Real ghost stories

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May 16, 2019
I for one have had so many encounters with those who have passed I can't even count them. It's been happening since I was a child. The first event was when I was 4 or 5. My grandparents were very elderly when I was a child. My grandmother was older than my grandfather as it was an arranged marriage between two families. But they grew to love each other deeply, and that was readily apparent. She was ill the entire time I knew her. I had very little contact with her because she spoke no English (my grandfather did) and her frailty and illness scared me.

I was sleeping when I was awaken by someone calling me. I sat up and looked around but my brother was the only one in the room and he was sound asleep. I lay back down and started to drift off when I heard the voice again only this time angry. It was a woman's voice and instinctively I knew it was my grandma. I was shocked because she was speaking English! I asked her what she wanted. She answered that she only wanted to say goodbye and no one else could hear her. She said she only wanted to say goodbye and to tell everyone she loved them all. I asked her where she was going and she said not to worry everything is fine. She told me to always be a good boy and to have a happy life. Then she was gone.

That's when I heard the telephone ring and my dad answering. I knew it was my uncle or aunt calling to say grandma died. That was the first time I remember that happening and it was like opening a door that has never been completely closed thereafter. There have been many, many more instances in my life. But the single most incredible one happened shortly after I got out of the Navy. My best friend Ron (who recently passed) was actually involved.

Ron and I used to be roommates living in Sherman Oaks, CA. He was going back to UCLA to finish up his degree and I was working in the MacArthur Park area as a business analyst trainee for Dunn & Bradstreet. Ron came home from school and when he walked into the apartment he encountered a very pretty young blonde who was standing in the short hallway leading to the two bedrooms. Ron was taken aback but she simply turned and walked into my room without saying anything. Ron simply sat down and began watching TV (Monday night Football actually, it was the iconic Charger vs Dolphins game I believe). I came home shortly thereafter and Ron snickered my girlfriend was waiting in my bedroom saying next time warn him and he will give us privacy. I was shocked and said what girlfriend? I got real serious and asked him to describe her. He did to a tee. I asked him what she said and he told me she hadn't spoken.

We both walked into my bedroom and of course, it was empty. That's when I told him that Randi died over a year ago. Ron had never met Randi as she died when a drunk ran a red light before Ron & I got out and he never had the opportunity to meet her. Yes, she returned the next night and spoke to me for about 2 minutes before she left. She couldn't hear me and kept saying she hoped I was hearing her. She just wanted me to know she was ok and things with her are "different" but for me not to worry and to simply go on with my life and be happy and not to fear death. Finally, she simply faded away. Ron was a staunch Catholic but even then with all the belief in the Holy Spirit he was not a believer in ghosts prior to that night.

My encounters have always been different. With most, there is no real interaction and many times there is no embodiment of the entity be it human or animal. Perhaps the most common are the returns of a beloved pet who has died. Many people myself included have felt the return of a pet. Sometimes lying in bed you feel the beloved dog jump up on the bed to settle next to you. It's why I can't hunt.

I have friends who are haunted by men they have killed in combat. Some call it PTSD but I sometimes wonder because of the nature of what they describe. I'm thankful that hasn't happened to me and I wouldn't want to have to keep killing them the rest of my life.

Oh yeah and one more story I've really got to tell you. I used to co-own a store in Santa Monica. The original owner was a lecherous old geezer (no not me) who owned the building and had his apartment on the second floor. One day while I was manning the counter, my manager a pretty young woman in her twenties, came in to start her shift. But she was early and coming from her workout at a nearby gym. She asked to use the shower upstairs where I was living, to cleanup and change. I said sure no problem. Another employee showed up at the same time and he took over the cash register and I went upstairs to my den which served as an office.

Suddenly Marge (the manager) starts screaming and comes running in dripping wet stark naked and hysterical screaming there was a man in the shower who was touching her. I went into the bathroom just down the hallway, and of course there was no man. Marge (still stark naked) had followed me and stood there wide eyed and saying over and over he was there. I stood there just staring at her.....oh man was I staring at her. She got mad and punched me in the chest, and I just laughed and told her now you know why I don't bring girlfriends here. The old geezer's ghost was haunting the place and would show up whenever a young pretty woman was present.

