Real ghost stories

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May 16, 2019
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I firmly believe the town-home I was living in about 20 years ago was haunted. I remember one night I was on the couch downstairs, kinda nodding off because I was too tired to go upstairs. As I was laying there (not asleep) I heard my daughter walking across the floor upstairs (who was 5 at the time) and then walking down the stairs before she came into the living room and sat in my recliner, which used to squeak when you sat in it and reclined. It was a very specific sound it made when you sat in it, and you ALWAYS hear people walking around upstairs when you're downstairs. Anyway, I kept my eyes closed because I was gonna scare *her* by getting up real fast and saying "boo!"

So, that's what I did. Only there was nobody in the chair, and it was reclined when I got up. I know for 100% certain that it was closed because i got out of it to lay on the couch. I went upstairs to check on her and she was all kinds of asleep, so.... ? I didn't get much sleep that night, but the next day I kinda convinced myself I imagined it. Even though I know I didn't.

A few weeks later, I was the only one home because my wife and kids were visiting a relative of hers who was sick. I was laying in bed after a long day of work and was trying to sleep when a feeling of complete terror came over me. I have NEVER been afraid like that before or since. I had no idea why either. I'm never afraid. I was just completely frozen with fear for some reason right then though. I opened my eyes and at the foot of my bed was a shadow that looked like a 6 foot guy wrapped in a black cloak, and I kinda became paralyzed - like I was screaming on the inside. I closed my eyes again, freaking out on the inside, and opened them once again and it was gone.

I shit you not I moved the following day. Stayed in a hotel for 2 weeks before finding another place. I explained to my (then) wife what happened and this wasn't open for negotiation. She then informed me that she used to hear weird shit when she was downstairs too, and that there was never anybody upstairs when she heard them. My daughter told me it was "the man who stands in the hall sometimes." Yeah, a little heads up prior to it scaring the shit out of me would have been nice.

Sorry, Selassie I I never saw the thread as it was before I joined. But thank you for pointing it out. There are times I wonder if they really can see us. Many times it's like they are simply reliving their past over and over again endlessly. Randi was trying to communicate with me and didn't know I could see her and hear her. She couldn't see or hear me.

When I was in college I along with 3 friends rented a home. We all saw at different times a small girl about 7-8 walking down the hallway and standing in the entry into the family room. When we rented the home the owner warned us about the apparition but said she was harmless and never said or did anything. She would stand in that spot for a few moments then turn and walk back into the hallway and disappear. It's why we got the place so cheap. We all tried to communicate with the girl but to no avail. She just stood there staring not at us but simply into space. She was a reminder of the existence of evil in this life.

He then told us the story behind it. The house we were in wasn't the original home. The child was sexually abused by her father who when word got around he was going to be arrested murdered the child by locking all the doors and setting the house on fire. She died at that spot which in the original home was where there was a side door leading outside from the kitchen. He said the firefighters said that she must have stood there looking at her father through the window in the door as he stood there watching her die. The current owner said he simply extended the foundation to build the current home.

It matches in that way with a well-documented event in the UK. In an abbey, there are frequent sightings of a religious procession where the apparitions are seen walking across the front of the abbey but with their knees at floor level and the rest of their legs not showing. When researched it turns out that when the church was rebuilt long ago the current floor is higher than the original one.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
Actually, to me its very interesting and fun to think these things could be real. Kinda like when we watch scary movies. We want to be scared. It pumps up the adrenaline. I want to believe its real. But I still need more proof than the anecdotal evidence. I've had scratches in places where I know I couldn't do it myself and I have no idea how they got there. But I tell myself I must have done it somehow.

My wife says a spirit attacked me because I won't acknowledge it. She thinks a woman who used to live here and died a few years ago is haunting this place. The woman had a daughter that was murdered in her apartment but used to live here too. I don't know. They're gonna have to do more than the occasional scratch or footstep sounds to get me to acknowledge them if they really are here.

