I could ALMOST stomach the blue pants with that SWEET ASS yellow that OBJ is rocking....
This x 1000. blue looks wimpy. And white is way better than bone.I like the jerseys more than I used to, for sure. The gradient sucks, the dicknose is lame, the bone is okay.but I prefer white and finally, sometimes our "blue" is too.... I dunno, not "blue" enough.
As a theatrical lighting director, balancing color with contrast is what I do.... hue matters so much. I HATE it when our blue looks like it has teal or cyan in it.
Yeah that logo is pure bad and its not just the not so well hidden dick. It looks like the art work of a 3rd grader who won an art contest.The "Dick-Nose" needs to go.
When the Rams changed their uniforms in 1973, the helmets were the same color Blue as the jersey-Blue. That lasted through most of the 1970s but then (as you noted) the helmet color became much darker. I never could figure-out Why? but I found it a little distracting, especially in game photos.Like many, I was aghast at the new uniforms when they were launched.
Having the helmets the same color just works soooo much better
(why were they traditionally a darker blue, I don't ever remember hearing that?) ...