I'm not backing up any player here.
Both were idiots for fighting after the game. (Ramsey why you gotta wait around after that?)
Both 20-something (read: young-minded) rich athletes who come across (hit on and/or being hit on) lots of women.
I'm not siding with Ramsey, I thought he was a punk even before becoming a Rams player. Knew nothing about Taint.
Another story (not sure if true) is the 3rd baby Ramsey's baby momma had was questionable re: the actual father since it was said she was in another relationship in Jacksonville. Again, don't know if true yet, I didn't do research just heard the rumor. Not justifying Ramsey's actions on some things but in America we have the freedom to leave someone when we don't like the situation or see a better one. (but not the freedom from child support!) There's more to the story here.
Not to derail but would also like to see a thread started on the Donald-Gates tussle and what supposedly caused it. My assumption: Gates held Donald too much or low-blowed or hit him after the play was over. (but would like to see it before settling on exact cause).