Classic Rams

Hall of Fame
Jan 15, 2016
I'm hesitant to talk about this, but I think the reason why my particular “ghost” wasn’t a nice one, is because my best friend and I used to fuck around with a ouija board when we were around 18 or so. We used it 3 times and all 3 times were messed up. First time we were in my room and asked it how many records were in the room. I had a ton, but no clue how many. 4-7 was the answer. So we counted and it was dead nuts right at 47. Second time at his house. Same question. The answer was 19, but that was wrong. He had 17. Until we discovered 2 under his bed the next day. Third time we “summoned” our friend Sean who died the year before to suicide. We asked “what is it like where you are?” It took like 20 minutes before either of our hands moved, and we almost gave up. Then it started moving. C - O - L - D. We both accused the other of moving it of course, so we asked a harder one. “Who else is there?” Started moving immediately this time. S-T-O-P-T-H-I-S. We still blamed each other for moving it, but figured we should just not do it anymore anyway. So we didn’t. I still think we were guiding that thing, but the first couple of things that happened raises a little doubt.

My mom and I used to play with a Ouija board, but we never experienced any angry ghost since we were the only family that had lived in our house since built. But that board game was bizarre. It would spell out the name of the so-called spirit that was guiding it and we'd ask it questions. I only remember playing it with her on around 5 different occasions, all at the kitchen table. My younger sisters declined the invite. Mom said her work friends would get together and try it on some occasions after the Exorcist movie came out as the game got popular. This was 2 years after the movie. The most memorable time playing was when our second cousins came over for a visit. My mom and I were playing and they were in the other room, occasionally walking over to where we were. As we were watching it move (guiding our hands, fingers resting on the plastic piece) the board went from letter to letter and spelled out "Beware the brazen Wayne." I asked her what that word meant and she said "rascally." Neither me or my mom knew who that was but when we asked my 2nd cousin Mark who had stopped in the kitchen to watch, he deadpanned "Yeah Wayne is my cousin. He gets into trouble a lot." Wow. After that my mom used to mess with it by herself but later said she stopped playing it. When I asked why she said it began to spell out weird things like "the rats are coming" or whatever (can't remember exact) so she decided she had enough and got rid of it. When I had recently tried to ask about it and if she remembers more detail, she doesn't recall as much as I do.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 5, 2012
After getting separated from my first wife, I moved into and old ranch my landlords converted into two apartments in the Brooklyn section of Raleigh. If anybody knows Raleigh, it is referred to Glenwood South. Super close to downtown and you could walk to just about anything you needed. This house was built in the 20s and the entire neighborhood had that old feel to it. The neighbor that was in the second apartment was an elderly man who just rented it out to have a place where he and his lover could escape their marriages for a night or two out of the month. I mean to say is that I really didn't have a neighbor.

My apartment kind of became the bachelor pad considering a lot of my friends and my brother could walk to it and it was really close to the bars. A lot of late nights with darts, video games, and foosball tournaments. Even the neighbors across the street would join us from time to time and there was no one on either side of me at that time, so we weren't bothering anyone. There were some good times in that old house.

Anyway, late one night after a foosball tournament, one of my friends asked if he could crash on the couch after he went out to the bars while another friend of mine settled in for a game of Madden. I told him that wouldn't be a problem and I would just leave the door unlocked. You could do that kind of in Raleigh back then. After the game of Madden ended, my friend did not come back from the bars so I just crashed.

I got up the next morning and I went in to do the dishes and clean all the beer bottles up. From my bedroom I could access the game room and the kitchen without going through the living room. The apartment was just one circle with the kitchen and the living room separated by a bar. I have my back turned to the bar and I'm doing the dishes. The fridge was old and made a loud sound when it cycled and the lights would dim. When it cycled, I looked at it for a second and I caught something out of the corner of my eye, and then I felt it. I wasn't alone. The image I caught was a tall man with his arms outstretched on the bar. He was leaning over the bar at me like he was trying to tell me something or just trying to get closer. I could feel his presence over my shoulder. Immediately I thought my friend had come in while I was asleep, and he was trying to scare me first thing in the morning. "You are going to have to work harder than that to scare me, Sean." I said before I turned around. When I turned around, no one was there. I thought he crouched down so I walked around the bar. No one. I walked to the front door and turned the knob and it was locked. He couldn't have come in if he had wanted to earlier in the morning. "Hung over." I said out loud and I thought nothing of it.

