You are arguing that Keenum is not playing bad?

I'll tell you what, I'll give you $5.00 for every retired NFL QB that agrees with your analysis, and you give me $1.00 for every QB that agrees with me and we'll see who gets to $100.00 first. Troy Aikman and Steve Young agree with me, that's $2.00 and I haven't even started!
As to the statement that teams don't like change, that is not true. I have watched countless games where a backup QB has stepped in and created a spark that was positive for the teams performance. If Goff stepped in for Keenum and threw for 500 yards and 6 touchdowns I seriously doubt that you would find one person in the locker room that would say, "I really did not like making that change." So it is not logical to make that statement that teams don't like change. They like change when it has a positive outcome! That cannot be disputed! Putting the best players on the field does not send a bad message, nor does it put doubt in the rest of the team. Not sure where you come up with that reasoning, show me where an NFL player said, that putting better players on the field is a bad thing. Good luck with that. I didn't see this team protest or take a step backwards when Troy Hill, a player that never played a down in the NFL, replaced Sensabaugh. So again, the statement that teams do not like change has NO LOGIC.
Goff was drafted #1, that is not a surprise to anyone on this team. Goff was drafted #1 to play as the starting QB, that is not a news flash to anyone on this team. Goff was drafted #1 because he is a better player than Keenum, again that is not news to anyone on this team.
This team is not winning "because" of Keenum. Keenum has heart and is helping this team, and has contributed to the wins, but if this defense is not as great as it is, then the Rams go 0-4, no doubt!! But the idea that Goff can't do what Keenum is doing is absolutely asinine, but if that were the case then Fisher and company should be fired and would probably be banned from the NFL due to the absolute incompetence. Goff may not be a HOF, but to not even be as good as Keenum? GET REAL