That's disappointing. I was hoping 300 pt 2 would be really good.
Damn. And the trailer looked so promising. Oh well.Compared to the 1st its complete garbage. Was hoping it'd be really good as well. Even if you never saw the 1st it'd be a bad movie. I recommend not watching it to be honest. All it did was make me want to watch the 1st again to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
I dug through this thread looking for someone else who saw this movie. I agree, excellent film, very heavy philosophically. Spike Jonze is rapidly becoming my favorite filmmaker. If you liked Her, go back and watch Being John Malkovich... fukin weird man, in the best possible way. Adaptation was also good.
Transformers: Age of Extinction
-I like Mark Wahlberg and thought his charcter was pretty good. His fight while going down the side of a building was awesome.
-the Transformer fights were good as usual.
-it was long, little over 2 1/2 hours(i like long movies)
-Kelsey Grammar was a good bad guy. Stanley Tucci was like Steve Jobs except with some bigger and badder goals.
-the transformer dinosaurs were awesome
-The daughter. Although hot, was annoying IMO.
-The "new" transformers. With how they can break down and move, dont really understand how they could really be destroyed easily at times.
-Plot holes. Lots of stuff happens in this movie and they coulda had more stuff happen, even if small. They talk anout certain things and showncertain things but just glimpses. Some probably for setting up the next movie, some to just make the movie work but nothing more.
-My biggest problem with the movie, which annoyed me through the whole damn thing was the CGI. I dont know why they decided to change the looks of the transformers, but they look different than the first 3 movies(and not in a good way) and to make matters worse, they look like cartoonish syfy channel level cgi crap. In the first 3 they have some realism(as best as possible) to them and good definition, in this one they look like complete fake crap most of the time. Other cgi parts were crap as well. There faces and when they talk looked fake, stupid and crappy. Also the cgi for the new transformium bullcrap looked like crap as well. Annoyed me throughout the whole movie. My wife didnt notice it but I did right away. Maybe im wrong and eyes are getting worse but it put a downer on it the entire movie for me.
If not for the crappy CGI, probably would give it a 7.5/10
Wife ordered They Came Together with Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd last night. Worst move I've ever seen. I put it up there with Napoleon Dynamite and the 2006 Miami Vice in my Trifecta of Terrible Films.
That remains the only movie I've ever started watching on purpose - as in not my wife's or any other significant other's choice - and refused to watch all of it. Awful. Man. Just... couldn't deal with it.I had to watch Napoleon Dynamite three times before I got it. How can you not love a character who claims he can throw a football over the mountains?
That remains the only movie I've ever started watching on purpose - as in not my wife's or any other significant other's choice - and refused to watch all of it. Awful. Man. Just... couldn't deal with it.
Read the book, you'll thank me. The psychological and anthropological study of young brilliant kids being forced to compete and backstab for every scrap of success is gripping.Ender's Game: 5/10
Never read the book, so I couldn't tell you how closely it was followed. Despite nice visuals, the plot was too slow for me and nothing really grabbed my attention until the last half-hour of the flick. I'd give that part an 8/10, but it wasn't enough to improve my overall appraisal.