Two nights later, I fell asleep on the couch. Chinese take out from the Beansprout was on the table getting cold and congealed, but it still smelled good. I woke up in a panic. Someone was in the house. I could feel them in there, and the hairs on my arm and the back of my neck stood up. The air inside grew cold. It was an August night in North Carolina, and the HVAC was crap. I would sweat sometimes in my apartment just sitting there on the worst nights, but it was colder now, and I remember thinking that it was freaky. Cold and dense like a cooler in a restaurant. Damp and wet, but chilly. "Who's there?" I said. Silence. All I could here was the fridge. "I have a gun." I blurted out not even thinking that they could have had my gun by now. I grabbed my bat I kept behind the front door and did the circle. No one.

A couple of nights later, I found myself in the same predicament except it was the remnants of a sub and some waffle fries from Subconscious that was slowly deteriorating on the table in front of me. The same feeling came back. I wasn't alone in the house. I have had some experiences in the past, and I'll write more about them if you guys happen to like this one. So, at this point, I knew I had upset something by moving in and changing things. I sat up and said, "It's my house now." Silence filled my ears like foam. I could taste it. "You hear me?" I said in a normal tone. It sounded like I was more reassuring myself than speaking to, you know, it. After I said that, I turned over on my side facing the couch and immediately felt four taps on my shoulder. Four quick taps just letting me know that he was there. I was freaking petrified. I sat up immediately and yelled, " This is my house now! I live here! " I took a couple of hastened breaths and then yelled, " Do you hear me, sir? This is my house now!"

I went to the freezer, and the fridge cycled. I opened it up and grabbed the jar of apple moon shine a neighbor had brought me from the mountains. I poured a shot with shaking hands. The coldness was abrupt, but the warmth that followed was soothing. I'm glad I quit smoking, but I hadn't at that point. I sat on the porch in the night smoking and remembering what had just happened.

I did manage to sleep. Not sure how long or what time it was when I finally nodded off, but I slept. The next morning, I get up, shave, take a shower getting ready for work. As I walk the circle I notice something is off. It's really too quiet. It's then that I opened the fridge for some colder water. The fridge was dead.

I never had another problem in that place. I continued to live there for about three years, and never even felt a strange thing.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I'll write more about them if you guys happen to like this one.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Sorry, Selassie I I never saw the thread as it was before I joined. But thank you for pointing it out. There are times I wonder if they really can see us. Many times it's like they are simply reliving their past over and over again endlessly. Randi was trying to communicate with me and didn't know I could see her and hear her. She couldn't see or hear me.

When I was in college I along with 3 friends rented a home. We all saw at different times a small girl about 7-8 walking down the hallway and standing in the entry into the family room. When we rented the home the owner warned us about the apparition but said she was harmless and never said or did anything. She would stand in that spot for a few moments then turn and walk back into the hallway and disappear. It's why we got the place so cheap. We all tried to communicate with the girl but to no avail. She just stood there staring not at us but simply into space. She was a reminder of the existence of evil in this life.

He then told us the story behind it. The house we were in wasn't the original home. The child was sexually abused by her father who when word got around he was going to be arrested murdered the child by locking all the doors and setting the house on fire. She died at that spot which in the original home was where there was a side door leading outside from the kitchen. He said the firefighters said that she must have stood there looking at her father through the window in the door as he stood there watching her die. The current owner said he simply extended the foundation to build the current home.