The movie the Entity was based upon a well documented event that happened in West LA (Palms area?). It was about a sexual predator entity, so this stuff really happens. If I remember correctly UCLA actually documented it. Thank god this geezer ghost never actually did more than fondle.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I don't believe in a higher power or religion, to be honest...but there's some things I can't explain.

I mentioned my cousin Irv in the best person you knew thread. After he died, a car belonging to my cousins from my dad's side (the side Irv was on) that had been stolen months ago, had been found just a few hours later. They basically said that Irv wanted to find the car, since he tried to when he was alive.

Then there's the cats. My mom's old cat, Mist, who was a Russian Blue tomcat died after twenty-two years of life, after survived being hit by a car and cancer, just before we moved into the current house my parents own. One month later, my mom wakes up to meowing, and is scared and calls my dad. What should greet them but a Russian Blue who looked exactly like Mist...except female. Her screams woke me up, and I'm stunned. Also? She was pregnant. We kept her, named her Misty (because hey, Mist probably reincarnated. Why not?)


Jan 23, 2013
There was a period in my parents house where strange things were happening. My mom and grandmother always claimed to have seen random ghosts through their life, even as children. The first thing I remember was my Grandmother coming up from the basement and said she saw a ghost standing behind her. I was about 10 at the time. a few years later my older brother awoke in the middle of the night to a ghostly man standing in his room looking at him. Shortly afterwards my sister would wake up to the feeling of someone touching her face. That went on for several years. By the time I was a Senior in high school we were all seeing odd things. My younger brother woke to see a ghostly man in the doorway of our room. I'd see things move. One morning while cooking breakfast at 4:00 am before going out fishing, my brother and I were at the stove and the plate I had out on the counter to put the eggs on slid by itself about 2 feet down the counter. I was so freaked that I wouldn't eat the eggs. A few weeks later I was in the basement exercising. We had full length mirrors along one wall and I'm practicing Kung Fu moves and I suddenly see my great grandmother wooden rocking chair behind me start rocking, suddenly stop, then start again. There were a few other things but one funny instance was with my friend Eric. I always told him about what went on at the house. He got to the point where he would not come in any longer. One day he stopped to pick me up and I insisted he come in and at least stand inside the doorway. We had a cushioned chair by the stairs with a new pair of Dr. Scholl's insoles on the top edge on the back of that chair. My sister is in the room talking to Eric and convincing him that it was highly unlikely that anything could happen while he was waiting. It was after school, around 4:00 pm. Just then that pair of insoles flipped into the air, past the seat cushion and landed on the floor about 3 feet in front of the chair. I never saw anyone run so fast out that door. He never set foot in our house again.

Once I got to college things started to ramp up a little. My mom would be up late and started to see figures in the hallway upstairs frequently. Then my Dad's father told him he got up to pee one night and he turned the corner and all of his dead relatives were in the hall. He was talking to them for a few minutes. He said they told him not to worry he'd be with them soon. A few days later he died of a heart attack.

Later that year while at college, I got a frantic call from my mother around midnight. She was worried that I was ill again. I had a dozen bouts with bacterial meningitis and nearly died several times through my childhood and teen years. It was very odd for her to call so late, so of course I asked why the sudden concern. She said she was in the kitchen and she heard the cat hissing and growling. She walked into the living room and the cat had its back arched looking at a black figure in the living room. It stood there and turned toward my mom and slowly faded away. She was told as a young girl that when a black ghostly figure appears it means there will be a death in the family. The next morning she got a frantic call from my grandmother. My grandfather had a heart attack and died early that morning.

