake up after 4 hours being on a CPAP machine, and say they felt much more rested than when they were in bed for 12 hours before.


May 16, 2019
I had severe sleep apnea and faced with the options I chose lazer surgery. It was painful and very inconvenient for a couple of weeks. But once the series and healing was complete I've been apnea free for decades. I sleep normally with no medication or machines. Kind of hard to carry a machine around with you if you want a normal social life.

It was almost 40 years ago and have never regretted the procedure. No more snoring and no more waking up choking. IMO 4 hours of deep REM sleep is no substitute over the years for 8 hrs of deep sleep. As you age it gets worse. My friends who have machines rarely sleep the entire night without waking at least once.

IMO there is no one shoe fits all answer to this question. But I also think the younger you are the more you should research the options. Also, not everyone sleeps the entire night on their back. I think most people move around and roll around which is a problem with a machine and mask. This also changes over time.

Lots of things to consider if you look at it from the long term perspective.


Jul 6, 2018
I measure in the 45ish events/hour range. They gave me a Resmed S10 machine and I've been on it for about two years now. It really only took a couple of days to get used to the pillow. I have more issues dealing with the hose than the pillow. But all things considered, its been great.

By pillow, I mean the picture below. I started with this and never needed a full mask. If they want to start you off with a mask, see if they will do a nasal pillow instead and then only go to a mask if necessary.



Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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My daughter managed two sleep labs for St Elizabeth's in Belleville for several years. She said that many patients with sleep apnea would wake up after 4 hours being on a CPAP machine, and say they felt much more rested than when they were in bed for 12 hours before.

I sure hope that’s the case for me. I really do. That’d be heaven.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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I measure in the 45ish events/hour range. They gave me a Resmed S10 machine and I've been on it for about two years now. It really only took a couple of days to get used to the pillow. I have more issues dealing with the hose than the pillow. But all things considered, its been great.

By pillow, I mean the picture below. I started with this and never needed a full mask. If they want to start you off with a mask, see if they will do a nasal pillow instead and then only go to a mask if necessary.

View attachment 36904
They gave me both.

I’ll use the mask as my sinuses close far too often and I don’t think I can do Breathe Right strips and 2 Benedryl every night...


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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I had severe sleep apnea and faced with the options I chose lazer surgery. It was painful and very inconvenient for a couple of weeks. But once the series and healing was complete I've been apnea free for decades. I sleep normally with no medication or machines. Kind of hard to carry a machine around with you if you want a normal social life.

It was almost 40 years ago and have never regretted the procedure. No more snoring and no more waking up choking. IMO 4 hours of deep REM sleep is no substitute over the years for 8 hrs of deep sleep. As you age it gets worse. My friends who have machines rarely sleep the entire night without waking at least once.

IMO there is no one shoe fits all answer to this question. But I also think the younger you are the more you should research the options. Also, not everyone sleeps the entire night on their back. I think most people move around and roll around which is a problem with a machine and mask. This also changes over time.

Lots of things to consider if you look at it from the long term perspective.
I’m at the mercy of the VA and I don’t think they’re doing laser surgery for sleep apnea. At this point, I’ll be thrilled with any kind of good sleep. Plus I gotta pee at least once a night, anyway, so...


Jan 14, 2013
They gave me both.

I’ll use the mask as my sinuses close far too often and I don’t think I can do Breathe Right strips and 2 Benedryl every night...
Vicks Vapo Pads (that contain soothing menthol vapor) is a must with a CPAP machine. Just trim a small slice of the medicated pad off near the air intake of your CPAP machine & your sinuses will clear up for full breathing results in case of sinus allergies or cold symptoms.


I have it bad & I am a silent sleeper (zero snores) so when I stop breathing no one else knows. I can thank sleep apnea for helping discover (very late in my 50's) just how bad a panic attack can be.

On the positive side I can sleep anywhere anytime nowadays when using the CPAP machine. I think sleep apnea is contagious because my apple head chihuahua has come down with it too.:biggrin:
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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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If it's the same one the VA sent me (black, has a removable water tank for humidifying, adjustable speeds, etc)... It's friggin awesome.

The biggest thing that sucks is getting used to wearing the mask, but once it works, man is it nice. I remember a few days in when I finally slept correctly and through the night, waking up was absolutely amazing.

I actually need to get back into it probably, especially as I've been working out again more. I had a weird thing where I stopped breathing as well spaz my leg pretty constantly that kept me awake. I guess the lack of oxygen would make my leg do weird things thanks to the nerve damage I have from my injuries. Not really sure how it connects, or if I even heard them correctly, but all I know is the mask helped both, so it was very nice.


It's the ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet with the ResMed AirFit F10 mask.

I'm so excited. I just had my phone appointment to go over it all. The carrying case is amazing, I have 3 hoses and 3 masks (a large and medium full mask and the nasal mask).

The iPhone app is really cool as well. Plus, if I do have to fly, I can use it on the plane if I can get a seat with an outlet. At the very least, I can take it on the plane and not have it count as a carry on...which is nice.

I'm VERY excited to use it tonight.

The idea of getting 6-8 hours of restful sleep as opposed to the 10+ hours of henky unconsciousness I get now...when I get the time for it... makes me very excited.

The hardest part is gonna be calming down to sleep.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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Vicks Vapo Pads (that contain soothing menthol vapor) is a must with a CPAP machine. Just trim a small slice of the medicated pad off near the air intake of your CPAP machine & your sinuses will clear up for full breathing results in case of sinus allergies or cold symptoms.

View attachment 36915

I have it bad & I am a silent sleeper (zero snores) so when I stop breathing no one else knows. I can thank sleep apnea for helping discover (very late in my 50's) just how bad a panic attack can be.

On the positive side I can sleep anywhere anytime nowadays when using the CPAP machine. I think sleep apnea is contagious because my apple head chihuahua has come down with it too.:biggrin:

I asked about this and the respiratory nurse advised against it for the machine I have.

However. I could put a small piece inside the mask or just get a little Vapo-rub and put it under my nose and that should be okay.

But yeah, gonna try something because I guess we're having a late pollination season in FL because my nose has been going crazy the last few weeks...


May 28, 2011

It's the ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet with the ResMed AirFit F10 mask.

I'm so excited. I just had my phone appointment to go over it all. The carrying case is amazing, I have 3 hoses and 3 masks (a large and medium full mask and the nasal mask).

The iPhone app is really cool as well. Plus, if I do have to fly, I can use it on the plane if I can get a seat with an outlet. At the very least, I can take it on the plane and not have it count as a carry on...which is nice.

I'm VERY excited to use it tonight.

The idea of getting 6-8 hours of restful sleep as opposed to the 10+ hours of henky unconsciousness I get now...when I get the time for it... makes me very excited.

The hardest part is gonna be calming down to sleep.

It can usually take a little getting used to, but it’s so nice when you’re acclimated, helps you start the day more energized for sure.