It matches in that way with a well-documented event in the UK. In an abbey, there are frequent sightings of a religious procession where the apparitions are seen walking across the front of the abbey but with their knees at floor level and the rest of their legs not showing. When researched it turns out that when the church was rebuilt long ago the current floor is higher than the original one.
Well, that's fuckin creepy. I dont know that I would step foot in there after seeing her stand there and stare into space. I sure as shit don't think I would talk to her. How did you sleep? Lol

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I for one have had so many encounters with those who have passed I can't even count them. It's been happening since I was a child. The first event was when I was 4 or 5. My grandparents were very elderly when I was a child. My grandmother was older than my grandfather as it was an arranged marriage between two families. But they grew to love each other deeply, and that was readily apparent. She was ill the entire time I knew her. I had very little contact with her because she spoke no English (my grandfather did) and her frailty and illness scared me.

I was sleeping when I was awaken by someone calling me. I sat up and looked around but my brother was the only one in the room and he was sound asleep. I lay back down and started to drift off when I heard the voice again only this time angry. It was a woman's voice and instinctively I knew it was my grandma. I was shocked because she was speaking English! I asked her what she wanted. She answered that she only wanted to say goodbye and no one else could hear her. She said she only wanted to say goodbye and to tell everyone she loved them all. I asked her where she was going and she said not to worry everything is fine. She told me to always be a good boy and to have a happy life. Then she was gone.

That's when I heard the telephone ring and my dad answering. I knew it was my uncle or aunt calling to say grandma died. That was the first time I remember that happening and it was like opening a door that has never been completely closed thereafter. There have been many, many more instances in my life. But the single most incredible one happened shortly after I got out of the Navy. My best friend Ron (who recently passed) was actually involved.

Ron and I used to be roommates living in Sherman Oaks, CA. He was going back to UCLA to finish up his degree and I was working in the MacArthur Park area as a business analyst trainee for Dunn & Bradstreet. Ron came home from school and when he walked into the apartment he encountered a very pretty young blonde who was standing in the short hallway leading to the two bedrooms. Ron was taken aback but she simply turned and walked into my room without saying anything. Ron simply sat down and began watching TV (Monday night Football actually, it was the iconic Charger vs Dolphins game I believe). I came home shortly thereafter and Ron snickered my girlfriend was waiting in my bedroom saying next time warn him and he will give us privacy. I was shocked and said what girlfriend? I got real serious and asked him to describe her. He did to a tee. I asked him what she said and he told me she hadn't spoken.

We both walked into my bedroom and of course, it was empty. That's when I told him that Randi died over a year ago. Ron had never met Randi as she died when a drunk ran a red light before Ron & I got out and he never had the opportunity to meet her. Yes, she returned the next night and spoke to me for about 2 minutes before she left. She couldn't hear me and kept saying she hoped I was hearing her. She just wanted me to know she was ok and things with her are "different" but for me not to worry and to simply go on with my life and be happy and not to fear death. Finally, she simply faded away. Ron was a staunch Catholic but even then with all the belief in the Holy Spirit he was not a believer in ghosts prior to that night.

My encounters have always been different. With most, there is no real interaction and many times there is no embodiment of the entity be it human or animal. Perhaps the most common are the returns of a beloved pet who has died. Many people myself included have felt the return of a pet. Sometimes lying in bed you feel the beloved dog jump up on the bed to settle next to you. It's why I can't hunt.

I have friends who are haunted by men they have killed in combat. Some call it PTSD but I sometimes wonder because of the nature of what they describe. I'm thankful that hasn't happened to me and I wouldn't want to have to keep killing them the rest of my life.

Oh yeah and one more story I've really got to tell you. I used to co-own a store in Santa Monica. The original owner was a lecherous old geezer (no not me) who owned the building and had his apartment on the second floor. One day while I was manning the counter, my manager a pretty young woman in her twenties, came in to start her shift. But she was early and coming from her workout at a nearby gym. She asked to use the shower upstairs where I was living, to cleanup and change. I said sure no problem. Another employee showed up at the same time and he took over the cash register and I went upstairs to my den which served as an office.