The last episode of significance was one summer night my mother and sister woke me up. Mom wanted me to come downstairs because she was scared. So we go down and I asked why is the living room so cold. It was eerie. I walked into the kitchen and it was warm like most humid PA summer nights with the Windows opened. I went back into the living room and it was still cold, like shivering cold. My sister agreed, and in fact was shivering. Mom told us that she was washing dishes and she heard some banging noises and then heard and saw who she thought was my older brother running down the steps. She said he was wearing all white, full length clothing. She thought it was his long johns. He ran to the front door. She quickly ran to the living room to see what was going on and nobody was there. But she noticed it was cold. That's when she woke us up to come down. The cold hung in that room for at least 30 minutes or more. It was cold the entire time we waited until Mom was ready to go up to bed. The next morning it was back to normal.

After those instances all that had happened was the occasional bumping into a spirit in the hallway at night. It gradually tapered off over the next few years and ended. There have been no occurrences since.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
Ok. So here's my story. I was never a believer or non-believer in ghosts. I thought, well I suppose it's possible. But it was something I would have to see to believe.

During my second marriage, we lived in a two-story center stairway house in Arlington VA. I would walk in the front door and put my keys on the fireplace mantel that was about 4 ft from the front door. Every once in a while I would find them across the living room on the bookshelves. I just figured my wife was moving them. Middle of the winter. All the windows are shut. The bathroom door across from the master bedroom slams shut about 2 AM. This happened several times. After living in the house for two years my wife wakes me one night and tells me there is a man in our bedroom. Of course, I don't see him and she said he disappeared. This happens several more times. One night she nudges me and puts her hand over my mouth so I can't say anything. There is a man standing in the middle of our bedroom. He was wearing blue slacks, a white shirt, and a red vest. "HOLY S**T" comes out of my mouth and poof, he's gone. I saw him two more times, once at the foot of our bed and once next to our bed leaning over looking at my wife.

So we start talking to the neighbors and they told us that the owner before the people who currently own the house, we rented from them, was a man who died in the house and worked at the library of congress. Want to guess what he wore to work every day? Blue slacks, white shirt, and red vest.

So we talked to him, the ghost, and asked him to stop slamming the bathroom door. Which he did. Now, this was not to our benefit. He would slowly close the door at 2 AM. And it would squeak. I could close the same door any which way and could not get it to squeak, but at 2 AM, yup, it squeaked. Every damn time.

We moved out and I visited the neighborhood several years later. The owners we rented from had sold to a young couple with young kids. So I started to talk to the mother and asked her if she had seen him. She had not. I asked about things moving into the house. That had happened. And, she said that her young daughter who was around three had told her about a man that she was talking to in her room. And he started slamming the bathroom door again.

Now, I don't pretend to try and convince people that ghosts are real. You have to make up your own mind. But from what I saw and experienced, I can come to no other conclusion. Like I said, I was on the fence. I no longer am.

BTW, my wife asked me one day why I kept moving her keys from the fireplace mantel to the bookshelves. It wasn't me.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
There was a period in my parents house where strange things were happening. My mom and grandmother always claimed to have seen random ghosts through their life, even as children. The first thing I remember was my Grandmother coming up from the basement and said she saw a ghost standing behind her. I was about 10 at the time. a few years later my older brother awoke in the middle of the night to a ghostly man standing in his room looking at him. Shortly afterwards my sister would wake up to the feeling of someone touching her face. That went on for several years. By the time I was a Senior in high school we were all seeing odd things. My younger brother woke to see a ghostly man in the doorway of our room. I'd see things move. One morning while cooking breakfast at 4:00 am before going out fishing, my brother and I were at the stove and the plate I had out on the counter to put the eggs on slid by itself about 2 feet down the counter. I was so freaked that I wouldn't eat the eggs. A few weeks later I was in the basement exercising. We had full length mirrors along one wall and I'm practicing Kung Fu moves and I suddenly see my great grandmother wooden rocking chair behind me start rocking, suddenly stop, then start again. There were a few other things but one funny instance was with my friend Eric. I always told him about what went on at the house. He got to the point where he would not come in any longer. One day he stopped to pick me up and I insisted he come in and at least stand inside the doorway. We had a cushioned chair by the stairs with a new pair of Dr. Scholl's insoles on the top edge on the back of that chair. My sister is in the room talking to Eric and convincing him that it was highly unlikely that anything could happen while he was waiting. It was after school, around 4:00 pm. Just then that pair of insoles flipped into the air, past the seat cushion and landed on the floor about 3 feet in front of the chair. I never saw anyone run so fast out that door. He never set foot in our house again.

