It was refreshing to at least see ED admit that Goff did indeed look good vs the Raidahs; he said those were nfl throws, and Goff is accurate, and you could tell why "we" took him #1. Goff did indeed looked terrible last pre-season, and then was pretty bad, for the most part, once he became the starter last season. I've maintained that you could not properly evaluate Goff based on last seasons performance------playing under that coaching staff was the worst thing that could have happened for Goff. Not only was the staff terrible, but the system, the (un)- supporting cast, the coaching, and the whole losing culture was terrible as well-----this kid was, and would never have been capable of succeeding under the prior regime!!! Under this new regime, what we saw last Saturday night is what this kid is actually capable of; Goff was poised, made good decisions, and threw a number of excellent passes. These analysts don't seem to have a clue just how bad the last "coaching" staff was and the amount of negative impact they played in Goff's lack of success------to evaluate Goff you must throw last season's impressions out the door. Evaluate what you saw last Saturday night, ED did and he was impressed with Goff's performance; we can only judge Goff by what we've seen this year and yes, it is only pre-season; since the regular-season is in the future, you can't evaluate Goff just yet as the future is pure speculation. I've been extremely pleased with what I've seen so far in what I consider Goff's continuing rookie campaign.