Suddenly Marge (the manager) starts screaming and comes running in dripping wet stark naked and hysterical screaming there was a man in the shower who was touching her. I went into the bathroom just down the hallway, and of course there was no man. Marge (still stark naked) had followed me and stood there wide eyed and saying over and over he was there. I stood there just staring at her.....oh man was I staring at her. She got mad and punched me in the chest, and I just laughed and told her now you know why I don't bring girlfriends here. The old geezer's ghost was haunting the place and would show up whenever a young pretty woman was present.

The movie the Entity was based upon a well documented event that happened in West LA (Palms area?). It was about a sexual predator entity, so this stuff really happens. If I remember correctly UCLA actually documented it. Thank god this geezer ghost never actually did more than fondle.

You sir, are sensitive to the paranormal I believe. Similar to how they say small children are sensitive to it. I believe you must have an inherent ability to see and communicate with those on the other side. A gift I wouldnt want, but im a pussy about this stuff.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Just had a strange but good dream. My uncle Danny (from my mom’s side who died from cancer two years ago) and my cousin Irv were in it, and they basically told me they were in heaven right now. Not sure what to make of it.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
I've not really read all these post and never will.

I've basically died 3 times and seen it and there's a higher power, something that brings light..

Who wants to see your Grand father die from 2100 miles ?

Who wants to see their mom die at 49 ?

Who wants to see their Bro die pass at 45 ?

Like I posted before, when my family passes I wake up with some crazyvass dreams and Ask where are the Dead. ?


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Just had a strange but good dream. My uncle Danny (from my mom’s side who died from cancer two years ago) and my cousin Irv were in it, and they basically told me they were in heaven right now. Not sure what to make of it.
Imho there's a light,personally seen it.

Short story, me and my sis had very very big time disagreed, my brother had passed and his wife passed 6 months later.

But they all knew I was the Sh$= about Death.

Nala my bros wife,whom had passed,walked bye the house,with a smile ,what the Hell can I say.

Imho don't mess with the dead.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Imho there's a light,personally seen it.

Short story, me and my sis had very very big time disagreed, my brother had passed and his wife passed 6 months later.

But they all knew I was the Sh$= about Death.

Nala my bros wife,whom had passed,walked bye the house,with a smile ,what the Hell can I say.

Imho don't mess with the dead.

Then I must be going to hell. In my death experience, I saw nothing but darkness; a void, if you will. Honestly, I couldn’t care less where I’m going, but Danny and Irv deserve heaven. I’d gladly take hell if my folks get to go to heaven.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Then I must be going to hell. In my death experience, I saw nothing but darkness; a void, if you will. Honestly, I couldn’t care less where I’m going, but Danny and Irv deserve heaven. I’d gladly take hell if my folks get to go to heaven.
Just think positive, how about thinking all of You go to Heaven.

If my sister in law can appear to me,walking towards a stop sign, 5 days after she passed. Waving smiling while I'm in another State. There must be something.

BTW this was the 1 and only time I ever had that experience.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Then I must be going to hell. In my death experience, I saw nothing but darkness; a void, if you will. Honestly, I couldn’t care less where I’m going, but Danny and Irv deserve heaven. I’d gladly take hell if my folks get to go to heaven.
Didn't want to get away from the thread. But.

If Danny and Irv showed you heaven Hello.

I know where you are going and your people have given you the answers. Hello Heaven.

My 1st time dying is simple.,Was 16 1 bad ass dude could KO almost anyone.

Went to a place called mugs and juggs,drank some beers and left with a friend whom was driving.

He was driving a Mach 1 72 mustang, with a 351 Cleveland big front end, car.

When he hit the car on University Dr that was broke down, dead in the street at 65 70 mph on the passenger side, well there I was, Lol

Boom Fuc$$ng Bang,and yes I was gone,the battery was broken in half and anyone who knows that, should know my condition.

Funny thing, I rose above all of it,in the light,saw my friend hurt and the only thing I could think of was help him.

I reawaked and helped my friend . When I say this it's real.