Once I got to college things started to ramp up a little. My mom would be up late and started to see figures in the hallway upstairs frequently. Then my Dad's father told him he got up to pee one night and he turned the corner and all of his dead relatives were in the hall. He was talking to them for a few minutes. He said they told him not to worry he'd be with them soon. A few days later he died of a heart attack.

Later that year while at college, I got a frantic call from my mother around midnight. She was worried that I was ill again. I had a dozen bouts with bacterial meningitis and nearly died several times through my childhood and teen years. It was very odd for her to call so late, so of course I asked why the sudden concern. She said she was in the kitchen and she heard the cat hissing and growling. She walked into the living room and the cat had its back arched looking at a black figure in the living room. It stood there and turned toward my mom and slowly faded away. She was told as a young girl that when a black ghostly figure appears it means there will be a death in the family. The next morning she got a frantic call from my grandmother. My grandfather had a heart attack and died early that morning.

The last episode of significance was one summer night my mother and sister woke me up. Mom wanted me to come downstairs because she was scared. So we go down and I asked why is the living room so cold. It was eerie. I walked into the kitchen and it was warm like most humid PA summer nights with the Windows opened. I went back into the living room and it was still cold, like shivering cold. My sister agreed, and in fact was shivering. Mom told us that she was washing dishes and she heard some banging noises and then heard and saw who she thought was my older brother running down the steps. She said he was wearing all white, full length clothing. She thought it was his long johns. He ran to the front door. She quickly ran to the living room to see what was going on and nobody was there. But she noticed it was cold. That's when she woke us up to come down. The cold hung in that room for at least 30 minutes or more. It was cold the entire time we waited until Mom was ready to go up to bed. The next morning it was back to normal.

After those instances all that had happened was the occasional bumping into a spirit in the hallway at night. It gradually tapered off over the next few years and ended. There have been no occurrences since.

Does your family still own the house? I was going to ask why your family stayed?

Freaky shit.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I was never a believer or non-believer in ghosts. I thought, well I suppose it's possible. But it was something I would have to see to believe.

^ I put myself right here.

Which I hope does not lead to here, someday;

Now, I don't pretend to try and convince people that ghosts are real. You have to make up your own mind. But from what I saw and experienced, I can come to no other conclusion. Like I said, I was on the fence. I no longer am.


Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I've flip-flopped back and forth on this subject most of my life. My mother and a goofy ass friend of hers used to go "ghost hunting" nearly every weekend. I would almost always throw jabs at them for being crackpots.

When my wife was pregnant with our first child, we bought our first home. We got it for 25k below market because the woman that had owned it wanted to leave behind memories. The real estate agent disclosed that her husband had died and she wanted a fresh start. (Crock of shit)

After my daughter was born she slept in our room in a bassinet. My wife worked at 4am and when she went back to work....shit got weird. I woke up one morning and there was a man...or a shadow of a man standing over the bassinet. I remember saying "what the fuck" and the figure looked at me then turned and walked out of the door and down the hallway towards two more bedrooms with no exits. I got up and searched the place with my 410 i kept by the bed. Nothing. All was quiet.

A few months later my daughter was moved into her own bedroom. We had a baby monitor in there for obvious reasons. I woke up one morning to hear my wife in there talking to her. Playfully. Then, it hit me. My wife was at work. I jumped up and ran down the hall to her room. Nothing in there but my daughter laying there happily.

My son was born 18 months after my daughter. And we had family over to meet him. My grandma was there and my daughter kept grabbing her hand and walking into his room. We never went in his room until he was born. Outside of crib building and setting it up, it was mostly just over storage. Now that he was born the door was open and my daughter would play. Well this day she kept taking my grandmas hand and going into this back room and pointing at the same corner of the room towards the ceiling. Freaked my grandma out.

We would hear my daughter talking (as well as a two year old can) to someone over the baby monitor. We couldnt hear them but just her.

