When I was in the Army I'd do a 50 pushups in 5 minutes thing with my guys. Everyone would think it's super easy because shit, but the idea was that I would make them be in that pushup stance the entire 5 minutes. It wasn't a go at your own pace thing, I controlled it, and by minute 3, everyone had shaky arms, I loved it.
My CC used to do that when he would bust our asses. I can still hear that lil Philippino ball of razors calling "DOWN.... *an eternity later with him screaming "Don't you touch my deck!! Don't you quit. Keep your nasty chest of my deck!!" Which, by the way, with a Philippino accent... is rather laugh inducing... presuming you aren't in a PT meant to nearly kill you... then... "UP!!!"
We'd audibly gasp and lock out, dreading the next "DOWN!!!"
I swear, I still get a lil anxious when I hear "Pushup position, HUT!!!" thanks to a particular 3 hour wrecking that left every part of me that could move...shaking.
To add insult to injury, they called ahead to the chow hall, pulled all the knives and spoons and ONLY served us peas. None of us had ever heard of mashing the peas, so we all basically were going hungry when one guy just dropped his face onto his tray. That did it. Our CC kicked us out and we went without that night... Some of us at least got a pea or two. The guys who hadn't even gotten a tray were even more pissed...