My wife and I talked about the odd things that happened but also noted that if there was something going on, it didnt seem to come from a sinister place. I started calling it Henry.

Over the next few months shit started to turn. I would be sitting in the living room chair which sat at an angle with ur left side facing the hallway to the bedrooms. We've all had instanced where you think you see something out of the corner of ur eye. But this was next level. I would see something walking room to room ALL THE TIME. It even got to the point that it seemed that it was rushing me. Got to where I moved the chair.

On three occasions we would hear my daughter scream....yes, she was still talking to Henry st this point. Each time, she would scream and we would go in the room. She would be sitting in the middle of the room crying and would have long scratched on her back.

Then the middle of the night door slamming would start. At this point it was time to move. Three years in this house and the "extra" went from seemingly peaceful to transitioning into aggressive behavior. To this day I believe something happened and something else came in later on.

Once we moved my best friends brother was having a baby and I left a crib and some baby stuff in the garage for him. I didnt know him well but my buddy told him that the garage door was open to just get it. That day my friend called me and said his brother called him freaking out saying something started banging on the door leading to the garage. Scared him so much that he grabbed the shit and ran out.

It has been about 7 years now and that house has been bought and sold by 4 families.

If that womans husband died in that house, it was not peaceful. Or he was the peaceful one. Idk. But that house forever changed the way we look at things.
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Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Whats real? Right. I believe if it happened to you or you experienced it. Then its real, if only to you. Can some one go behind you and debunk everything? Maybe. There is so much we don't understand but sadly so many that believe they know it all.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
My wife is a firm believer. She says she's had experiences and still does to this day. She says I don't have experiences because I'm closed off to it. There are things I can't explain. But since I haven't actually experienced or seen anything I'm a little skeptical that its paranormal.

I have had some things that can't be explained other than weird coincidence. Like having a guardian angel. When I was in my early 20's I worked for a shoe repair shop in Las Vegas. Yes, I was a cobbler. My boss used to make semi annual trips to Mexico to buy leather goods to sell in his two shops. They were so cheap there the profit was really good.

Me and his son drove this old early 60's pickup with a big heavy camper on it. We went to Mexico to pick up all the leather goods my boss purchased. The tank only held 16 gallons and that camper made it like 8 or 10 miles to the gallon. We didn't know we would run out of gas so fast. It was around midnight on I-15 in the desert and sure enough we ran out of gas. We were a couple miles to the nearest town so I let coast as far as it would go. When we got down to about 5 miles per hour the left front wheel broke clean off the studs. The tire rolled across the highway and down a hill in the dark. The truck stopped dead in its tracks.

The boss's son was pissed that we had the bad luck to run out of gas and have the wheel break off in the middle of the night on a lonely highway. I told him "We were so damn lucky! Imagine if that wheel broke off a few minutes earlier when we were going almost 70?" We'd probably roll over several times. That thing was so top heavy. And it didn't have seat belts. Perhaps the weirdest thing is if you do the math our gas mileage on that particular tank load was more like 5 MPG on that tank. After that we probably went an extra hundred miles per tank load.

That one is hard to explain other than lucky coincidence.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Totally real. No doubt in my mind. I wrote about this a while back.



May 16, 2019
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Juggs in my experience the visitor didn't change. When we begin to accept the reality of their existence it's like opening a door. The problem is that we never know who will be the next one thru the door. Not all of my experiences have been positive, there have been some negative ones as well. That is not to say we invite the entities but rather once there is a level of acceptance it makes it easier for them.

For those who are firm in their denials then they will not "see" things that are paranormal because they simply won't accept them for what they are. Things being moved are things we simply misplaced. Noises in the night are simply normal house noises, and etc, etc. I have never been a religious man. But I have been open to many things so perhaps I simply see the world in a different light. This perspective was hardened by my experiences in the service.

One of my rotations was a stint in SICU Trauma Unit Naval Hospital San Diego. I will never forget a Marine who was clinically dead for close to 3 minutes but was revived. The first words out of his mouth were why did we bring him back, and he said it angrily. I had many long talks with him over the next few days. He said he remembered the experience in explicit detail. First, it was like an out of body experience, then suddenly he felt like he was moving through a tunnel of bright colored lights. He said for the first time since his injuries he felt happy with no pain. I asked him if he knew where he was going. He said yes but wouldn't elaborate and simply said it was to a better "life". He didn't want to live like he was here, with no arms or legs and in constant pain. He said he was going there and no one would stop him and pleaded with me not to bring him back. I advised the doctors and they agreed to place him on "no heroics" status meaning no resuscitation would be taken if he died again. He literally willed himself to death over the next few days.

I don't believe in heaven and if there is a hell it's where we are now. I do believe we continue after death with full consciousness of who we are. Those that return here after death IMO do so because they have reasons to do so. Of the dozens of resuscitation I've personally witnessed a surprising number were angry about being brought back. Almost all refused to talk about it only to confirm that death was not being dead it is a transition. It's why I've given my family explicit instructions of "no heroics" when my time comes. It's why I don't want to die but neither do I fear it.

My best friend Ron sent me an email virtually less than a month before his passing. He returned to the church after Nam and became what would be called a "bible thumper". But unlike most of his other bible thumper friends, his experience with Randi changed his perspective on death. He said he no longer feared death because in his opinion it was simply "moving on". One small part of his email stood out.

"It may sound funny but in some ways I can't wait to get out of here. Being sick all the time is no way to live."

Knowing my entire life that death doesn't mean the end of existence has altered my life. It has changed how I live and view the world. I view my time here as a gift that I intend to enjoy for as long as I can. But when my time comes then one door closes and a new door opens. The one thing that Marine who died and returned said to me was that what you believe when you die makes a difference in terms of how you transition after death. If you are 100% focused upon staying here you will, be it as a "ghost" or re-incarnation. But if you are ready to leave you will. That was the choice he made during that short time he said it felt like an out of body experience. He had no reason to stay and didn't want to. The instant he made that decision was when he began his "journey" as he called it.

Take it for what it's worth my friends but know this, dying isn't total death. My friend Ron knew this so it's why I don't grieve for him. I miss him but I don't grieve for him.


Sep 24, 2011
My grandfather was a good man that I loved and respected immensely. I never talked about this but I remember this night like it was yesterday. I am a very sensitive person, my dad insists that I am an empath, but also a rational one... So I tend to take it with a grain of salt. I am the kind of person who knows midflight that my suitcase didn't follow, that kinda shit. I remember one evening not feeling well and decided to go to bed and read a book until I fell asleep. I remember a major storm moved in and then I felt kinda funny, like if I was not alone. My daughter was just born and she was in the next room. I went to check on her and there he was... Standing over her with tears in his eyes. I said grandpa? Is that you? And he turned to look at me and gave me a wink. My phone rang seconds later... It was pops telling me grandpa passed away from a massive heart attack... I went back to check and he was gone... My daughter is now four years old and everytime she sees a picture of him she says she has already seen him and that they have fun together.

I don't know what to think about all this... Never talked about cause I had trouble believing it myself. But I guess if it was really him, I was happy to see him one last time and that he is watching over my daughter.


Jan 23, 2013
Does your family still own the house? I was going to ask why your family stayed?

Freaky shit.

yes Mom and Dad are still in it. Mom hasn't reported anything in over a decade. It got so common for her to see a ghost over those few years that it didn't bother her at all. It always creeped out my siblings and I.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I'm hesitant to talk about this, but I think the reason why my particular “ghost” wasn’t a nice one, is because my best friend and I used to fuck around with a ouija board when we were around 18 or so. We used it 3 times and all 3 times were messed up. First time we were in my room and asked it how many records were in the room. I had a ton, but no clue how many. 4-7 was the answer. So we counted and it was dead nuts right at 47. Second time at his house. Same question. The answer was 19, but that was wrong. He had 17. Until we discovered 2 under his bed the next day. Third time we “summoned” our friend Sean who died the year before to suicide. We asked “what is it like where you are?” It took like 20 minutes before either of our hands moved, and we almost gave up. Then it started moving. C - O - L - D. We both accused the other of moving it of course, so we asked a harder one. “Who else is there?” Started moving immediately this time. S-T-O-P-T-H-I-S. We still blamed each other for moving it, but figured we should just not do it anymore anyway. So we didn’t. I still think we were guiding that thing, but the first couple of things that happened raises a little doubt.


Jan 23, 2013
I've mentioned this in another thread, but it fits here too. There is a series on reincarnation. It's called "The ghost inside my child". If you download IMDB you can watch it for free. IMDB stands for Internet Movie Data Base it's a fantastic resource and I rely on their ratings when on the fence about watching a movie. Anyway they have shows you can watch too. The topics are kids that remember past lives. One sticks out to me because he was a priest that was at the plane crash in the Potomac River. He kept having had dreams and would cry, " I couldn't save them" His family was not religious but the three year old kid knew all about religion. He pointed to the sky and said look at the portals Mommy. That is where the angels come through. He said he was an angel but decided to come back to Earth. Mom couldn't see the portals but he insisted that they were there. He was never taught what a portal was and it would be odd for a three year old to understand the religious stuff.


Jan 23, 2013
Juggs in my experience the visitor didn't change. When we begin to accept the reality of their existence it's like opening a door. The problem is that we never know who will be the next one thru the door. Not all of my experiences have been positive, there have been some negative ones as well. That is not to say we invite the entities but rather once there is a level of acceptance it makes it easier for them.

For those who are firm in their denials then they will not "see" things that are paranormal because they simply won't accept them for what they are. Things being moved are things we simply misplaced. Noises in the night are simply normal house noises, and etc, etc. I have never been a religious man. But I have been open to many things so perhaps I simply see the world in a different light. This perspective was hardened by my experiences in the service.

One of my rotations was a stint in SICU Trauma Unit Naval Hospital San Diego. I will never forget a Marine who was clinically dead for close to 3 minutes but was revived. The first words out of his mouth were why did we bring him back, and he said it angrily. I had many long talks with him over the next few days. He said he remembered the experience in explicit detail. First, it was like an out of body experience, then suddenly he felt like he was moving through a tunnel of bright colored lights. He said for the first time since his injuries he felt happy with no pain. I asked him if he knew where he was going. He said yes but wouldn't elaborate and simply said it was to a better "life". He didn't want to live like he was here, with no arms or legs and in constant pain. He said he was going there and no one would stop him and pleaded with me not to bring him back. I advised the doctors and they agreed to place him on "no heroics" status meaning no resuscitation would be taken if he died again. He literally willed himself to death over the next few days.

I don't believe in heaven and if there is a hell it's where we are now. I do believe we continue after death with full consciousness of who we are. Those that return here after death IMO do so because they have reasons to do so. Of the dozens of resuscitation I've personally witnessed a surprising number were angry about being brought back. Almost all refused to talk about it only to confirm that death was not being dead it is a transition. It's why I've given my family explicit instructions of "no heroics" when my time comes. It's why I don't want to die but neither do I fear it.

My best friend Ron sent me an email virtually less than a month before his passing. He returned to the church after Nam and became what would be called a "bible thumper". But unlike most of his other bible thumper friends, his experience with Randi changed his perspective on death. He said he no longer feared death because in his opinion it was simply "moving on". One small part of his email stood out.

"It may sound funny but in some ways I can't wait to get out of here. Being sick all the time is no way to live."

Knowing my entire life that death doesn't mean the end of existence has altered my life. It has changed how I live and view the world. I view my time here as a gift that I intend to enjoy for as long as I can. But when my time comes then one door closes and a new door opens. The one thing that Marine who died and returned said to me was that what you believe when you die makes a difference in terms of how you transition after death. If you are 100% focused upon staying here you will, be it as a "ghost" or re-incarnation. But if you are ready to leave you will. That was the choice he made during that short time he said it felt like an out of body experience. He had no reason to stay and didn't want to. The instant he made that decision was when he began his "journey" as he called it.

Take it for what it's worth my friends but know this, dying isn't total death. My friend Ron knew this so it's why I don't grieve for him. I miss him but I don't grieve for him.

"When Ghosts Speak" is an interesting book. It is authored by the woman who's life was the basis for that Ghost detective type show that started Jennifer Love Hewitt called "The Ghost Whisperer". Much of what you say is in this book. She said that children can see spirits but it's taught out of them as they grow up. Her Grandmother nurtured the ability once she realized that she could see ghosts. As a kid she could communicate with them. So, her grandmother would take her to funerals of friends family members. She said nearly every time the person in the casket would be standing at one end of it during services. Their is always a light in the background too. Most people want to see who came to their viewing or funeral. She said that they are always shocked that she can see them and communicate. Sometimes they give her messages for family. The light remains for a few days but if the ghost does not go through it then they get stuck here. They are drawn to people and can cause negative energy which makes them feel better. Once they learn this they cause more. Ghosts are not in graveyards, they go to places where people are like malls and theaters. They will follow a family home if they like them, especially if they have kids. But some people become so attached to an object of house and won't leave it. Sometimes they become angry about renovations or just other people living in their house. Sometimes they welcome it. People pay her to go to funerals and ask questions. Sometimes it will be a question about where something was stashed. The ghosts tell her and it's always found. She goes into homes too to move spirits out. She covers many topics, I highly recommend it.


May 16, 2019
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I just found out this past weekend that my aunt died due to complications from COVID-19. She and I were close and the family is perplexed why I'm not broken up about it. But my sisters know why. My brother was in Nam during the Tet offensive and was there during the time frame depicted in the movie Platoon and actually in the same Division. He's been suffering from PTSD because of what he experienced there. He never accepted what I was experiencing even when we were kids. As such he handles death in a more conventional manner and IMO it's the root of all his problems. He was a sergeant in charge of a squad who lost all but himself and one other guy during Tet. He still grieves for them to this day. I've tried to talk to him but of course, his kid brother doesn't understand.

We are all wired differently and a lot depends upon not just our upbringing up our personalities. I also believe that there is a reason we are born helpless infants and stay helpless for so long. It' allows for all our past memories and understandings to be programmed out of us.

One more story if I may. I have a cousin who was born into the family long after most of his other cousins and as such, we were in our late teens and early twenties when he was born. When my uncle and aunt tried to ween him he refused to eat meat. He would get hysterical if he even smelled cooking meat. Eventually, as years passed he "normalized" but to this day he prefers to eat veggies and steamed or baked fish. When he was in middle school I asked him about it. He was very serious and candid when he said it's because he burned to death "last time". He said he was in WW1 as a pilot or aircrew and the plane was shot down and he couldn't get out. I asked him if he had nightmares and he said no because it happened before this life. He's now in his 40's and his wife has a terminal illness. We talked at Christmas and he said the only reason he can deal with his wife's illness is the knowledge that she may not be here with him but that she will go on. So he said they spend each day as a gift for as long as it lasts. She also believes that dying isn't death. She says it allows her to live and enjoy what time she has. His mother was the aunt that passed recently. He understands why I behave like I do and they both feel the same.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I posted mine in the old thread that -X- linked above. It's on page four of that thread.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Had a Sister in law who was never happy, kinda like always worrying about something. Well when my. Bother passed couple years passed before she passed, both were only in their 40s, But my sister always defended her .

Told baby sis B's bro was just a talker never cheated just liked attention from other female.

In the middle of moving went to Georgia, stayed at my Sister's house, wasn't working and like. 2 weeks after I moved thetethere sis in law dies.

Well kids were playing, went outside the front door for kinda quiet time.

And there she is walking towards the St.sign, waving her right arm in the air, like She's the happiest person in the world.

She gets even with the St sign Poof, she disappears. This was all of 6 7seconds and my only Ghost experience


Mar 29, 2020
Other than the Boobies and Booty threads, this may be my favorite.

At times scary, bizarre, humorous and disturbing but very entertaining.

Thanks for the posts. I wish I could contribute but I got nothing; and that makes me both sad and grateful.